I'm weaponizing autism take 2

>be me
>born in North Korea
>not sure what's going on
>mom smuggles me in a bag into South Korea
>wtf is going on
>she passes me to a church and now i'm living with my new dad and family
>i got adopted. I have a new mom.
>I haven't met my dad yet I wonder what he's like.
>My mom is taking me to America. The plane stinks.
>I met my Dad. He's loud.
>My Dad likes to drink out of a green bottle a lot. I don't like the smell.
>I'm trying to sleep. I hear them fighting in the garage.
>I hear them yelling. I think my Dad just hit my Mom.
>I'm 7 now. I have a new mom.
>She bought me a gameboy. So she's cool I guess.
>I guess I'll go to school now. I'll just eat some cereal and get on the bus.
>I get home. I should leave these on the table. Hey they left me some money. Cool.
>I'm 13 now. My parents moved away. I'm living with my step brother now.
>He's cool. He takes me to church and stuff.
>Something happen... He's moving too.
>I guess I'm living with my... cousin now? Okay
>This is alright. We don't really talk much.
>I'm 16 now.
>My parents came back and gave me a car. Cool.
>I guess they're gone now. My cousins moving out too. Oh well.
>I guess I'll go to school now.
>Idk what i'm feeling right now but I don't like it. It's probably better just to not feel this way.
>Hey I graduated. Nobody's here. Well that's fine.
>I'm checking my mail. I got a scholarship. Cool. I don't have to write an essay. That sounds cool. I guess I know what I'm doing for now.
>I get to school. I need a job. I guess I'll go check out what's around.
>It's hard to get a job. I got caught with weed when I was 18 and now nobody'll hire me.
>I found a job. It's at a motel. Cool.
>It's 2am another night shift okay.
>I need to stay awake for this class.
>my friend gives me a pill.
>everything is zooming by me.
>this is great.
>I keep taking them
>I start to lose weight
>I drop out of school and move back home.
>I move to Oklahoma to be with my parents.
>I meet somebody outside my apartment complex.

Attached: card 2.png (1920x1080, 2.52M)

Other urls found in this thread:


korean orphans adopted in the USA are the most fucked up people you can meet.

Chapter 2
>He seems a little buggy but I guess he's alright.
>He pulls out a bag.
>It looks like powder.
>He pulls out a pencap.
"Hey wanna bump?"
>What do you mean?
>He takes some of the powder on his pen cap and snorts it.
>He hands it to me.
>Sure I guess.
>I snort it.
>World is zooming by.
>t h is is great
>I met a girl.
>She was cute.
>We started going out. This is great.
>It's been a while no w.
>She tells me tha t sh e' s pre gn ant
>W e can 't have a bab y ri ght now
>She got an abortion
>She's losing weight now. What do I do?
>She won't eat wh y won 't she e AT?
>Hey she's feeling better.
>She's smiling again.
>She's eating again.
>She tells me she's pregnant again.
>Turns out to be a dud.
>Baby died again.
>She moved out today.
>She flew back home to be with her parent s.
>I gues s i' m a lo ne a gain.
>I ende d u p in j ai l a g a in.
>It's c old.
>I guess I'm out of jail.
>It's raining but my phone died. They won't let me inside.
>It's cold.
>It's dark I can't see where I'm going.
>Fuck if only I could use my phone.
>There's no cars around.
>I start running t hrough the city
>I stop.
>I find a building with people in it.
>The guy comes and opens the door.
>He charges my phone and gives me a blanket.
>I can't go inside.
>I wait.
>My phone has some juice.
>I thank him and call an uber.
>I go to a gas station for snacks and a charger.
>Phew I made it out of that one.
>I get a new place and find some new friends.
>I get a call. Things aren't going too well for her...
>t hi s is ba d.
>m y fri end is mo ving b a ck in with hi s gir lfriend.
>I gue s s th is is o k a y
>I ha ve to move ou t now.
>so m e one sto le my t.v. whi le i wa s gone.
>y ou kno w what thi s pl a c e is nt so b a d
>i pus h the soc ket ba c k in to the wa l l.
>w e s top ped ta lkin g
>maybe i'll jus t play some game s
>or watch a li l anim e
>i like singing this is fun
>maybe i should try writing
>whats all this stuff i had in my bag
>there's a lot of papers and stuff

>huh. "Articles of Incorporation"
>whats all this fancy stuff
>oh i remember. i guess i made these a long time ago.
>it's been a few years huh.
>Heh it's almost april. 4/20 blaze it.
>hey who's this.
>a vrstreamer? hey she sings this is cool.
>she's sick? oh. she's sick...
>she needs blood? maybe i can donate
>i find out my blood is AB-
>oh well i guess i cant donate my blood to her.
>she needs plasma
>i look it up.
>hey i'm the rarest blood type and she can take my plasma. cool.
>i wonder what i shouulllddd gdooo
>I'm thinking about my past.
>I think back to how I acted.
>Maybe I was just autistic.
>Then I thought about it.
>Being autistic just means you're different and i'm pretty different I guess
>April is ADHD and autism awareness month. April is primary immunodeficiency month.
>hey she's blowing up!
>look at that 1.2k viewers. It's only been a few months. That's crazy.
>what's chat saying?
>believe in what?

I'm weaponizing autism.

Do you like and prefer the company of men sexually?

I'm pretty fucked up.
In fact I'm plotting on taking over the world and starting a new religion.


The name is meant for kids. Not for fags.

You are gay?

No - I'm bi tho. If you get the right mixture of chemicals in me.


blaze it

Everyone is “fucked up” you’ve just strayed too far away from the source. You are behaving incorrectly and egotistically. You’re life will never get better until you stop worshipping yourself and start worshipping God. You must order yourself properly to fix yourself.

You know you're God too right?
Who do you really worship?
How would you explain that to people who believe otherwise.
You just have not fully understood the Word yet and should return to studying it with more fervor.

hello friend. have you been drinking enough water? it is easy to forget. you have had a long journey. it must have been very difficult. it is okay. it is over now. aren't you glad that you are here? i know we are.

Believing that everyone is God is already being in hell. If you do not believe that there is a higher source and that you must order yourself to it then you will fail in everything you do in life. Trying to save yourself will result in drug use and making incoherent posts on Yas Forums.

In fact the failure to recognize one's own holy self is brought upon the manifestation of an ego. Because of your ego, your sense of self, you form a boundary between your spirit and the rest of the Universe. You should experiment with some DMT or focus on meditating more to dissolve your ego.

The higher source of power is simply the systems at large. God made this universe for you to grow, not to become stagnant and dependent upon him. He is here to guide you however you as humans must make the effort to change the world yourselves. Miracles are brought upon by human hands.

Do not trust in the things that happen when you are using drugs. I have felt that way too but it is a deception


I just got myself another bottle. Thanks for reminding me.

Unfortunately I am currently appealing a Twitter Code of Conduct violation for calling President Trump a "KEKKEKCUKKEK"
I'm working on building a case to sue them for violating my First Amendment Rights as in regards to it being religious speech and about a public figure.

Trump also sent the Secret Service to my home in an attempt to silence me. But all they could do was ask for my medical records.

I trust in what I know. God is not you or me. The “oneness” you feel is a lie. Look at yourself. A “bisexual” drug user. Think about the evil that you have done, this evil is not one with God and you cannot be one with God because of your sins. You must let go of this lifestyle you live

Nth is is the gayest thread I've ever read. If you shaved your arse and walked into a room doing a handstand flogging yourself with dragon dildo nunchucks that had one end stuck in your butt and your cock and balls looked like a macro impressionist attempt at a caricature of groucho Marx because you were doing a handstand, you know what I'd say ...., no, not "wow look at this guy doing a groucho Marx impersonation with the most amusing take on whiffle ball since the beastie boys", no. I'd say OP IS A FAGGOT

I'm trying to #KEKTRUMP2020

Attached: rs=w_1280.jpg (535x569, 45.54K)

Ah you sly devil.
God has sent me down in the flesh to experience the pain that his people experience every day.
Nothing you do can ever make my faith waver so how's about you go and suck a sloppy wet donkey dick. Sad pathetic Trump. How much did you pay your tiny brained writers to make that up for you. Little cuck.

Attached: cuckthedevil.png (1160x773, 761.95K)

Nice blog, faggot.

Nice retort retard.

That wasn't a retort. That was a comment. They are not the same.

Trauma isn't your fault. You are still a good person and in time you will heal more. Find someone you can talk to. Talk to a psychologist, anyone. Unfortunately mental health is a problem everywhere. We have the same problem getting the same help for our war veterans. Its not because we don't care but because metal wounds are the hardest to heal and drugs only help so much so their is no money in the business. But you can find support groups online where you can find people to talk to. Sometimes just talking about how you feel to someone you trust can help.

Here's a better picture of the donkey dick dildo that I'm going to use when I fuck your dry raw booty hole. You are making a retort. You are making a retort to the content on my site you fucking autistic child.

Attached: b8a582845756d1165951701f8b020428.jpg (236x236, 9.14K)

Kek, is this you?

Friend. This is what the point of my church is.
God has sent me down here so I can learn from the pains that you feel.
I'm here to bring you to a better world.
The end of the world is here. Whether you choose to shut your ears and blind your eyes to it.
There is nothing you can do this stop this. It is already ordained and must happen.