>just a flu brother
Just a flu brother
it is literally nothing
>babies have chad tier immune systems
Probably nigger crack baby.
At least that's what the flu stats say
here come the cope posts
>probably had an extensive list of preexisting conditions like Alzheimer's
>5 months old -- but probably an OLD 5 months
>I literally don't know anybody with it and therefore it's fake
nothing burger, NEXT
>A human in the highest of the high risk categories dies from the virus.
Whoa, crazy! It sucks, but it's not really surprising.
it literally had a heart condition and bronchitis before covid you kike retard
>Jerel and Lindsey took their daughter to a Bronx hospital with a fever on March 21, Jay-Natalie's grandmother Wanda La Santa told CNN. The baby had a heart condition, so they were already concerned for her health.
>But she suddenly went into cardiac arrest, and doctors couldn't resuscitate her, Wanda said.
Taco with shitty heart dies. It would've happened sooner or later. It wasn't corona which killed that little burrito, it was the bad fajita.
But that's a lie. You are a liar.
>babies known to die randomly for no reason
>baby dies from the flu
Emos like OP will never understand this.
> [particular type of person] dies "with" coronavirus
> s t o p t h e p l a n e t
That picture is not accurate and you should stop using it. It's less then 0.2 for young people. Just as an example South Korea have 3500 confirmed cases of coronavirus for people below 30 and not one dead in that catagory. That's just one example.
shouldn’t have coofed on her
But that proves my point that babies are the least at risk.
Well what I wrote proves your point. Your picture shows that corona virus is more lethal to children and babies then the flu, so far, absolutely no evidence points to that being true. So while you want to make a point that the corona virus is harmless for babies and children, your inaccurate picture shows the opposite.
it's genetics.
Bro we still totally gotta open up Macys and Home Depot thats more important than your baby
Should have pulled herself up by the bootstraps
>14.8% death rate for the most vulnerable
>meanwhile, 32% of the closed cases in America are dead
really gets the noggin joggin
Infants have always been a high risk group for viral infections, the immune system take a year or two to fully develop.
was probably SIDS or basejumping or something like that
It happens. Could honestly have been SIDS.
They even got a term for it:
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
First year is rough
statistically insignificant
you don't matter
stop trying to prolong your pointless existence
What I meant was that the flu is supposed to be harmless for babies. So according tothat, this baby was killed by something stronger.
Infants have been a somewhat highrisk group for influenza. Not for coronaviruses. Infact, for other coronaviruses an entire paper was written about the first recorded instance of a 7 month malnourished african baby died to a coronavirus/common cold.
There's been no example of a healthy infant or child dying to corona virus.
The baby had a bad heart and died of a heartattack. It has nothing to do with influenza or coronaviruses.