Band of wild nigger apes beat and rob 102 year old Holocaust Survivor

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>letting niggers take care of your elderly
what could possibly go wrong?

you take me for example, put me on this earth 400 years ago. theres no way in hell i would sail to africa, pay money for niggers, and bring them back home. wtf was going on.

>band of wild nigger apes

Better a late punishment for decades of lying than none

Finally those Based black people I've heard so much about.

Reminder that Jews are the most reliable voter base of the democratic party and they get what they deserve

>survive holocaust
>die when someone takes your money
Jews live by the coin and die by the coin

>wouldn’t pay for basically a work animal that can talk

if only she were one of Diamond and Silk

>tfw you survive the holocoaster and the masturbation machines then some niggers steal your shekels

Truly annuda shoah.

That 184000$ are all German Tax payer money

How much of that $184K USD was from milking that phoney Holohoax bullshit?

Is this based or no...?

>survived holocaust
>couldn't survive diversity



>that can talk
>but cant work


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holocaust survivor... so... good?

the fuck is up with all the "holocost survivor ded"-threads today?

It's a good thing Holocaust survivors are unkillable.


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>surviving sumthing that never took place

Jew logic

Based niggers! These niggers will be deported last.

Kek. They try so hard to go undetected.

Oy vey!

This, with additional recognition for numeric representation.

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pic thisL living in dirt hurt 3 wife 2 kid. landlord up ur ass no respect. go to america with 2 wife 1 kid. landlord new up ur ass but big land can farm. wish brought kid brought 1 kid 2 wife work hardd.
wifes make 10$ a day kid 1$ a day.
nigger cost $50 can make 10$ a day. scary, if he run guards shoot. need to protect my nog. nig will be loyal, i protect him from bullets.
buy nig for $30. make $10 more. buy more and more nig. now own 100 nigs, big farm. making $1000 a day but cant spend because no global trade. frustrated so i bang fem-nog with the help of male-nog. they happy because no bullet-nog.

100 year later the children nigs are all half white. i spent my money on tobacco

They killed a jew, so there is some good news to this story.

Fucking hell have the Jews not suffered enough? Anyone who denies the Holocaust deserves a prison sentence

In the year 2050 they are still gonna be pushing holocaust survivor shit aren’t they?

Fucking white supremicists we need to take their guns and criminalize holocaust denial immediately

Back in those days you could simply beat them to death

Nobody is able to capture the true essence of people, gorillas, and rats like A. Wyatt Mann.

Why are niggers so ugly? Look at any pure blooded black woman and tell me you'd fuck her. Everyone panicking over "white women" going for niggers doesn't get that those whores were never going to be good wives and mothers. Most women wouldn't fuck a nigger for the reason we wouldn't fuck a niggress. The main problem today is outright degeneracy with porn and tinder, which is much more widespread than coal-burning among roasties.

Does the name arron Lopez mean anything? Eat shit kikes.

He relaxed. The fool.

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Oh. So the only time black crime gets reported properly in the media is when the victim is a jew.