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where are all my baltic bvlls at
Also daily reminder that Vilnius is Jerusalem of the north
i must say that united baltic borders look very esthetic
The idea of united political structure of the Baltic countries is an interesting one, but language differences are too large for that.
How living in your country like? I hear almost nothing about you guys Tbh. :)
Quite nice, no niggers, little to no fags and tranies, decent living standarts. But goverment corrupt as shit.
>no niggers
when were you last to wilno
Oh okay, well trannies aren’t really a thing anywhere except for like Thailand Tbh, like I’ve literally never met one in my life. Sucks that your government is corrupt though! How are your cities like, are they pretty and nice to live in?
Here's another song
That kinda sucks actually :/
Do you guys have big forests and nice nature reserves and stuff though? That’s what I like a lot about Sweden I think like 70% or something of the country is forest!
Why the teuton faggot flag? Don't you automatically kill the person wearing this flag? To me it happens all the time. I see one, and the next second, he has a dagger thrusted deeply in the neck. I am like wha--?! I cannot help it, but to kill Krzyżacy whenever I see them.
When i was in germany, there was shitload of tranies in streets, cities are nice, still looks soviet, but many things are new, crime rates are not bad compared to other countries.
Based spurdo.
Wait, what’s up with that flag? Why do you hate it so much?
I never saw them when I was in Germany, maybe you were there during some trans event or something. Also good that the cities are nice :)
Btw living is cheap, rent is like 150€ where i live, food prices are not big to.
not really true. I used to live in Dallas TX and there are trannies/crossdressers seemingly all over the place. most major cities are like this, youll see the occasional tranny here and there. Ive seen more trannies in the US than when I traveled to Manila. Major western cities have "gayborhoods" where youll see a higher percentage of freaks. its all so tiring. Maybe not in eastern Europe where trannies/freaks are still a big social taboo.
last people who had that flag thought it would be nice to crusade us
Yes, most of the area consists of forests, population density is one of the lovest in Europe as well.
What city in germany you visited, i was in Frankfurt am main, and no there was no such event when i was visiting.
Good afternoon brothers! How we all doing
My great grandfather died fighting as a partisan ,fuck americans honestly they promised help for ten years if they just held on fighting longer ,so many lives were wasted because they thought that mabie this wasnt a pointless war they cant win
Well it's a nice looking flag and there are not many other options.
They basically wanted to wipe out all Balts
I've always liked Latvian posters
That’s really nice actually, my rent for my shitty dorm which I hate is around €300 euro. Are salaries and stuff low though?
Idk I’ve been to a lot of cities in both Europe and the US and I haven’t really encountered many of them or none that I can recall I guess.
Oh okay, well then it’s kinda weird to use that flag I guess.
Oki, go on hikes and stuff then! :)
I’ve been to Berlin, Köln and Hamburg.
Yeee, really weird to use that flag I guess.
Northern crusades destroyed a whole tribe (Baltic Prussians) and as a result we lost a lot of land which sucks.
look guys its josephine again
>Well it's a nice looking flag and there are not many other options.
T.Grand Master of Livonian Brothers of Swords
Good day, my baltic friends! How is it going?
No it’s not.
Wait are you Piotr?
Yeah, it seems it's that Swedish chick that posts on Yas Forums around generals.
Oh, are you the Latvian guy I talked to in the kraut/pol/ thread? :)
It's fine magyar, hope your having a good day.