I know you are here. Unlike the muslims oddly quiet sometimes. About just 1 minute ago I ate roja with my muslim family. Its ramadan. My mom asked if I wanted to fast and I said no. I said I dont believe in it. She got mad. Then I said Islam is a cult. Its a genital mutilation cult. She says "this again.." I say Allah loves me but he wants my dick skin, its a cult. and went upstairs.
I tried jews, I tried to defend you against all these mk ultraed psy opped weebs, autists, and incels who screech nothing but jews and hitler. Because I know the truth jews. I know the ONLY reason you are circumcized yourselves, is because judaism is a front for another shadow cult. You are branded cattle yourselves. Your religion is a bold faced lie stitched and piece together from egyptian mystery schools. Isis. Ra. El. The talmud might as well be called Satanist-lite. Hey you have very special blood, all must serve you, do what thou wilt against the animal cattle goy, you can do no wrong. But hey hey hey, were gonna need your dick skin from birth. They took your frenelum and gave some fake book as recompense. Judaism is no different than islam, or Christianity. All cults. All owned and maintained by the shadow elite. Real world occultists and satanists. Black magic is real and its done by sacrificing humans. Thats why we all speak english folks. Thats why its called spelling. We are ruled by witches, warlocks, and demons.
But you know what Jews. I have no doubt that even though this post is monitored by the likes of Mossad and other CIA think tank agencies full of jews. None of you have anything to say. There will be no disuccussion between jew and gentile. Despite Eric Clopper, Earths greatest hero, a Jewish man who went against judaism, But despite his epic speech, youre loyalities still lie with judaism? Why? Power? Money?
All of the earthy riches in the world will never piece back together what was stolen from you, your body. They branded you, as a slave, for Satanism.
You must turn coat judists. For I already know what fate is in store for you. IT is the same fate it has always been. Jews serve as the fall guys for satanical satanists. Always have. Since Egypt. Since simon trent.
All this goyim rage is boiling over and I have no doubt that the jewish people will once again be thrown under the bus for some dark ulterior purpose. Look around jews. Goyim are stupid. Easy to manipulate. Despite the evidence I have layed out they will still screech K-kike! die jew!
You will be served up to the goy as appeasement for our growing bloodlust as you always have. And in turn for such service, the dark rulers of the world will appoint a few jewish bankers with earthly riches and pseudo power.
Come back into the fold brother. Our ancestors are the same. 70,000 years ago we rose from four legs to two feet and roamed the earth under the blazing sun.
This is no longer about jew vs gentile. This is about right and wrong. Good vs evil. Humanity vs our consumers. Take the clopper pill. Denounce judaism. Save the world. Your earthly soul is worth far more than any number.
Let us band together against the forces of true darkness because I assure you there are things that go bump in the night. I know that despite decades of conditioning there is still a good man inside you who will make the right choice.
Reminder that this is your average goyim in this place judists. No peace. Only death. Kill all jews. HAil hitler. They are autists, weebs, and incels who were brainwashed for a decade in their abyssmal loneliness with nothing but based! comments for a bit of self worth. In time even these mindless polcel npcs will come around to what Im saying. Pol is a psy op to turn loners into satanists. This is why they hail child killers.
Make no mistake that my beliefs will build traction. For my motive is righteous. I am light incarnate. Alpha simian protector of the Earth. I will not stand idle as the world is plummeted into darkness. And you should join me.
Why do jews not try and discuss? Why can we not have conversation? I know you are here. I know you are reading this. Join me brother. We are simian and that makes us family. Our blood binds us more than spoken word.
I know, it blows my mind every day. What should we be doing about this? I want revenge or compensation or something.
Andrew Cooper
We have to take a stand for the future children. It was hard to hurt my mother like that. I could have cucked and just gone along to make her happy, and a part of thinks maybe I should have. But this is the right thing do
Ive looked into foregen but were probably still decades away and by then my dick might not work properly anymore. Also it would just be even more surgery and it might not be worth it.
Ive found the only thing that alliviates the reality of the situation is to just yell and cry. Robbed of manhood, dignity, and humanity. Only blood can pay for blood but its not the way. Our vengeance would tear the world asunder should it be realized. If we allow ourselves to fall into that darkness we will never come back. We must ban all acts genital mutatilation and dismantle judaism and islam if it comes down to that.
Robert Jones
If black magic is real and you say all the religions are cults, what's the real religion then? What's the good magic??? You're hella blackpilled now give me a good pill, what's the real religion in your skitzo eyes
Jace Bell
White magic is like herbal medicine or even kind words that uplift someone.
I am a seeker myself so Im still finding the answers but I think reincarnation is pretty plausible. Realistically only death can provide the answers. ITs like being in the 3rd dimension trying to speculate what the 4th dimension is like. Sadly we may never know.
But Ill say this. God is good. Rigtheousness is likely rewarded and wickedness punished. For if God was evil, the most evil fate of all would be to have never existed in the first place. But because we exist, it can only be assumed God is good and righteous and has the final say over evil.
Jackson Bell
I don't know which god you're talking about, but I do believe in the Christian god, go ahead call me a jew follower, but to me I don't see it that way, I see it creating a moral highground for me and my family focusing on my family and preserving my culture with good intent with this book of morals (king James version) I truly do believe and I truly want it to be real and do think it is real as it gives me hope for the future, for my future kids, wife and home, people and country and overall friends and family. I wish nothing more then to live a decent life here, with family and friends. Not rich not poor, but content. With the love and grace of God, and for my family to be safe. Die peacefully or tragic whichever it maybe that is my fate, then live an eternal life in Heaven, and the chance it's not real? So what? I did what I wanted, I lived my moral life, I lived out with my family, I did what I wanted, what I truly believe to be right. God bless you brother, hope all is well with you.
Sebastian Green
also, I think God personally has to be real, because of all these elites praising Satan, and weird pedophile shit and them also running the world, and God said the devil runs this world, and basically to me that proves it to me.
Daniel Roberts
>We must ban all acts genital mutatilation and dismantle judaism and islam That sounds too good to be true, the demonoids wouldn't just let that happen. We really do need a ban though, we can't convince our family members, they're too set in their ways and you will just be perceived as the crazy uncle or whatever.
Jack Turner
Take your meds, schizo
Jonathan Kelly
Says the Jew.
Henry Edwards
I watched an interview with two former IDF soldiers, talking about how horrifying the slaugter of Palestinians has been, and how its a dark, shameful mark on both Israel and the Jewish people as a whole. One guy looked like he was going to cry.
There are good people everywhere, even within the ranks of the worst, most embittered, most faggot-ridden group on Earth. Unfortunately, yes, the lesser Jews are simply a tool of the Wizard-tier Jews, and most have no fuckin idea.
Michael Walker
Epic schizoid muslim
Nicholas Allen
Yeah the frog god card really shows pol is a psyop for sure. I've been saying it for a while. Glad it isn't just me
James Taylor
yeah it makes me think that there is some truth to it too, like why would the elites be in contant with demons if god isnt real. On the subject of christianity it would be beautiful if it were real but a part of me just doesnt buy it.
God might actually be a giant mushroom that spans the entire planet. The largest and first sentient organism. There is theory that is well documented that Jesus christ is code for Magic mushrooms. Thats why he tells you to eat his flesh. thats why his symbol is the fish. Because mushrooms have gills. That they use to breathe oxygen just like us. We come from the shroom, its why our dick is shaped like that. Its how life is seeded throughtout the universe, fungal spores.
At the same time, Im pretty sure solomon and the ars goetia is real, so does that make God real?
Who is the albino in your pic OP? Is he still alive?
Dylan Green
God that's actually a really cool theory i'm not going to lie. Even though I hate to be rude, but I'm close minded in my views on Religion. I'm not changing my mind on it, but i'm open minded enough to watch videos about it. To me i'm fairly certain God is real, and I will choose to live my life that way, but learning about these theories amazing to me.
I just can't get over the Rich and Elite and Powerful with the Demon summoning, Satanic rituals, and Child sacrificing. God has to be real in some way or form, maybe it isn't my God, but there is 100% a higher power.
Andrew Johnson
yeah females are the worst people to talk to about the subject, they just dont get it. We probably have to wake up the masses of circumcized men to the reality of the situation until we can get some real traction. Eric has lit the spark, but we have yet to blaze into an inferno.
Jeremiah Long
OP, who is the dude in your pic? He's hot.
Angel Morris
Jews also started the Australian bushfires at the beginning of this year as a pretext to implement more draconian government policies on land use.
Luis Cooper
Andrew White
Bro, this is a gay thread. Cyber or GTFO.
Aaron Evans
Yeah Im not 100% set in my beliefs, I just kind of weigh the options. The first video explains that fungi has celluar intelligence and around 4 min into the video they show a slime mold navigating a maze. The second video is very well done and basically tries to tie all old world religions to the mushroom cults of old. Easter for example was the european pagan tradition of looking for amanita muscaria in the spring when they begin to burst from the ground in the forst. This is where looking for spotted eggs come from, because when the mushroom intially burst from the ground, it is shaped like an egg. Christmas in its entirety is about siberian pagan mushroom gifting. ITs just a great great video, towards the end it will even start to explain what they egyptian heiroglyps meant. Basically that our world is molded around these mushroom cults. The saying holy cow or holy shit comes from the fact that cow poop grows magic mushrooms, this is why the cow is revered in India, using the shrooms they create a hallucigen drink called Soma, But before it was worshipped in India, it was worshipped in egypt.. There are tombs were sacred bulls are mummified.
pic rel is from the 13th century depicting adam and eve. "And they saw themselves, and they were naked, and they felt shame for the first time"
Its code for our ancient primate ancestors eating the magic mushroom for the first time and gaining self awareness.
Flesh is temporary but the soul is eternal. Losing your foreskin isn't good, but it doesn't matter once you're done with this mortal existence.
Levi Gray
imagine not having foreskin on your penis
Jaxson Sanchez
Id say its 50% chance. When one crushes an ant, is it reincarnated? Only God knows. We want to believe theres more, but is that just the fear of non existence? Once we shed the mortal coil, is it even us anymore? If we are reformated like a usb, is it even us? Same usb new files? Maybe the price of immortality, is death.
Camden Flores
For my its not even the physical part that makes me sad. Its dignity part. They cucked me and got away with it, and continue to do the same to others. This very second, dozens of dicks cut in the name of some dark malevolent being.