What is your serious actual opinion on Hungary?

What is your serious actual opinion on Hungary?

Attached: VictorOrbanQuote13.jpg (650x390, 73.62K)

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I don't think about them. At all.

I got an Hungarian housekeeping gf myself, eating breakfast that she made as I write this. Extremely based people.

Love Hungary. Budapest, Pecs, Lake Balaton. People are awesome and hot women. Would expatriate myself there, 8/10/

If that quote is true they seem to have a sensible leader. I met only a couple hungarians in my life. One of them hardly looked european at all and he kind of stunk. Maybe he was a gypsy?

Why are they hungry?

Based White westerners.
All of the Austro-hungarian empires balls clearly went to them.

Based, strong country. Much respect.

they are the main reason why the ottoman shitskins didnt overrun europe for hundreds of years

my condolences to hungarian bros

>american education

you are retarded mate.

Overhyped as an outlier. They seem to represent the mainstream of EU politics these days.

he's right you know

seems like they have a pretty good system figured out

you dont know shit about the history between the ottomans and the hungarians if you are going to respond like that


cheap workers

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shithole country where none of the larpers here would want to live
based bruder

they have some very good prostitutes

I am not Hungary :D
I have just eated food :DD:D

lol, ok. it was the three principalities that stopped the ottomans (with some support few and there from serbs and hungarians), mainly Wallachia. i don't really care. you can get the acknowledgement.

not the whole place is a shithole, there are parts of both worlds here

fugggg dob geg :D

what... you... you seriously believe wallachia stopped the ottomans? jesus christ it's worse than i thought

Pretty based. I wish I can visit it in my next holiday trip to Europe.
Keep immigrants outside please.

>, there are parts of both world
look strawmanning white nigger, when someone say its a shithole, they mean the majority, ok?
In 2020 if you are decently rich every country even in the darkest place of south afrika has part were you can have gated and rich communities. So your pivot doesnt change anything

based gypsy thread

Not the utopia this place makes it out to be, but going in the right direction. I suspect based Hungarians and Orban (hopefully) feel that there is much more work to be done.

I wish my country was on the same path.

they did, not saying you did not help for a few years, but wallachia & moldova pretty much did all the fighting. wallachians are the classical kebab impalers. not that I personally give a fuck, since we fought them for centuries only for Budapest, Berlin, Paris to live a good life and call us a shithole.

>what is a vasal/tributary state?
>Outside the eyalet system were states such as Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania which paid tribute to the Ottomans [...]
>they were allowed to preserve their self-rule, and were not under Islamic law, like the empire proper; Ottoman subjects, or Muslims for that matter, were not allowed to settle the land permanently or to build mosques


One of the only politics to actually listen to its people. In France, 75% of people are opposed to immigration. Yet we bring more than 100000 migrants every year.

Yeah you're right. Hungary played a huge role in stopping the Ottomans, but without any support we would have 0 chance.

btw, I know the serbs and the hungarians are taught exactly the same thing in their history classes, everybody supposedly was a big defender of Christianity. the turkish advanced was halted in Wallachia / Moldova. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Vaslui
Long before Hungary joined the party.

>Stephen inflicted a decisive defeat on the Ottomans, described as "the greatest ever secured by Christianity against Islam,"[6] with casualties, according to Venetian and Polish records, reaching beyond 40,000 on the Ottoman side. Mara Brankovic (Mara Hatun), the former younger wife of Murad II, told a Venetian envoy that the invasion had been the worst ever defeat for the Ottomans.[7] Stephen was later awarded the title "Athleta Christi" (Champion of Christ) by Pope Sixtus IV, who referred to him as "verus christianae fidei athleta" ("the true defender of the Christian faith")

Attached: OttomanEmpireMain.png (1280x918, 451.76K)

Yeah, because your women are not producing children, how do you expect the welfare state to survive? Do you want every millenial to support 2 or more boomers via taxes?