Are you for or against the contraceptive pill? Why?
Are you for or against the contraceptive pill? Why?
Demonic pills.
What makes you say that, user?
Against, the purpose of sex is procreation. It is a fault of society that a decision to have kids is a heavy dilemma.
They fry vaginas
Not really but if you use them it shows that you are a WHORE and you don't deserve to have children later on.
For, the general population should not have the right to control their fertility, just look at the mess that has put us in, shit ton of chinks, pajeets and niggers
My opinions on abortion and contraceptive are fluid.
With most political issues that seem complicated I end up finding that if you put in the mental effort and research enough then they can be simplified, however abortion and contraceptive just get more and more confusing.
I dunno if it's a person when the sperm meets the egg or when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus or whatever, so I don't know if contraceptive pills are abortion.
I just know abortion is a form of eugenics and politicians do it as a form of ritual blood sacrifice. Also anything past 4 months is flat out child murder.
>I don't know if contraceptive pills are abortion
I can try and clear that up :
Contraceptive pills are not used after sex, they are used everyday by women to not be ovulating, there can be no sperms in her womb and she still has to use it.
So there's no baby and so it's not abortion.
Disrupts hormonal cycles, fucks up oxytocin, is poisonous in general, makes women feel depressed, kills sex drive, kills the connection between man and woman.
If you don't want kids, don't have sex.
bc still fucks with you long after youve stopped taking it
>medication that has been proven to destroy female brains, create heavy mood swings, depression, inhibit sexual desire, with various other side effects such as hair loss, acne, obesity, cardiac issues, cancers and so on
The pill should be banned.
I think that's a boy
No because sheboons have the most abortions
The second effets are why I dont take pills to be honest, a condom is always better than something fucking up with your hormones.
What the smart baguette said.
So I can't have sex with my girlfriend unless I want to impregnate her or use a condom? Sounds like feminist bullshit.
I think the pill should be banned until it has been improved.
Condoms will always stay the best in sex with no goal of procreation, even though they arent the safest.
So you are for the pill?
It's not abortion and it prevents black children from being born so why not?
Fuck the pill.
Look into fertility awareness method if you have a partner and are looking for an alternative.
I thought it makes it so the egg can't stick to the uterus.
im against A pill from doctors to prevent pregnancy because itll have side-effects
but also question why we cant do it with girls without having pregnancy? why is life so cruel? or maybe we are supposed to do the girl we like, get pregnant, and keep doing her over and over while shes pregnant???
>Wheres the instruction manuel?
thats my campaign slogan.
I am probably wrong, your version sounds more realistic-
Completely in favor, just imagine this rotten world with double the population.
support it for non whites
oppose it for whites
self explanatory
Literally the cause of all peak feminism that plagues the modern era. Without it, roasties wouldn't develop a culture of being complete and total degenerate whores. Throw in abortion, you have the full package.
There is no debate. This happened within a mere matter of 1-3 decades after the contraceptive pill became widely available.
Ban contraceptive pills and feminism as any noteworthy concern, would begin to evaporate within a generation the same as it grew like baked dough. Women broadly would be forced to be chaste again. Divorce laws, child support, abortion, and all the rest would follow suit with the lynchpin that props them all up together. They're stacked upon the mountain that is the pill, which lets all women run wild with harlotry.
No pill, no women's lib.
against, you should never ever fuck with hormones, it's literally a mad scientist idea if you ask me. I was on antidepressants which only INdirectly effect hormones, and they made me feel like shit.
Why fuck with hormones (at the expense of the taxpayer) when you can just use condoms. combine it condoms with the pull-out method if you are so desperate to have casual sex, no need to fuck up your hormones and mke pharmacuetical companies rich when you can just use a cheap, 99% effective condom
you would rather put your girlfriend through wide-ranging physiological changes on a 24 indefinite period (possibly with permanent effect) that directly lines the pockets of pharmaceutical companies ((board members)) than reduce your own pleasure by ~10/15% by wearing a condom?
I know the pleasure of going in bareback seems to be on another level to condom sex, but it's not like sex with a condom is not worth it. Be a man and make a small sacrifice
The pill will slowly cause you to go batshit