Explain yourselves Yas Forums.
>explain a joke to me
nah, autist, go play with your puzzles
It's their policies, they believe in a state of only Koreans that are supplied by all supplies from Korea. They are ultra nationalist, they are closer to a nazbol then communist. They do have racial laws, they do call out the jew, they also care deeply about their Great leader.
your a moron if you dont get it, leave this board we have to many morons already
There’s more than one person posting here, retard
Communism promotes internationalism and racemixing (same faults as contemporary capitalism). Juche promotes closed borders and racial purity. North Korea is based. Fuck you discord tranny.
is this kiss x sis? god i had so many faps to this when i was like 15
It's Juche, not communist
>he doesn't know about North Korean Utopia Theory
Yas Forums was always a bunch of hypocrites, this board exists for edgy teens and retards
Wrong discord tranny.
You're posting here too idiot
I was here when old Yas Forums was Yas Forums, don't fucking talk to me with disrespect. I was here when moot posted porn on a daily basis. I am Yas Forums, who the fuck are you?
It's objectively better than fake Korea
How can one man post so much cringe in such a short post.
Based pasta, mine now
Cute, handsome and based, unlike the western rip off
North Korea is Juche.
are they of age
>ethno monarchy
Do you believe the nazis were socialists too?
>they do call out the jew
post proof
Mongolian women are cuter, Eastern Russian women cuter than Mongolians.
stupid fagget it was a meme that actually became true, SK is actually more corrupt and sinister than NK, SK pretends to be a developed country with freedom but in reality its just as fucked and bad as NK.
>Needing SSN to play video games
>Was run by a cult with Park Geun-hye as the stooge puppet
>The dumb cunt put all the corrupt people in power ala Samsung execs etc.
>Put all resources into mentally fucking the gooks with plastic surgery
>Sacrificed 300+ students in a planned ferry accident
>Promoting degenerate designer music groups to brainwash youth
>The cult members were all still left to run wild after Park was removed
the list goes on, SK and its people are all fucked in the head from Park and the Cult
Nazbol is not communism
>North Korean Utopia Theory
>OP is not a schizo
Nations have the right to self determination. I quiet frankly don't give a shit if Norks have slave farms or Cambodians shoot everyone who can read, as long as they don't try to spread their bullshit in my country like the CCP or Soviets formerly I'm fine with them. If the people hate it enough they can overthrow the government, imposing democracy or capitalism in places that don't want it just because its the kind of ideology I prefer is retarded. Japan's modernization and westernization is the only acceptable and the only succesful type, otherwise you have plastic soulless cultures like South Korea.
What don't you get, user?
Most people who self identify as communists are anarcho not NazBol or
SK 'people' still switch off their fans at night because thats what big brother told them to do to cover for their own incompetence in building power generation infrastructure. This is the nation with the most PhDs per capita.
Plus there's something about their whole culture. I first encountered it reading manhwa and I developed an instinctual hatred for it, everything I've read after about their history has only confirmed my perception. The Viets, the Champans, the Burmese-everyone fought the Chink hegemony every once in a while. The Koreans were the only ones that were absolutely obedient lapdogs, Japan was able to absolutely up and annex their whole country without a shot fired FFS. That too at a time when Tsushima hadn't yet established them as a first rate power. The Chinks fought for their independence while the Koreans obediently grovelled and sold the Japs their daughters, of all the seething Asian countries do about Imperial Japan I feel the least sympath for the Koreans.
The entire country and culture is pathetic and beyond redemption, Stalin and Macarthur glassing the peninsula in tit for tat movements would have been the best timeline for East Asia.
not the same
>cömmünismüs bääd
>whäi yüü tink nöt cömmünismüs bäsëd
>äi thööt yüü dönt läik cömmünismüs
>ultra nationalist
>basically a monarchy
>self sufficient, doesn’t need to rely on globalist (((trade))) to keep its economy running
>homosexuality is illegal
>zero jew (((bankers))), economy is controlled by the State
>highest birth rates in East Asia
Hello, BASED department?
They're wearing makeup and lipstick you degenerate faggot weeb