Holy Roman Empire


>huge Empire at the centre of Europe
>incorporates Germany, Italy, France, other countries
>existed for A THOUSAND years

>barely mentioned
>barely exists in textbooks
>almost never comes up in Great Empire discussions

Why is the HRM neglected? A thousand years puts is among the top of the Empire longevity scale.

Attached: 1280px-Holy_Roman_Empire_at_its_territorial_apex_(per_consensus).svg.png (1280x896, 272K)

Fake news

Because it was mainly German at its core, and we’ve all been brainwashed to dislike anything German for some unknown reason

>barely mentioned
>barely exists in textbooks
In Poland we learn a lot about HRE during our education. Its like the most basic historical knowlege

Fair point

These niggers took down the Republic of Florence.

>barely mentioned
>barely exists in textbooks
Nice education bro
>almost never comes up in Great Empire discussions
It was not holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.

Attached: brainlet-fidget-spinner.png (500x836, 106.71K)

Maybe because part of your territory and people were incorporated in it? Otherwise it would be one page tops.


HRE is basically medieval Germany, if you play a medieval Europe strategy games, you will know about the HRE.

Not a lot movies about it though, ironically, more japanese anime seems to cover the HRE than the american movies.

Compare it to other Empires in your textbooks and tell me I'm not right.

>caring about Europe past non-christcuck Roman Empire
>caring about monarchy past Renaissance

You are missing a lot of history, huebro.

Because propaganda

It dwarfs every other country in comparison

Attached: HRE.jpg (4352x4352, 3.76M)

The evolution of the Gauk infested post-Roman lands into the Frankish kingdoms and then the HRE is absolutely fascinating.


Maybe because of Germans themselves?

>huge Empire at the best part of Europe
>incorporates Greece, pre-Turkey, Albania, other countries
>existed for A THOUSAND years

>barely mentioned
>barely exists in textbooks
>almost never comes up in Great Empire discussions

Why is the ERE neglected? A thousand years puts is among the top of the Empire longevity scale.

Attached: byzantiums.png (860x920, 261.58K)

Holy fuck that pic is orgasmic.

Like everyone know the Siege of Constantinople.

The fuck is ERE?

I know, it's just not really worth it other than learning some key facts to pass onto our children so they won't make the same mistakes our ancestors did



That’s defiantly a factor, interesting race always one extreme or the other never in the middle

Ah Eastern Roman Empire

It is WIDELY KNOWN and in no way neglected as the HRE. Eveyr textbook has almost as much text on it as on Rome proper.

I'm my school the ERE wasn't neglected, maybe it's because I'm from Venice which is really connected to the eastern mediterranean

Eastern Roman Empire

we didnt cover it at all and my entire country is in it bro

I never learned about it in school in France. I discovered it existed only in evropa universalis IV.

it's a memepire

See, weird af

Pick none


Holy Roman Empire was basically just a meme

Germans are ambitious and always misunderstood. They will always be like that.
If you have good European education (Italian, German, French) it will not. But not everyone is lucky I guess

>1000 years

Your rightful overlord.

I agree. I learned about it years after I finished school. Never heard about it in history classes during middle school/high school/etc... even though we did study wars against it. But surprisingly, it was never mentionned directly, best we got was Charles the 5th briefly mentionned, like he was an emperor of Spain or something.