Nothing I've ever seen suggests conservatives are smart at all. Why do they say such stupid things?

Nothing I've ever seen suggests conservatives are smart at all. Why do they say such stupid things?

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How much are you paid

only chimps would vote for a guy that had his daughter converted to kikeism

conservatives form group identities by inflicting pain upon others and taking joy in that pain. everything else is just superficial fluff.

do people honestly not know what chemotherapy is?


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If Patton Oswalt knew anything about helping women get healthy...

He didn’t TELL anyone to do anything

Conservatives may be dumb... but they're not so stupid that they can't follow what the president is saying.

Libshits on the other hand seem to have a problem every other day.


This. Leftards are as usual, so fucking stupid they misinterpret what they hear then repeat their bullshit ad nauseam to broadcast to the other NPCs, without actually thinking about how full of shit they are.

Patton Oswald killed his wife. That's all you need to know about him.

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He didn't mention bleach at all.

He would know a thing or two about injecting harmful things into the human body.

are you thinking of his mushroom cock?


50c a post. Pretty easy to rack up $60 an hour. Pay is great, I don't understand why anybody bothers to post in this cesspool without being paid by Russia. I'm in it for the money, what the fuck is wrong with you?

100 dollars a post. Now inject the bleach.

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Pattons fat cuckery is the reason his wife it dead. She could not stand to be around him any longer.

Isn't that the guy that killed his wife?

I think trump says this stuff on purpose just to trigger the snowflakes

>what every conservative says when they don't have an argument

That end statement.
Projecting this bad.

> pretending to be retarded

It's an old poker play, dumbass.

Non Whites are less intelligent than Whites and half of Whites have an IQ less than 100. aka play to the crowd, smart ones figure things out on their own.

Actually what he suggested was somehow inserting ultraviolet light (a disinfectant) into the body.

This then went through a game of Chinese whispers between you and the media to turn into "wtf Trump said to drink bleach he's so dumb".

They know they are weak and beneficiaries of a patron leviathan that rewards their loyalty unless they wrongthink or fail to attempt to socially shame those who do. Their praetorian guard are literally those who have disfigured themselves and need their precious hormones for life to not at least be 100% horrifying to the people they encounter day-to-day, only about 75%. Every right is inverted to wrong, every wrong inverted to right. Their mission is to destroy the current world and either replace it with a North Korea/China system or crash and burn with no survivors. They have grown to believe that their incrementalism won’t be stopped. The real question is, are they right or wrong? Where are your red lines? Who are you and why are you here?

OH look an manlet actor pretending he is a doctor.

Why is this guy even a 'thing'?

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Want to know something funny? A journalist asked Trump if he meant injecting disinfectants during that briefing and he said "no I didn't"
In the exact same briefing. The fact that the media decided to spin it anyway makes it really something spectacular.

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This guys a fat fuck but blumpfted still can't get the nuc codes...