Europe's generosity motivates more migrants to leave Africa - Bill Gates

Europe's generosity motivates more migrants to leave Africa - Bill Gates

“On the one hand you want to demonstrate generosity and take in refugees, but the more generous you are, the more word gets around about this – which in turn motivates more people to leave Africa,” the Microsoft founder said.

Gates also advised Germany, which has an open door policy that it “cannot take in the huge, massive number of people who are wanting to make their way to Europe.”

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Bill Gates is unironically /ourguy/
fucking Q Tards are trying to ruin his image. they are the chandalas of our society

Then strike back

well we have the wall. we'll halt all illegal immigration within 5-10 years

Why he is using nazi speech? (No joke, talk like that on TV and your career is over)

Europe needs to get a grip. Corona has halted immigration, so that's something.

Gates has said Africa is having too many children, when the child mortality rate was high it made sense to have ten kids, and maybe half make it to adulthood. Now ten of the ten are making it, not gonna end well. He has even been working on supplying Africa with condoms and birth control. Gates says and does alot of looney things, and this doesnt make him /ourguy/ but he has a point here.

No food
Have ten kids

No that still doesn't make sense.

were talking about an entire continent where the average intelligence is 78, thats the AVERAGE. Entire communities would be qualified as retards in the west, but in Africa they are tribal chiefs.
Nothing about that continent makes sense.

Stop giving the fuckers vaccines too and let them die off.
Spending billions to keep niggers alive who would have died anyway?

Can you express why you think that is?

these heathens just want to live on welfare, all they see is "free money"

you can blame the christcucks for that

I don't understand how Bill Gates became a virologist all of the sudden. Why do I see him on main stream media all the time now?

Maybe the problem is the aid they are sent is lining the pockets of their "rulers"

dude has spent the past 20 years+ of his life dedicated to this shit. he probably knows what the fuck he's talking about unlike your stupid ass

That the average intelligence is so low?
I think it has to do with the availability of food and water. In colder Northern climates people need to work together to plan ahead. Whole communities need to make sure all the crops are planted, harvested, and stored properly. If not a bad winter could wipe everybody out. Look at what happened to the first settlers in N. America, a bad harvest at the begining almost killed the settling of the new world entirely.
In Africa where food is abundant, you dont need to plan. just reach up and grab some fruit, pull some veg out of the ground. Shelter, sleep under a tree its never going to drop down to a point where you need to even light a fire. I have to go back to work but thats the gist. Because they didnt have to plan ahead, the strongest most fittest never out reproduced the literal retards.

It's 70

They cite earlier reviews by Lynn (1991) and by Lynn and Vanhanen (2002), as well as several more recent studies, which are said to indicate that the mean IQ of sub-Saharan black Africans is about 70

I was just guessing, honestly I thought I was undershooting it, wow!

Do you think China will be a positive influence in Africa?

the deep state is performing a psyop to prep the public for his 666 mark of the beast

So the richest guy in the world is a WASP who wants to protect europa by sterilizing the continent of Africa and he has nearly single handedly achieved this BTFOing every jew in the world single handedly?

Im thinking he's based.

Unironically fucking based, if it wasn't for the chip thingy I would vote for him.


Bantu are a different species to us, see picrelated

Attached: race_redpill.png (1267x455, 89.31K)

>having too many children
Your Jewish masters thank you for being concerned with the population balance of their cattle. Without people like you voluntarily entering into chastity they’de have to come up with depopulation agendas every 50 years instead of 100.

Be fruitful and multiply.

Nothing will be a positive influence in Africa. You can't do anything for them without it blowing up. Even something simple like giving them food so they don't starve, they turned that into a massive cluster fuck

Thanks for sharing. Could you tell me a little more about the difference between humans and neanderthals?

but someone else expressed that they low IQ was related to ease of access to food.

So that isn't correct?

He's already got 'fuck you money', he can say anything he wants.

Video related

Attached: poor people and immigration presented as gumballs.png (931x523, 765.19K)

I'm not that knowledgeable user, check this thread out though

woops forgot link:

Didn't Trump talk about chipping immigrants?

Would you mind if immigrants were chipped?

>Defending overpopulated nigger birthrates in Africa

Wrong board faggot. Back to plebbit you go.

He fed niggers in africa allowing their population to explode



I was reading speculation Neanderthals are RH-

and this is what causes complication in second pregnancy when breeding with RH+