Name more perfect state than this

-direct democracy
-strong local government and citizen's community always keeping the local enviroment working as intended

Just compare this country with USA (about the same GDP per capita) USA looks like 3rd world country in comparison

Attached: switzerland.png (511x512, 3.64K)

Fuck the mountain jews. The hideout of kikes.

We have 50 of those. Pretty sure we have them beat.

You mad cuz you aint them
None of your state is even close to the level of development and civilization of Switzerland

the biggest hideout is the us

wow so relevant, come back when stop having niggers running around killing you and 100k per week hospitalisation.

Japan. Japan is all those things AND relevant on the world stage. Only thing the Swiss have are more guns, but that seems to be changing rapidly in Switzerland.

Veneto, Italy

Swiss are much richer than you. And Japan is pseudo-dictatorship. Swiss are the most democratic and self-governing people on earth

Lol no

Nobody here cares about Sweden


They voted anti LGBT hate into law this year giving them the same power as nigger. Just say he is racist/anti LGBT and pay a fine or get jailed.

fuck off we are full

I think I know one

Attached: PPPSG.png (720x717, 226.7K)

Sorry insect, but you're not even considered well developed

Attached: 1st-world.png (469x837, 32.56K)

Our downside is that we are small and don't have much impact on the world so we have to go along with the Jew narratives and let them brown our nation like the rest of Europe.

Attached: 1200px-Lindenhof_-_Schipfe_-_Limmatquai_2011-06-15_12-30-30.jpg (1200x797, 310.07K)

>don't have much impact on the world
like it matters something

I work for a Swiss company. They are terrible people and full of suppressed rage and hatred.

he cute

Attached: UpToTheSky.png (1258x1035, 105.84K)

PPP is for 3rd world countries as some insect tax havens to feel better about them.

I was thinking about this today
Switzerland & Japan are the best countries
The deciding factor between those two is how hard the refugee crisis hit Switzerland

Maybe if German immigrants weren't flooding this country en masse they would be acting different towards you.

> 1) steal money from kikes
> 2) ?
> 3) profit ??

> Quebec

Japan is autistic and decadent. Swiss system and culture sounds much better for me.

I would like some proper federalization or even confederation in my country

They outkiked the kikes, which is a big achievement in my opinion.

>-direct democracy
Lmao. The only reason they are well is because we haven't steamrolled these motherfuckers. Goebbels planned to invade Switzerland because he hated them. Lucky them I guess.
This. They hate everyone, even themselves. I travel a lot and every time Im at the Zurich airport, I can feel their depressed atmosphere. It's overwhelming, theyre always in a bad mood.
They already hated us back the day, thats the reason Goebbels was so keen on raiding them.

look at their regions, everything works as intended because the local governors are held accountable for their actions

So you're saying a 3rd world country has higher gdp per capita than Switzerland ?

Attached: 3world.png (1920x1080, 204.13K)

Except Swiss cities look beautiful and comfy while Japanese are concrete jungles with blinding neon shit everywhere

Nominal GDP per capita:
Singapore: $65,627
Switzerland: $82,950

thank you and cope


Attached: 1587769587878.png (664x621, 400.24K)

Switzerland is on fast-track aligning to 100% with the rest of Europe.

During the wuhan flu, instead of rationally assessing the situation they globo-homod out and followed whatever Merkel and the hysterical Media published, ruining the economy.

50 years ago Switzerland would not have acted like they do today, but back then women couldn't vote. Today they can, and the guiding principles of this country are globohomo principles. The wealth this country has is being squandered by the current generation of politicians. In 10 years there will be nothing left, and this country will be nothing than a miniature version of Germany, France and Italy. SAD

>everything works as intended
No it doesnt. Its worked because their banks because we let them make money with our tax evaders but those times are over especially with Chinks faking all their shit. Ask anyone who lives in Switzerland. Their country has been going down the drain over the last 10 years and Switzerland is literally an Albanian colony by now.

ukraine is the best country actually.
>fights against the russian menace
>descendants of the cossacks
switzerland is retard's country and safehaven of the mountain jews.

Attached: flag-of-ukraine.jpg (1000x667, 13.6K)

You got enough time to praise your future Mohamad overlords

to get on their below kike's level is an achievement ? Don´t think so, if it wasn´t that would just be chocolat and overpriced watches for niggers.

Yes its easy to beat the US when you dont have an open border with the third world, refuse to tax billionaires and dont spend a good portion of your GDP on aircraft carriers.

it's a mediocre country, but the flag is a plus

They think I'm Swiss as well. They still radiate hatred.

What reasons do they have for hate and depression?

God I wish I moved to Ukraine
It's an achievement to stay neutral and milk out more stupid people than them. Also If you think that Switzerland is rich because of jewish gold then you're wrong. Switzerland is a major export superpower.
>refuse to tax billionaires
so it's swiss fault that america doesn't tax billionaires?