Here's what Trump actually said about disinfectants

There you go.
It was pretty fucking reasonable.

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>is bleach good for you?

>is cutting off your penis good for you?

Attached: tumblr_ow3jjaScbm1wpoieco1_1280.jpg (1280x1409, 163.06K)

> we should test everything ! Test eating crap ! Test a bullet in the head !

Why you keep posting androgynous trannys

Kim Jong Un is dead! And you are talking about this? Can't wait until the NK military take control and launch a invasion of worst Korea!

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Just nuke China mr Trump.

Your people have proved they arent worth saving, as ours arent. As swedes arent, as the french arent ........
Become as loved as Hitler, admittedly it takes time, usually after your death. But isnt that the same for artists and mediocre pop stars.
Getting rid of China would be a world great achievement.

Just do it.

The fact remains that injecting Lysol is still more effective than just drinking it.

Attached: Lysol-good.png (471x501, 669.32K)

no it wasnt
bringing up the idea of injecting disinfectant is stupid
even asking about it is foolish

Korea is China's Florida

Why did you post a tranny in your OP? How much bleach have you injected into yourself? How homosex have you made yourself?

user... You seem confused...

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I bet she hasn't or can't read that

Wow, she really likes Trump

>video contains transcript
>no it wasnt
Why be a nigger?

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look at the flippers on this gook

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Well its hard to tell when she is shaped like a 14 year old boy

Yeah. She basically got run off the internet for it.

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The same trannies shilling Sanders a month ago have now being redirected into astroturfing this shit

Shut the fuck up and drink your bleach

OP, why do trannies like the one in your pic love Trump so much? Is it because he is married to one or because he is the father of two trannies?

No, it's because

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That's not a tranny retard. Lurking: do more

Sorry user, that photo has been debunked. The verdict is still out, we don't know if he is dead or not.
The fact that he hasnt been seen in public for a while is telling though.

>Test eating crap
Super power India is testing this theory as we speak

Looks shooped

Checked!!!! Also, it seems to be working!

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How long will this bleach shit last?
Im over it already bets anyone?

>believing that isn't a man
>believing anyone but a tranny would vote for Trump
>being this retarded


It's not.

Attached: shot0034ne.jpg (492x440, 48.28K)

If thats the case. I command you. Get in the bin.

Korean women are probably the worst demographic on the face of the earth. Imagine trying to be a Korean woman. Fucking gross.

Asian girls belong to Asians user. We get it. I get a twinge of hatred when I see a white girl with a nigger.....
Even though that white woman is an drugs and is 300+ lbs or (100ish Kilos for the rest of the world) ....its disgusting!