>Literally every single Fortune 100 company has ads celebrating the Lockdown
>This puts to rest the claim that "All Corporations care about is the BOTTOM LINE!"
>This SHOULD have put to rest the claim that supporting the Lockdown was rebellious ("All you care about is STONKS!"....yet some faggots STILL pretend they're edgelords for supporting this lockdown
Eric Striker: "Capitalists HATE Shelter in Place!"
Other urls found in this thread:
and amerimutt goyim will proudly risk catching a virus to protest not slaving for these companies
Here's a montage of Fortune 500 ads celebrating this Lockdown:
Literally every single business has celebrated this
Why DO you side with Fortune 100 companies over white families who don't want ZOG to have them under house arrest?
While Striker is a dumdum that got BTFO’d by Destiny, just because corporations make and ad doesn’t mean they’re doing anything for their workers. Same way they pretend to care about trannies and fags.
the antibody testing shows at a minimum 2,000,000 people in NY have had the virus
this means the virus is deadly in fractions of a percent
you're saying Corporate America doesn't care abut "trannies and fags" ENOUGH?
you're saying you want them to be even MORE supportive of putting people under house arrest?
Burger King literally paid tens of millions to change the signs on every single corporate location
Corporations ZEALOUSLY support the lockdown
get your bag
Any they paid their employees to stay home?
What a faggot you are. I want more goddamn trumpbux.
The people posting about "muh stonks" and "we should stay home to btfo the corps" are also the ones posting shit like "6 trillion free for banks". They're retarded bernouts who want to "turn america communist"
It's a fake virus, this is killing small businesses, you can't "redistribute" wealth if everyone goes out of business, you commies are actually fucking retarded.
ZOG is paying them at EVERY business
that is why worker absenteeism is forcing mass closures:
Workers, predictably, would rather stay home and collect Unemployment than be a chump and go to work
(13 more days of food, fren....)
>Social distancing
That's not the same thing.
Plenty have, who do you think funds unemployment insurance?
Striker is bad optics, these are good optics.
You’re a fucking retard and i’m Not going to explain how unemployment works to you
>They're retarded bernouts who want to "turn america communist"
and youre a boomer and your 401k is dead, simple as
why are you cheerleading for Fortune 100 corporations who zealously promote this hoax?
>its a hoax people
because I can, you bitch
explain the hoax
how much do you pay her to peg you?
......Capitalists hate the lockdown cause its driving then out of business.
What's not to hate?
Why is it so difficult for some people to understand that people WANT to work and provide for their families and ease their debt and save for a house or retirement? So they WANT to work....
Not all of us were born to be useless bloggers (is that still a thing?) Or make money showing strangers our privates for 9.99 a month. Some of us went to school and learned a trade that's not hiring right now, or had a profession with years of experience that has closed, or have been laid off and are actually being negatively affected by having no work.
It's not about corporate bonuses. It's about moms and dad putting food on the table. It's about college students in studios trying to keep the lights on. It's about people.
The stay at home orders are unconstitutional anyway. Fuck em. And if you dont want to work. Fine. Dont work. But let me get the fuck back to work.
A lot of the big mega corporations just so happen to be listed as "essential" anyway while their competition is not allowing them to beat their competiton by default.
I dont like that shit, pedro. I'm not a conservative.
why are all you communists impotent and childless?
because all of their income is being soaked up by rentiers.
if we are impotent why do we keep gaining more power
Striker become a Nazbol pussy
t. styxhexendildo
If it is a fake virus, china would not have locked down nigger.
Businesses which have lost billions, including Disney, all aggressively support the lockdown.
>Disney is reportedly losing $30m in lost revenue, daily
>Dana White (alpha) had cleverly figured a work-around and was going to host a huge UFC on PPV on April 18th
>Disney, via ESPN, stood to gain around $20m in revenue (perhaps far more in opportunity gains, as it would have skyrocketed UFC's profile)
>Bob Iger, the Jew head of Disney, literally called Dana White personally and demanded that he "stand down" and said that he would violate his contract with the UFC and refuse to allow ESPN to broadcast the event
When you're on the same side as Bob Iger....you should probably think twice about what you're doing.
you aren't "gaining power"
you're running to powerful corporations and ZOG for support
and you're getting it
"When it's cold....you run to the fire."
The alt-right ran to the fire. It ran to ZOG. And they gettin' paid.
It took a couple of marketers all of 1 day to shit out these logos. If it earns them social capital, it's still better for the bottom line, and proud "gotcha" goyim somehow think this runs counter to the corporate mandate to earn a profit.
You take the same amount of risk getting in your car everyday to go to work as catching the virus. We're not shutting down society over car crashes though.
>Falling for shameless marketing stunts
Are you fucking 12?
Just want to say Striker, the third Reich was neither socialist nor democratic. Just be honest. If you want to uphold private property you can not call yourself a socialist
So you're an unemployed shitbag....and THAT'S why you're impotent?
I think you're just a Darwinian weakling.
It's a fake virus because it only kills unhealthy people. The Chinese were fucked because half of them have asthma from their industrial pollution. Healthy young white people in their 20s and 30s are not affected by this, it's only obese boomer bob who eats as many donuts as possible every day because "I ain't gonna live forever" then freaks out when he realizes he could die because boomers are shitty cancerous 70yo fuckwits.
Disney is fucked because they got woke.
oh that sucks
so....corporations do NOT support LGBTQ?
so....crony capitalis is now Based?
srsly, tho: you're literally telling yourself the EXACT same line that Antifa/trannies/faggots say when they're exposed as being on the same side as corporations. "Corporations don't REALLY agree with us! They're just SAYING things and DOING things and SPENDING money, but it's all a ruse!"
Why can't you just admit it: If you support the Lockdown, you support the elites. Stop with your faggy, Antifa-like rationalizations.
>he still peddles get woke go broke bullshit
pathetic, boycotts dont work
try even harder
Are you sure it wasn't Bob Chapek? Iger stepped down and the King Mouse.
This is the biggest fucking tell, I have to look away and turn the sound down its so big brother, creepy as fuck.
>13 posts already
well I try as hard as you
There is a difference between the face they put on for the public, and what they pressure the politicians to do. These same companies show adds celebrating their employees , and lobby against a minimum wage. It fits neatly into the pattern third positions believe Western corporations follow
not an argument
dumb shill poster