Is this map accurate?

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>Ireland cucked
>Ukraine land of prostitutes based

only serbians are really based. they do russia tier stuff, without nukes, gas, men power, land size etc.

I've fucked more Czech and Slovak girls in my life than other ethnicities combined (resulted in one's pregnancy and she wanted to marry and have a West Asian mutt baby but I didn't want a mutt and a slutchild)

so, not really. no

Yes. That's the most accurate map.

Which one is filling up with browns?

ireland is extremely cucked.We're gonna sweden ourselves in the shortest amount of time possible .

The only people to survive in belgrade on 300 euros a month.

add greece to based and make a special role for russia called "mentally retarded"

>no based on all the Middle East except turkey and Israel

Actually, Ukraine has a kike for president so they can't be BASED. Iceland is lucky they're so far away. Otherwise they'd be right up there with the Nordic/Anglo faggotry

>baltic trio
all cucked
cucked - the borders of ukraine in this map arent even the real borders
cucked - they dont even have control of their entire country
cucked- they had to rename their entire country cuz of greece (which is based)
need i say more?

italy, portugal, spain and as aforementioned, greece are all pretty based tho

heh that's cute , ukrainians survive off 100euros a month

Poland based? Our youth is hopeless.


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Nope... Everyone is cucked


How is Russia cucked?

This map will tell you the truth

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Ironically, this kike is not too much into globohomo, but all his friends are, so we're steadily heading there.
IMF is our best friend and all.
t. Ukrainian


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And again: NO

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Denmark is based too, so is Norway and Iceland

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Based and Intermarium pilled
Fuck western cucks and fuck Mongol russkies


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Chezks are the biggest sodomites. They have abandoned Christ. Which is weird considering how based and cath-pilled poles are

Remove Czechs and Ukranians, add Russians and yes

>Romania based
Absolutely not with Holocaust denying and jews in power.
>Moldova based
What >254982122 said

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Wtf why arent we sending the Greeks ALL our money

depends on how you look at albanians, they are really cucking countries surrounding them

Ah fuck, you beat me to it

Doesn't Serbia have a lesbian prime minister?

Why is almost all of Russia cucked except for Crimea?

she's croatian also lol

>Part of the EU

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Wasn’t Ireland traditional catholic just one generation ago?

they're called skopje you uneducated faggot. how hard is it for you to say it right?

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EU has to take refugees as part of EU program, problem is ireland isn't even an entire island and only has like 2 developed cities so they dump all niggers and muslims into those 2 cities making the country completely fucked up

because all of their intellectuals got massacred by communist jews , aka the bolshevik massacre that killed tens of millions of russians , all of their elite got murdered , and then murdered some more during ww2 and all that was left of the russian people was a bunch of retards , that's why all russian countries and ex soviet union countries are all a bunch of drunken grugs

I would say that Italy is more on the based side

We may be mini Russia, but we are far from based. Our government is filled with degenerate Soros cucks and retarded chauvinists. Only young people are more or less based, boomers were severely brainwashed with all the Yugo bullshit.


Not im belgrade they dont. Belgrade is expensive.

We are not based because we are mini russia lmao
>commie partisan parades every year

Italy is half way between based and cucked, tbqh.

boomers and people that remember the 90s are based, only more based are the ones that remember the 40-50s. I was 12 when the shit hit the fan,and remember how based serbian bros always were.

a serbian croat lesbians is twice the man a western man can ever be.

not specific enough. should be done by counties.

Can a corrupted shithole really be "based" just because it hates niggers, sand niggers, fags and trannies?