so, there are a lot of threads about this bleach fiasco and i thought i'd post the facts for anyone who wants a quick rundown

>from the nyt: William N. Bryan, the head of science at the Department of Homeland Security, told the briefing that the agency had tested how sunlight and disinfectants — including bleach and alcohol — can kill the coronavirus on surfaces in as little as 30 seconds, an excited Mr. Trump returned to the lectern.

“Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light,” Mr. Trump said. “And I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but we’re going to test it?” he added, turning to Mr. Bryan, who had returned to his seat. “And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, either through the skin or some other way.”
>next was the quote from pic related
>he later claimed "I was asking sarcastically to reporters just like you to see what would happen"

so, was he joking? you be the judge

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Other urls found in this thread:

Trump was merely offering a suggestion. Disinfectant is very powerful, and who knows, it MIGHT work when injected. What’s wrong with looking into it further? That’s all Trump was saying.

That shit was an old medical treatment probably within Trump's lifetime (for pneumonia too). Not a joke, but spitballing ideas also aren't to be taken too seriously. He was also posing the question in front of a medical doctor, not telling people at home to do retarded shit.

He was wondering out loud. Not suggesting it

No, he wasn't joking. He's a simple idiot.

Is there a way we can do something "LIKE" it. Look how fast news, kikes, and shills jumped on this one. Reminds me of that guy who was running for president that the media didn't like and memed him out of the running because his voice cracked.

so he was wondering if surface disinfectants and sunlight could be injected into the lungs? what a fucking asshat

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>blocks your path

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Read this. They even asked him if he meant "bleach injection" and he replied "no" only a few minutes after that quote.
It really activates your almonds on why the media continued to push this anyway, spreading misinformation on purpose and all these people ate it up without watching the full brief. In the end, no one learns anything about the study.

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How do you know that it won’t work? It might work, it might not. But it’s absolutely worth looking into.

Convince me why this isn't yet another pump and dump scheme.

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Because it's poison. Extreme heat also destroys the virus but sugesting people to take showers in boiling water is dangerous since we know Americans are so stupid to do that.

Jesus fucking christ...
It's the whole "Trump wants to drop nukes on hurricanes" all over again.
The dude was spitballing ideas and the media portrays it as if he just stated that people should do that in their homes.
This is so fucking infuriating.
He just should've said "I am exploring all evenues that could potentially protect the American people" or something like that. Instead of the shitshow he started now...

And do we really need 20 Threads about this?
I wish the MODS would at least delete the obvious shills...

Then why did he say it was sarcasm afterwards?

You clowns will suck this fat bastards dick even while it's pissing in your face, seriously

I don't think he was being sarcastic or joking, he was optimistically exploring the ideas which is why he turned to the doctors with him when he asked it.
It's not a stupid question to ask if you could potentially run a course to purge the body like a disinfectant, there's some techniques and methods that exist such as Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation which shines UV on blood to disinfect it, and so, by asking such a question, we can get the 70 year old technique (Made and used in America in 1950) back into action, whether it's studying faster ways to roll it out, or fixing any safety concerns.That's why questions exist, you make an observation, you inquire on more.

Him reeling back with a "I was being sarcastic" is an uncharacteristic backdown that has done more to hurt him than to clarify he was asking a good question, and did more to hurt him in this instance, rather than promoting UV Blood Irradiation or controlled H2O2 inhalation to back up that there was an answer to his question, and that his question was reasonable, and to spite the retards that went

Mods are a part of this.

Then why did Pelosi say that she is a literal traitor and that she should be beaten to within an inch of her life, and then kicked another mile?

Don't make me bust out the 9gag tier memes, jesus christ

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Because the fake media jumped on him and twisted his words like they always do.

Even as an idea injecting bleach is fucking retarded and a man in that position shouldnt say stupid shit like that

Trump is a fucking idiot

Dark to LIGHT

Trump isn’t going to suggest Americans poison themselves you moron. He has access to the brightest medical minds on the planet and that’s where he is getting his advice from.

I don't know what's pelosi, I'm from Latvia.

It's odd cause this is painfully obvious whether you like Trump or not but the mods, and other people who are too damn slow to understand the media's manipulation against him, never seem to get that.

Frankly a large enough blast to a hurricane could very well stop it too.

Anybody who doesn't see the media's tricks by now needs to be slapped into line.

Gay niggers from latvia should stay the fuck out of American politics then.

You need to take care about what words will you use since you're the president of a country full of idiots.

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See you already attracted a shill or one of those morons. He didn't even read the rest of the thread - He sticks out so easily it's painful. Really makes you think why all these shills and scumbags try to lie to us about Trump nonstop all the time...

He didn't suggest injecting bleach, though. He never brought up bleach, the transcript is in the OP. He asked if there was a way to inject something that'd waste the disease like a disinfectant, and he asked it to a doctor. We have techniques and methods to disinfect like a disinfectant, explicitly UV which he did mention.

I know context doesn't really matter for you... nevertheless:

That's retarded. You said it was an honest question that might work. It being sarcasm implies that he knows it definitely wouldn't work.

Sure, very unfair of the media for broadcasting the actual words he said.

Trump never said the word Lysol.
The media did.
That's the media's fault, just like the fish tank cleaner.

He wasn’t talking about literal Lysol, he meant inject something that would instantly kill the virus

They didn't though, They added "Lysol and bleach" to it, which was never mentioned.

That was just a lifelong dem who murdered her husband.

He never fucking said anything like that he was talking about ultraviolet light as a disinfectant but retards took that to mean literal bleach and he even specified no not literal injections when asked to clarify later.

I don't say it often here, but thank you both for reading the thread and directing these "people" to the source's context.

What is chemotherapy?

It doesn't matter, normal human beings won't drink poison only because they heard a rumour on Facebook. Why are Americans so stupid and extreme?

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>Alternative medicine (((shut down)))
Think for a second.

Anyways, the release is hosted on the US Securities and Exchange Commission website. Clearly there is promise.

I think a lot of people do it they just don't say anything. The shills just keep posting endlessly to distract people to disliking Trump over something. People get worn down with the sheer mass of them.

Plus ideas like make sense so even if he did spitball it, let alone suggest it, there's no reason to fly off the handle. But then you see shills like this guy and wonder why he bothers unless he's paid to shill disinformation. It's not funny so I don't see why he'd do it otherwise.

Oh, I know.
Same with these lysol and bleach poison control calls, all the articles cite "This time last year" but "This time last year" didn't have a pandemic with people cleaning obsessively. That's why they compared it to lat year, and not say, the previous few days. Why go back an entire year when you could just cite the previous day?

>normal human beings

>Disinfectant is very powerful, and who knows, it MIGHT work when injected.
Anyone who passed high school science can tell you why that wouldn't work out the way you think it might. lol.

Trump just expressed himself poorly.
You, however...

They don't and haven't been. The increase in poison control calls is a result of people cleaning with bleach more rigorously since the pandemic began.
Exposure to bleach and cleaning products shouldn't require a comparison to "Last year", it should be compared over the course of a week, but they'd rather argue that this time last year, without a pandemic, people suffered less exposure to bleach than this year, with a pandemic with people trying to keep clean.
Why compare one year back in time? If there as an "Obvious and clear" spike, you could cite a before and after within 72 hours.

By normal human beings I mean Italians, Brazilians, Chinese, Egyptians, New Zealanders and all the people who would never drink bleach = non-Americans

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He was suggest nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide[this has been used before] and Photodynamic Therapy.

Exactly what I was thinking I bet there are tons of people using cleaners they never used before and mixing bleach with them of course there are going to be more accidents right now compared to last year I'm surprised it is only dubble.

I don't get why Trump said it was sarcasm instead of just referring them back to the actual quote and tweeting this.

They use iodine to track bloodflow in the system, possibly after a blood transfusion. and other dye visible.

Drinking bleach is not a normal exposure m8

Yes iodine and bleach are the same

Because he never just dubbles down and calls them out because it would be to much work to keep up with every miniscule scandals they come up with every single fucking day. So he says they said it sounded like I said what? Just tell them I was joking.

They haven't been drinking it. The report only states "Calls", it doesn't denote if it's contact with the eyes, skin, penis, or inhalation from mixing things they shouldn't and making mustard gas in their toilet.

The word "bleach" was never mentioned except right now when I say you should drink bleach, tranny faggot.

How long are we having to see copethreads about this shit, stfu


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