What the fuck is wrong with the Chinese?

Yas Forums, I'm not even a racist, but the Chinese are fucked up people.
I have no problems with any other asian ethnicities, be they korean, vietnamese, taiwanese, whatever.
But the Chinese are just so fucked up.
Is it a cultural thing? I'm not saying all are like that, but a good portion of the Chinese population are rude, stupid and plain disgusting at time with zero regard for hygiene.

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Ok Shlomo

Typical Russian defending ingredients bugs.


1000+ years of being the fucktoys of their surrounding Asian nations. An entire nation of mixed race people with no singular heritage to look back on besides "we born in this magic dirt here, we still han chinese"

China was founded and controlled by White Scythians. The Jews revolts caused us to retreat. FUCK JEWS

Good thing you aren’t a racist, we might have had to report you.

Best advice you'll ever receive:
having a power level - showing your power level = true power level
internet posts count.

every single thing you do/say matters in the big scheme of things. Be careful.

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Chinese people are FOLLOWERS. Thats why democracy and independence is a concept they simply don't understand.
Its also why Asian nations always have strongmen leaders and hardcore communism.

They are bug people with no soul.

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>I have no problems with any other asian ethnicities, be they korean, vietnamese, taiwanese, whatever
Spotted the currynigger

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>we wuz chinks n shieeettt
stupid faggot
be proud of what whites ACTUALLY MADE, western civilization


the Taiwanese are Chinese. I think almost all of them are Han Chinese.

Fuck off shill, inject your krokodil

we wuzzin whites are just as bad as kangz niggers.

Yeahhh that's right. Take your Clozapine and fuck up

i spent 6 months in thailand and they're pretty fucked up too. their culture is just a bunch of insane contradictions, like there's no shame in being a prostitute as long as you send money to your family etc

Excuse me sir but are you aware that your kitty is a juggalo?

Is he a curry negros or a spotted curry shine?

You're fucking retarded, the Xia Dynasty predates the Scythians by 1200 years minimum. The Shang Dynasty predates the Scythians by 800+ years.

Ok pajeet.

Based and necrotizing fasciitis pilled

Okay, sure. What does that have to do with them fucking over OTHER people besides themselves? Are you really gonna equate Thai girls whoring themselves out to old men so they can send money to the poor family to the fucking Chinese? The Chinese come here and literally take shits on temples cause they gotta go.

>Is it a cultural thing?
cultural and genetic and there is nothing new in your observation even Hegel the father of Marxism and fascism classified them as a perpetual state of Asiatic tyranny. Its amazing how much smaller they are on average 5 feet, many less with a correspondingly smaller brain mass, they are a different species that operates in a hive like structure with lower brain size and body size ruled by a 'queen'. They are terrifically poor however at warfare and food production, insular and generally incapable. Its hard to see how they will ultimately continue to exist in the evolutionary movement of man (see their continued promulgation of communism, a failed mid 20th century totalitarian ideology creased in Europe as a 19th century cy by the Prussian state against the French, British and Russians). Its window dr4essing on what has always been there. Episodically the 'queen bee' dies and their civilisation collapses and they swarm around in utter chaos. Their major commercial application is fraud and as they completely failed to adopt Catholic or New Testament morality they have no concept of ethic or morality which leads them to policies such as mass abortion and endemic systematic lying. Gordon Chang predicted their collapse in his book 'the coming collapse of China' and the only thing that has delayed that was the bizarre self sabotaging policies of the US democratic party.

When did the wu tang clannisty come?

Lol your id says 35million poooooz

holy shit its real guys turn on kcnawatch.org/korea-central-tv-livestream/ shekelsteins race bait just flew over my house

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fuck off you brain dead nigger

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Communism will rot your brain.

Case in point:
>East Germany
>every other dysfunction country/region with an inbred-looking populace

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Imagine a country where a horde of starving country bumpkins purge the elite. You've got China.

Chinese virus is the natural outcome of chinese "culture”. Combine horrific wet market meat, savage cruelty, incompetent corrupt government, mei banfa and saving face this is what you get. It happened before and will happen again.

No conspiracy required, every year there's some bird flu or swine flu wreaking havoc in the sick man of Asia.

Mainland China is a nation without honour. Peasant Chinese nationals are people without honour. We cannot trust these people to be part of the global community any longer, they act in bad faith.

>human skull vs nigger skull

*polite wai* you're right. When are you guys gonna stop rolling out the red carpet to chinese people? Me and the farang niggers in Sukhumvit spend real money

>Its amazing how much smaller they are on average 5 feet, many less with a correspondingly smaller brain mass, they are a different species that operates in a hive like structure with lower brain size and body size ruled by a 'queen'. They are terrifically poor however at warfare and food production, insular and generally incapable.

Eh, your name is poop Hu huh huh
Heh heh heh poop ehhmmhmhmm

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you have to be 18 or older to post on Yas Forums

Holy stromboli!

Eh, you said pole huh huh huh
Yeah yeah and then he said on hmmmm heh heh

And your name is poop

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