what do you guys think of this
What do you guys think of this
accurate to a fault
I think you wrongly imagine yourself on the high iq side.
based and IQ pilled
my skin was getting darker i was getting worried
i am not afro, so no
ya i know too many fags like this irl
>haha racism funny
nigger youre just mad your trumpbux havent come in so u can buy sheniqua and little laquan some lotion and grapes
Not only are you incomprehensible, your racist remarks come off as childish, immuture, and hostile towards the idea of foward thinking.
being this new
dude reddit pilled
Well if staying on Yas Forums longer turns me into someone as ignorant and intolerable as you, I dont think I would want to stay on such a toxic platform
Go back to reddshite you fucking nigger. People are 'unironically' racist you spastic
Lol leave spastic, because it's inevitable
Stare into the void long enough.. and the void creeps into you
Give these "unironiclly" racist people a platform to work off one another and spread toxic ideas that have no roots in logic is part of the problem. You are causing your own racism and hurting the peole you try so hard to protect. And that is based
The creation of the void is you own free will to express hatred and discriminatory action towards other. Ur not helping, u are only makong the void bigger you dolt
That isn't true, it's justifiable. Don't even try to tell me it isn't when I saw a group of immigrant niggers steal a week ago, and more people are racist than you realise
so you think niggers are peopnle?
>nog recovery
Part of me wonders whether this was faked to justify/accelerate the anti-black sentiment in China.
Sorry bud, you've already walked on cursed ground. You're stuck here now.
Don't you have anything better to do than offer this weak bait?
You know only morons swallow it.
that's what "we" have been thinking for many years user, where've you been
so you think even the niggers that made obomium and the element KFC115 deserve rope too?
also all reddit in this thread please LEAVE
>pic related
Racists are the only forward-looking people. Nonracists think they can continue to balloon the number of browns and blacks in a society and things will be better or at least not worse.
Honestly I feel sorry for people like you. I understand it may be difficult to view another perspective, but taking hostility without any supportive action toward your "targets" is what creates your own problems. Maybe one day you'll grow out of being and ignorant dimwit and stand up for the actual solutions.
I'm hard right on that curve and still think racism is the opiate of the brainlets.
Yeah but why did the niggers steal though? They clearly have more money than me.
that america deserves niggers for using them as slaves which is against the God
so how do you explain the bell curve
How many niggers live in your neighborhood?
Not only is that wrong, but many nonracist are working on actual fixes on problems that may seem as race is the problem when in fact it isnt. 1000s of factors contribute towards poverty and crime. Ignoring that is irresponsible and weak minded
what do you say about all the blacks that are raping and killing every day in this country and the next? how do we stop them by being "nonracist" as you say
What's there to explain. I will tell you this though: a linear scale if not sufficient to measure the power of a computer, much less artificial intelligence, much less human intelligence, and so on.
Everyone here thinks this, and they're all wrong. Proof? Being on pol rather than doing high iq things like reading books and fucking your wife in the ass