I lost friends and relatives because I supported this moron in 2016

Attached: miga forever .jpg (524x963, 127.55K)

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Please make 10 more threads about drinking bleach you almost changed my mind this time I swear!

>Please make 10 more threads about drinking bleach
Drinking it won't defeat this invisible enemy. You need to inject it.

>MAGA faggots unironically did inject the bleach

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I had a family of 30 but then 25 of them killed themselves yesterday by drinking bleach. We made a huge mistake by electing the great Donald Trump to the office of the president of the United States in 2016. #StillWithHer

If it's anything like the fish tank cleaner guy, we will find out they were Dems soon

You shills do such good work. Mommy is proud of you.

Attached: Attention Shills.jpg (716x2705, 1.19M)

did you think he meant inject into the bloodstream? actually, he meant inject onto the surface of the lungs via the air pipe. you must be a dumbfuk

Press x for doubt

I lost all my friends because they were antifa members and hated me for being nationalist and proud of being Finnish. One of them stabbed me on the both hands and got away with it. No matter what il be always proud of being Finnish.

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No, your parents made a huge mistake by not aborting. Don't blame Trump for your families wrong choice.

Abortion was illegal when he was born. Thanks to the Republicans, a party that trump is apart of and supports.

They were never your friends, nobody really is, you are just an annoying person

I kicked everybody out of my life who didn't support me, or whom I suspected were closet SJW's.
Haven't regretted that decision a single second.
Trump's second term will finish them off.

>Selectively forgetting that Trump was part of the Democratic party as well, but only when it suits you.

The common denominator is you, moron.

damn that sucks user, you should honestly kill that person or get the back if you know who they are.

this is dumb, trump was groomed to be president for over a decade. Votes have nothing to do it with it. You are ironically celebrating your own enslavement.

last scene.

>I supported
No you didn't

I don't believe you ever had friends or that you ever supported Trump.

My 8 year old woke up screaming past night framing the president was gonna inject xim

Xer is writing a letter to Biden as I am typing this

Fuckem Finnbro, when shit hits the fan we are going to annihilate these weak brain followers. One by one they'll be jackal feed.

stop throwing gas on the flames, find a woman.

>trump was groomed to be president for over a decade
And that's a good thing.
Hillary was groomed for over two decades. These things takes time.

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sloppy job mossad

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>They were liberals
Nothing of value was lost.

why would you ever talk about politics irl, especially among loved ones? oh right, you’re autistic.

here is your (((You))), now fuck off an KYS retard

Who, XI?

I'm so glad I never admitted it publicly. I live in Bay Area so I would have been ruined if they found out I voted Trump. I claimed to be a Bernie voter.

I don't even support him anymore after all the fuck ups. He hasn't done enough on immigration to get my vote again. I don't care if he triggers the libs it's not enough and my vote doesn't matter in this state anyway.

Il is blowing shots at their kids even at their sis then il blow their fucking mosques to bits.

If you supported Trump in 2016 that makes you the moron. Don't act surprised or betrayed. He's never hid what a steaming pile of dog shit he is. The record of it goes back decades.

Have you lost your penis yet?