
"Violates community guidelines" my arse.

Attached: Healight search.png (1595x698, 85.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This is that ultraviolet disinfection inside the body that Trump talked about by the way. Now magically scrubbed from Youtube...

reported the other video too Andy

Reported why? Because it outs you all as retarded?

Shut the fuck up and drink your bleach

Repeat after me:

UV Lights do NOT disinfect
The president DID advise people to inject bleach directly into their bodies
Diversity is Strength
Freedom is Slavery
2 + 2 = 5


>Cedars-Sinai-Developed ‘Healight’ Medical Device Platform Technology Being Studied as a Potential First-in-Class COVID-19 Treatment

>Conference Call Scheduled for Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 4:30 pm ET

>ENGLEWOOD, CO / ACCESSWIRE / April 20, 2020 / Aytu BioScience, Inc. (NASDAQ:AYTU) (the “Company”), a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on commercializing novel products that address significant patient needs announced today that it has signed an exclusive worldwide license from Cedars-Sinai to develop and commercialize the Healight Platform Technology (“Healight”). This medical device technology platform, discovered and developed by scientists at Cedars-Sinai, is being studied as a potential first-in-class treatment for coronavirus and other respiratory infections.

Can never be wrong if you erase all contrary evidence, right? Faggot.

Scamming people is against the guidelines.

drink your bleach faggot.

They'll just say it's "false information" about corona cure and no one will question it...

Imagine being this much of a retarded faggot.

Attached: 091823097123.jpg (838x461, 34.31K)

UV light doesn't even reduce viral load in lungs when you take the lungs fully out of the body to shine it on them.


Are the shining the light on it from the outside, or have they inserted it inside?

You don't need to reduce the viral load in the lungs. If you reduce it in the blood the immune system will take care of the lungs because it has one less thing to worry about.

uv light kills bacteria
trump did not say such thing
you cant even give a source
you are a paid glownigger
enjoy your eternal hellfire

UV light kills bacteria, viruses and protozoa.

Also I note that they have used UVC there. The Healight uses UVA.

Shining from the outside is the best you can expect. Oxyhemoglobin is quite opaque to UV light, so you only get about .5mm of penetration into tissue. This means it works best on flat smooth surfaces that don't block the path to the light. That is not lungs. The inside of lungs are the most complex surface of the human body that can be exposed to light without cutting, but UV light will not get far in them.

Attached: spectra.jpg (612x509, 36.24K)

>UVA - Reaches deep into layers of skin

Attached: UV ABC.jpg (1280x720, 73.62K)

Coronaviruses spread primarily through mucosal lumen, not blood.

The skin isn't filled with oxygenated blood.

For all of UV A B and C?

Look at the absorbtion spectra graph I posted, UV light is everything below 400 nm on the X axis. UVA is between 315 and 400nm. Notice that spike at around 400nm? That means UVA is especially poor for penetrating blood.

Upload more copies of the video to Youtube. Shills are mass flagging.





Attached: 1587787003657.jpg (1024x512, 92.55K)

YouTube, trying hard to lead the public away from information cheaks out.

The spike peaks around 400 nm, but around 315 it is far lower.

From the AP article they say "a specific spectrum of UV-A light". I don't know what that is and it's probably some trade secret, but from your graph it is not so simple as to say "look there's a spike around 400, therefore UVA doesn't work".

god, I wish that were me

>Trump finally finds a way to literally kill of all the vampires sucking the world dry

no wonder shills are so nervous

I'm am fucking pale as a ghost because of this quarentine, can clearly see my veins and shit. I look like a corpse.
I am going to be bullied when this quarentine is over because of my pasty skin. Fuckkkkkkkkkkk

This level of seething puts your life at risk m8

but you've forgotten the nature of an infection. its in fact an invasion - spiritual warfare for your blood. in other words, the time to push ladders off the castle walls is prior to the enemy climbing them. when the enemy is already in the temple, there is nothing to repel. Imagine a shining light permanently implanted within your lungs, similar to a bug zapper. a light so bright your chests skin illuminates internals. an active defense against the unseen forces... the healing light of truth banishes them.

Attached: internalhealinglight.png (319x401, 16.54K)

FDA doesnt want to help them, they dont get any dollars to help them... it works

The jew cabal is surpressing this kind of treatement lmfao. It seems to work against fucking everything. no wonder the MSM is going haywire and hiring shills here lmao

theres a reason in every fantasy game they imagine the 'holy healing spells' as flashes of golden light engulfing the target... its predictive programming to delegitimize the true nature of the healing power of light.