What's the last book you read?

What's the last book you read?

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>reading lauren southern

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No honey, it was the Jews.

>reading ghost-written trash from an opportunistic egirl
Unless you're a female yourself that is some major cringe right there

Bleak House by Charles Dickens.

You have no idea how much bleach that dude injected into himself before writing that book.


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The KJV Bible

>Coal burning opportunist pays a ghostwriter to write a book

Somehow this will be relevant.

Are you a sexist bigot?

War and Peace

The complete history of smallarms evolution from the late 1800’s to the late 1900’s, with a particular emphasis on how the AK47 completely changed the game. Great fucking book, and impeccably researched and documented.

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Cringe. Nothing worse than stupid, loud mouthed white girls being controversial for money and their dumb "male" followers.

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She is a roastie coalburner

>a book written by a woman

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Pretty based. I'm reading "Social Engineering" by Christopher Hadnagy now. And I'll be starting Dante Alighieri's Divine comedy right after that

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>he doesn't read savitri devi

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theory of moral sentiments by adam smith, while subcutaneously administering sunlight in moderate doses.

not the best read these days, wouldn't mind a recommendation.

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Do Catholics read the KJV or do they read another version?


Jewesses are cute, pretty, beautiful, sexy, smart, wealthy, traditional, religious, have nice Khazar Milkers, and White enough to have White babies with.

Jewesses are the real alternative to White women. Take the Jewesspill anons.


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Il dizionario di Miguel Serrano

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I don't read a lot but last one book I read was 1984. It's a pretty scary glimpse into a potential authoritarian future. Especially with all the recent advances in technology and how governments are scrambling to gather all our meta data and undertake mass surveillance on everyone.


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>It's a pretty scary glimpse into a potential authoritarian future

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>What's the last book you read?

it's funny how the white men of the far right are such stingy, poorfag, little jews with their precious shekels and never support the attempts to create mass media that actually caters to them. Like Lauren's book for example. Literally no one bought it. ...But the "men" of the far right always have money for their sportsball, vidya, gaming PCs, and other pointless """"hobbies""".

What's even funnier is the thought of Lauren screaming in ecstasy every single night as she has sex with black males.

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They read their own version which is trash and omits stuff. KJB is the best English version to read, none of that new KJB either.

Cool an american liked my comment :D

cheeky fella

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>meta data as two words
>pretty scary glimpse

mobile and reddit user confirmed, gtfo

Probably because there aren't that many men on the far right. Most are just on the right.

Meanwhile, the appeal for socialism has largely increase amongst the left, the media on the left constantly smears republicans in nearly every story it runs, and the left is responsible for most political violence. So yeah, they're mostly far left idiots.

And we all know that I'm right.

Evola's Mystery of the Grail
Current Book: Evola's Mystery of the Grail

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Since im not a virgin, this one

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The Road
it was really good

>meta data as two words
>mobile and reddit user confirmed
Shit ya got me :O.

I'll see myself out.

Edit: thanks for the gold!

Ecce Homo by Nietzsche

Great book right here

Sayings of the desert father's

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>Catholic Bible omits stuff
>Shilling for KJV
>Protestant cuck, sola scriptura but doesn’t have the Deuterocanonical books

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