When did you realize the press was the enemy of the people?

When did you realize the press was the enemy of the people?

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2016, but I knew that it was a business and it was biased, CNN vs Fox. But I didn't know much about Jews then. No one had ever taught me that the media was run by the Jews, or that the Jews bet on all horses.

I watched the briefing and it in no way appears that he is being sarcastic. Your God Emperor is a fucking retard

>OP) #
People keep saying that Trump supporters are coping, that’s just not true they are flat out in denial. Textbook denial He is not a genius, he’s a fucking retard and you need to accept it

After Fox News reported that Trump wasn't brain dead from years of injecting bleach into his bloodstream.

And you're getting 5 more years of him sweety lol :)

He wasn't sarcastic, he questioned if it was possible to inject disinfectants to a head of virology.

He didnt say to drink bleach or promote doing it either though, just asking a dumbass question.

>say something retarded
>later say you were only joking
People do this since little kids in school and it never works. But apparently it works in the cult.

2016 election, media tore the mask off always knew of biases but the mask flew off for trump


Saline solution is a disinfectant. It is regularly injected.


LOL I was just being sarcastic to see what everybody would do.
And all the fucking trump lovers eat it up and push the line.
Then they call everyone else shills.
The cognitive dissonance is amazing and the scary part is that they’re not trolling they really believe this shit

i Agreee MIGA

Five guys.

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imagine being this assblasted lmao

5 more years baby suck it haha

>Media stages nurses blocking traffic

Sep 11th 2001

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Saline solutions are used to flush not to disinfect.

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I'm furious that it will become written history that Trump told Americans to drink bleach and inject Lysol.

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Ask me how i know you are a redditor

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oh edgy

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No conservativea juat understand the country is better off with a republican president. We're fully aware that trump says nonsensical things. hes clearly not the best at talking about medical stuff. This is how level headed peolle put things into perspective instead of sperging out like a screeching libtard. This is why conservatives appear more sane in general than libtards/NPCs

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During prelude to the Iraq War.

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When did you realize you were a cultist?

For someone who doesn't care about you and isn't promising you anything, at that. A lemming.

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>We're fully aware that trump says nonsensical things
Then why are you all defending him by saying he didn't say that, he meant something else, he was just joking, etc?

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2016. Began to notice a certain ethnic group ever since.

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When I googled luggenpresse and all I got was NYT articled and jews slandering the president

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