According to Italians,which city is better

Florence or Bologna? I want to know which one has a richer culture,more inventions,art and which one is more developed.

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They're more like locations where it happened. The Italians who made all of those invaluable results were from all over.

Absolutely Florence. Also called the cradle of renaissance. I live here :-)

Isn't Florence a nigger loving communist stronghold?

They are both wonderful with many hidden gems and little known to tourists, Florence has pic related perhaps one of the places where I prefer to stop in solitude to enjoy the sun and read.

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Compared to Bologna it’s not user.

And lots of cute American girls

I went in Italy one once, saw only two cities ant it happen to be Bologna and Florence.

First, Bologna is dirty. I come from Paris and I don't mid trash on the ground, feces and hobos, but all the walls are covered in graffiti. Like 10% of the population is a punk and while it is safer than Paris, it feel like the Bronx in the 80's.
Some good place to visit, affordable and they don't make bolognaise pasta.

Florence is a lot more expensive, a single meal in a restaurant start at 30€. There is a big deal of museum and churches, the town is fine but there is too much rich people in, all the price are too high and they closed the star fortress to do some high fashion shit.

In short: Bologna is for punks and Florence for try hards.

Lucca is based.

Bologna is a communist shithole.

This. Bologna is a commie shithole and the capital of degeneracy in Italy. Florence has its own retarded leftiness but it's well kept.

I live in Perugia: beware of Amanda Knox murderous whores

Lucca is the true patrician choice my friend.

Florence is very expensive if you’re not a local (Italian) because it’s a touristic city. You always need a local guide, or another Yas Forumsack to show you around.

My ex American girlfriend was a bit like her. Hot, crazy, and with a murderous look every time she sucked my cock.

Every place worth visiting is one.

>Lucca is the true patrician choice my friend.

That the walled city?

Mexico city isn't.

Yes. The walls are more of an elevated walking path around the old town now, though.

>implying anything south of USA in Americas is worth visiting

>Every place worth visiting is one.

>implying anything south of USA in Americas is worth visiting

God damn it, Leaf. I swear a fucking range ban is in order for Canada so you lot can think about to consequences of your actions.

>tfw 6 months of living here are enough for me to be considered shitposter
It was worth moving here.

I'd like to move to Italy before I off myself and spend a couple years not being a depressed cunt.

Lucca seems like a spot. I thought Sicily or Basilicata because they're sort of overlooked.

toscano di merda crepaste tutti
Florence is def better but they are both shit from a political perspective although Florence may be slightly better

aren't american girls all like that? they all look like completely damaged goods.

I am in love with Renaissance shit, so I'd say Florence, because that is talked about more. I've never been there, obviously, but I would love to visit Italy someday because of that.
I am truly sorry for Italy, that the Jews had to be shitters in your country.
Plus I played Assassin's Creed when I was younger, and Ezio was based as fuck.

The only outsiders I really saw around Lucca were German tourists (tedeschi) and they're tolerable. It's just a nice, sleepy conservative little town with all the good and bad that brings. It mostly hit its peak back in the 14th century.

I hit my peak around age 14 and plummeted into a bag of shit so it sounds like the spot.

kek italy has peaked many times in history but now is plummeting into total extinction so I wouldn't move here if I were you, because looks increasingly irreversible.

It's not over yet, fren. Change some shit up. Try not to be such a sad faggot anymore and have some fun. Don't give a shit about what other people think about you. It's freeing - you might just like it.

Italians can't get their shit together at all?

Weirdly when I was in Florence I found it cheap. I tend to stay out of tourist traps and am usually the only Englishman in restaurants I’m in.

there's no shit left to get together

So start over.

florence just because i always hear bologna is a shittole

Florence is full of arty American students. Fucked 2 of them and was only there for 3 days. Your women are sluts, yanks.

Bologna is even worse though.

Went there. It is.
Well, it used to be a place of high culture, you can see that, but it's like a crap that used to be high food.

wonder why