I have seen German mask wearing skyrocket, with the mask mandate in shops next week, I guess it’s going to be 80%+ who were them on the street.
We’ll see some serious shit in terms of corona infections, they’ll fall like crazy.
I have seen German mask wearing skyrocket, with the mask mandate in shops next week, I guess it’s going to be 80%+ who were them on the street.
We’ll see some serious shit in terms of corona infections, they’ll fall like crazy.
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I'm sure I have nothing to worry about.
You finally get to go out in public while hiding most of your face, of course you are going to feel great.
try breathing in it for 2hours
>You finally get to go out in public while hiding most of your face,
We never had a lockdown, parks are crowded.
You don't need a mask, chlorine is the cure.
>try breathing in it for 2hours
I just did for 1:30 hrs and it was fine.
It will unironically become a zoomie fashion trend
I bought FFP3 masks back in January.
Wearing them is so fucking awful.
Using a mask without goggles
>infections will fall
You don't understand how viruses work do you? I bet you also just wear gloves 24/7 and think that will some how save you. You realize that most viruses are transmitted from your hands picking up the virus and then touching you eyes/mouth/nose/ears, or hands getting virus and touching something like food which you put inside of you. So people that don't constantly change their gloves is basically the same as not wearing gloves at all, if anything not wearing them is better because you're more likely to wash your hands.
With the mask, you realize viruses are microscopic and a cotton mask will do fuck all to prevent it right? If anything it just helps reduce people that have it from spreading it because if you cough/sneeze then there's just something to slow all the sputum and make it go a few centimeters instead of a full meter.
This shit doesn't actually prevent anything... and improper use of it is arguably worse than not using it at all because it provokes a false sense of security.
>not wearing glorious DDR gas mask
Get a load of this pleb.
>regurgitating last month's FUD
check your script, sweetums
is it properly sealed? no leaks around nose area?
I get tired after more than two hours wearing that as the blood gets less oxygenated as you breathe back more of the CO2 you exhaled. Maybe your lungs are in better shape.
>is it properly sealed? no leaks around nose area?
No, it’s a brand new FFP2, made in Germany. I could feel that my breathing went out through the mask, not above or below.
>I bought FFP3 masks back in January.
>Wearing them is so fucking awful.
With or without a valve (Ventil). Because I think FFP3 masks with valves should be banned... they don’t protect anyone, just oneselves.
viruses need to hitch a ride on droplets. And these droplets are larger than virus itself. Surgical masks and respirators stop it easily and also surgical masks and respirators have hydrophobic outside layer so it makes harder for these droplets to get inside. So yes even ffp2/n95 is enough.
You are right with the gloves tho, without gloves you would disinfect the hands more often, with gloves you forget and touch everything and here we go..
>I'm wearing this mask
>can still smell everything
>especially car exhausts and cigarette smoke.
isn't that a sign that it doesn't actually work?
With gloves I actually stop touching my face and am generally more conscious about touching.
nice made in germany, all i can get is made in chinkland
Not wearing a full face with p3 filters. Weak. The mask won’t even filter the ash of da >.
I am not sure whether smells are truly going to be suppressed by an FFP2 mask which only filters 92-95% of air (breathing out and in).
It’s from a company specializing in medical gear. They apparently shifted their production and are making 10 million FFP2s and FFP3s per week - most go to hospitals and old care homes, rest to pharmacies.
This is what the pharma dude in the pharmacy told me, because I asked. He said he ordered 7k masks 2 weeks ago, he is down to 5.8k masks and expects next week he’ll have to order more.
One FFP2 costs 10 euros... which is brutal. But you can use it up to 10 times if you dysinfect and dry it after use.
i wanna fugg her :D:D
Imagine thinking corona is fully airborne. Kek
Only cucks and onions boys wear masks
Dude i get that this quarantine is making us living alone horny but no need to announce ot to us autists. Try no fapping for almodt two months fuck
Don’t forger to prepare your funeral britbong.
How expensive are the cheapest FFP2 now in your countries, Anons?
>A swede
she remind me of dasha tho
>How expensive are the cheapest FFP2 now in your countries, Anons?
No clue. Pharmacies are expensive. I bought 2 FFP2s for 20 euros. As they each can be used up to 10 times, it’s 1 euro per use.
The single use “dentist” masks cost 1.50 euros but don’t protect you much or at all and can’t be reused
How are we supposed to deal with mandatory mask wearing when they're impossible to get in the first place?
That's the one with the dick replica on the inside that you hold in your mouth all day while wearing? OP is obviously a massive faggot.
>How are we supposed to deal with mandatory mask wearing when they're impossible to get in the first place?
There are enough FFP2 masks. Ask in your local pharmacy or go online. Just be certain to buy European made masks, not Chinese ones.