Rightful german clay or rightful russian clay?
Rightful german clay or rightful russian clay?
Part rightful German clay, don't care what happens to the rest
why do you think their flag is divided?
Plot twist: Rightful Muslim clay.
split in half like the good old days
Rightful british soil. The UK has taken in 50% of the whole kurwa population, sk it's only fair we take 50% of kurwa land.
Hungarian you mean
>So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet [...] Then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. Is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside? Or almost a cleaning, ‘cause you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it’d be interesting to check that. So you’re going to have to use medical doctors but it sounds interesting to me, so we’ll see but the whole concept of the light. The way it kills it in one minute, that’s pretty powerful.
and then I'll point out you're actually a niggerbrain retard that heard the word "disinfectant" and immediately associated it with Lysol because you're a brainrotted consoomer mongoloid, but UV light is a disinfectant and it's the disinfectant he is talking about both BEFORE and AFTER saying the word "disinfectant" and never mentions a thing about lysol or bleach
but in any case you should definitely drink it because you're braindead already anyway.
try again though. maybe eventually you will understand. lap up that jew media like a good boy and be outraged over your own stupidity lmao
All of Europe is rightful Polish clay.
Rightful Austrian clay.
Poles like you will get BTFO'd as soon as Konfederacja comes to power.
Add Austria and partition can be fun.
literally this, Pudzian's holly sword will cut clean every single germ/russkie or any other filthy hand off that would like to take any of our sacred soil
divide and conquer thread created by a jew, dont respond, let it die
but i love these, i feed on autism both mine and others's :D
For something to be divided, there must first be unity. Nobody likes Pooland to begin with my friend
cringe as fuck
>be Pooland
>meme-country created after ww1 to work as a buffer-state between East and West
>constantly BTFO every time its neighbours go to war
>lived under other state's boots countless of times, used as cheap labour with fewer workers rights than native population of host nation (including EU)
>lacks any national accomplishments, still proud beyond belief
>huge victim complex, almost worse than that of Israel
>basically a European India/Israel
>lives off of EU gibs, abandons it during refugee crisis despite all help it got previously
>champions itself as a white paradise ethnostate
>everyone leaves due to shit conditions
>Polska stronk
oh shit, captain is here, runaway!
how about rightful polish clay
Lube up your dick Janusz, my anus is bleached and ready for your Big Sarmatian Cock!
me when i visit stockholm
>constantly BTFO every time its neighbours go to war
Poland had the most powerful military in the world between 1440 and 1444. Poland used to be a powerful and highly-respected nation in Europe.
>champions itself as a white paradise ethnostate
Poland has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Poland is right behind Japan. Poland is also one of the cleanest countries in the world, and probably among the top three cleanest in Europe.
I would unironically go to Germany and kill as many germanoids as possible before army/police would put me down. If Germany attacked Poland. Its not that hard to cross borders with my CZ 75 and BREN 2.
Obviously French
Poland is not like Ukraine. Poles were first on this land. You can argue about some parts of our territory, the same as we can discuss parts of German territory. They have Slavic temples on their grounds. But Poland was first organisation here and even if we will die out, it should be remembered as former Poland lands.
geez,i fucking knew this is about some filthy swedish shit...ok spread them...
That escalated quickly...
Germ and Russian colons and sphincters are rightful Polish territory
Rightful ITALIAN clay.
Are you kidding me faggot? It's rightful Australian clay.
wouldn't mind - the plague ofc
Cassius` clay.