

Attached: Gates-conspiracy-ONLINE-COLOR-1020x675.jpg (1020x675, 712.46K)

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I see Horsey learned his lesson and is copying Ben Garrison now

but this is more likely true than not

Attached: peppers.jpg (400x400, 14.99K)

This is probably a Ben Garrison cartoon that has been defiled by another libshit.

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Seattle huh?doesn't brill gates rive in seattle... hmmmmm

Brian, no.

He's obviously never played Deus Ex, what a faggot!

Attached: 1b4.png (810x800, 71.95K)

I have obviously won.

The establishment left is defending corporations and billionaires against actual independent journalists and researchers. What fucking timeline is this? If you told anyone in 2005 that THIS would be the future, they'd laugh in your face.

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thats the new kosher sandwich full of shit

This is literally every stonetoss comic

Lmao ok nigger tranny

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Horsey = serial loser

When do we drag Horsey out of his house and make him eat his shitty drawings?

Who in their right mind would side with Bill Gates?

A narcissist sociopath whose ego exists only to reaffirm his self-worth via non-stop sycophantic virtue-signalling.

What are cocaine needles?

That's what makes Horsey so based

That face makes him look guilty

Based Gates

President Trump mentions 'microchip' and his power to direct the states during Covid 19 Task Force Briefing



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ehh, what else does Whore-say?

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Attached: WHOgatesfoundation.png (2419x1892, 1.63M)

Trump Calls For 6G Technology And Microchip-Equipped Brains For All Americans


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Horsey is a far left faggot

>beliving media
fucking retard
you shills cant get any more obvious can you?

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Sounds like Yas Forums desu senpai.

Were you vaccinated? You know your parents could have said no.

Attached: bill_gates_coronavirus.jpg (619x549, 66.28K)

Horsey looking pretty low effort these days

Attached: TROY.png (490x364, 74.32K)

>Look how the artist depicts only whites
I wonder if this artist is a basedboy or a kike

its irrelevant
what's relevant is that guy responsible for creation of "Vaccine alliance" refuses to do this to his own kids
he is a criminal

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Follow the money, who funded this cartoon

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I love watching the far right, Trump's subhuman idiots supporters, and white men in general make enemies with the most ruthless and powerful people on the planet.

...and you genetic defects wonder why the entire world is working against you and you suffer new and humiliating defeats every day. Lol. It will be interesting to see what creative and horrible ways Bill Gates comes up with to punish the white rural retards of this 3rd World niggerfied (((christianized))) country.

I wasn't vaccinated so I guess I don't have a chip on my shoulder like you.

Are you angry at your parents for vaccinating you?

+ he hangs out with pedophile blackmailers

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