Prove you aren't a blind hater. Name ONE (1) thing you love about Angela Merkel, PhD.
Prove you aren't a blind hater. Name ONE (1) thing you love about Angela Merkel, PhD
She redpilled tons of people by forcing them to live with "refugees".
No-nothing i can't, i hate g*rmanoids
She's retiring in 2021.
None. Europe should declare war on G*rmany again.
I commend her for somehow convincing Germany that it needs a Polish Jew president.
she was rapeable 50 years ago
Ok fine. I love the fact she is so old I will get to watch her funeral.
She makes Hitler look like a decent option.
dem teets, obviously.
I love that she makes Trump look like the retard that he is.
>Brainstorm good things about her for us for free
>Because we sure as hell can't think of anything
She's mortal
>p-pr-prove you-youre no-not BLIND
Stfu faggot. If it was up to me all libcucks would be DESTROYED with my gun I named Ben Shapiro. Nothing that they believe is worth talking about or discussing. They don't make "some good points".Hang them all.
She's German. It's literally her only redeeming trait. We share heritage but as a person she's a fat, incompetent, retard.
>I love that she makes Trump look like the retard that he is.
Unfathomably based.
I love that she is known former agent of the Soviet German state, making the Perestroika Deception plain to see to everyone.
Good slave to Putin
Her funeral.
Will no doubt be tasteful.
big boobies! ^u^
the fact that she is defending Nord Stream 2 regardless of mutts screeching
>regardless of mutts screeching
Why do mutts (burgers, poles etc) love to screech so incessantly?
>greta's vag
One good thing? She dosenĀ“t seem to hate Spain.
But being that pro-mass migraton must end
That fat ass baby
She will be the 1st President of The United States of Europe