
ITT we discuss Varg's politics and philosophy

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p.s. Thor is the only white superhero in the pic

He really let himself go

just fattening up during winter bro. low body fat % is for niggers according to him.

An Iranian cleric said when asked if he planned to retaliate for the assassination of Soleimani by assassinating an American hero. And he responded by saying America has no real heroes, only fictional ones, what is he going to do kill Spiderman? So apt.


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Complete innawoods faux nordic pretend viking faggot with a masculinity issue. Preaches to youtube of all places to other insecure men.


Why do you want to be the descendant of the first recorded cuckold in human history so much? Why is your "happy end" being surrounded by shitskins and singing holy holy holy to the jew god forever?

I'm really trying to understand you uh people.

he's a retard but i still kind of like him

That belly... He started drinking?

he unironically doesn't believe in Indo-Europeans

By the time he left prison his ideology became cringe and he's the kind of person who won't change his views for anyone.

Genius musician, cretin theorist. Kinda like Wagner.

He's an interesting figure, he directs the energies of edgelord teens and school-shooter types towards LARPing and "survivalism".
Overall i'm glad he makes content, but i'm worried about how many people unironically believe his word on history adn science when he's barely literate. Also not learning french after forming a family and living there for so long is nigger-tier

he unironically helped me through my angsty teen years, but that was before he started the cringe youtube stuff

This. He inspired me to start reading and learning. I like him a lot.

Varg masturbates so furiously, He invented blacked metal and plays a little synthesizer. His music is so scary! It’s like that movie Leprechaun or Troll.

I identify a lot with Varg, not the paganism, though. I hate the world and wish I lived in another world. That's the essence of what Varg is about, I think.

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Why is this pagan larping faggot shilled here so much. I mean the dude wears chainmail as normal attire, no Viking or Dane or any Germanic tribe wore it around all the time it was heavy and prone to rust. This dude is the eurocuck equivalent of a weeb.

A man that claims to despise the technology he uses on a daily basis, a massive hypocritical egomaniac that tells you to go live in the forests and reject society while he leeches from society and lives with technology, truly a retard.

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Someone probably gave it to him as a gift and he put it on to show people.

Imagine being a pagan and basing most of your life's work on books written by a christian fundamentalist.

Do good christians teach children pagan heathen ways these days?

He's a faggot and so are you


Literally who

>Thread full of cringe kikestians expressing their seething hatred for European religion

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What about Louis Cachet?

>Vikings didn't kill anyone who wasn't Christian


Nice picture but that bottom text makes no sense since there's no white people involved.


He dont speak french, how?
He is the usual migrant then, leeching gibs, hating locals and not even being able to talk french correctly.

dunno but his scotty kilmer vid was funny as fuck