Yes or no, is it time to treat trump supporters like the French treated counter revolutionaries?
Yes or no, is it time to treat trump supporters like the French treated counter revolutionaries?
Do you know how Robespierre died, mutt?
Trump is the revolution.
>thinks he'll be pulling the rope rather than losing his head
No, useful idiots go quickly
City niggers have gun control. It's the red voters that own the guns and run the farms. If the lockdown continues, I wonder how many city niggers will die trying to steal from farmers.
>Trump is the revolution
Definitely all leftists should be killed
yeah, the pathetic faggot couldnt even shoot himself in the head properly, blew off his jaw, lived, then guillotined. most hilarious shit ive ever saw on the history channel way back when.
>Trump is the revolution.
I mean is drinking bleach revolutionary?
its definitely time to do that to leftist cunts who want to destroy our country.
I just had a look at what Trump said directly that caused this whole bleach thing. He never said anything about drinking bleach, he mentioning disinfectant being injected but while doing so it is clear he wasn't sure of the right terminology as he kept looking towards Dr. Birx to verify what he is saying.
I saw a thread earlier that linked to a kind of treatment using a mist spray to be inhaled that contains a disinfectant which is most likely what he was talking about when he said "inject", is in you inject that disinfectant mist in to the lungs. I can't seem to find that study about that now so if anyone can link it that would be great.
The media's spin is getting more and more desperate.
stay triggered ugly ass nigga lmao
Reminder that people who don't take the mark will be threatened with being beheaded. The French Revolution was just a test for this.
That time was 2016. Now is fine too though.
Every Trump supporter I've seen has just been white trash and I'mma let you in on a secret. Shhhh don't tell nobody now
That's the real proletariat
You Starbucks liberals are the fucking worst and I'd love to see your families shot in front of you. You're the first ones that think there's gotta be a new law or regulation over fucking everything, but as soon as a thot needs to be put in her place you're suddenly the most libertarian person in the world.
Unless of course that thot is getting banned from Twitch or Twitter or Facebook OR REDDIT OR...
Than it's a private platform
Only it's not a private platform because if it were a private platform she should come back posting child porn and selling drugs and the website be liable.
But we don't talk about that when we can talk about tranny dicks or orange man bad.
Trump supporters are my bros. Commissar Jamal and Cletus would like to see your citizenship papers. Ulp, says here you're a Mr. not a Ms. You must not actually be the legal fiction on your birth certificate and therefore as a no citizen are not entitled to housing, electricity, food, and human dignity. Like you always say. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
but yours not?
>everyone says trump said to drink bleach
>go check facts, turns out to be lies
Yes I'm spinning around at six million RPM over here.
He's gonna in 2020 anyways LOLOLOL You're gonna be mad and and the salt mines will be extra yielding this time.
Most white men are Trump supporters. They are our brothers.
THIS right here, THIS post is the exact reason Trump supporters need to be rounded up and gassed
Yes. Make this attitude the norm, so my .45 will be justified any place I discharge it into your chest when there are more than 3 of you communist fucks antagonizing and menacing me and my family.
you're both as bad as each other you moronic fucking idiot
what have the conservatives conserved? your right to suck circumcised cock?
your right to fight and die for Israel and further destabilise the Middle East? the fed reserve and your literal fake money printed from thin air backed by nothing?
Why are you saying this for Trump supporters but not for Obama, Clinton, Bush, Romney, Cruz, etc. supporters, when the exact same applies to them?
Trump is the most loved politician of recent times with white men and the most hated politician by non-whites. We should stand together unified as a race more.
Based historian poo
>Why are you saying this for Trump supporters but not for Obama, Clinton, Bush, Romney, Cruz, etc. supporters, when the exact same applies to them?
because that goes without saying you absolutely dense fucking retarded dumb cunt. holy fucking shit you're retarded. you deserve to have your whole family dragged from your house and violently raped by a nigger. fucking worthless insect
>Trump is the most loved politician of recent times with white men
all that proves to me is that the white race deserves a massive fucking culling of subhuman flouride brained fucking faggots
go suck a jew's cock you unfathomably dense cunt. go watch another game of thrones episode. star wars tv show baby yoda haha le epic tyron lancaster cock joke. cock and wine and dragons. go play another batman video game you American cock sucking jew faggot. consumerist fucking idiot. weeds and rot don't deserve to be saved
The Democrat Party has done nothing for black people, yet they still vote for them.
This battle is NOT going to be won using electoral politics anyway. It's likely going to be won by a civil war, if anything. So why is it so important to YOU who the President is? You seem to hate Trump a lot more than we like him.
You hear black people sometimes say "Of course I vote Democrat, I'm black!" and stuff like that.
Well, we're white, so we vote Republican.
Trump said clearly and explicity before the whole world in 2016 BEFORE the election that "I will be the most pro-Israel President you've ever seen".
Yas Forums knew this before you did.
The reason you won't post about Biden's overwhelming support for Israel is because you really like Biden and you want him to win the election.
if you support ANY politician in the 21st century you are an enemy of the white race
you suckle at the teat of the state perpetually keeping this jewish hell society running. western civilisation needs to crumble because it is QUINTESSENTIALLY jewish, you want to save a jewish civilisation, therefore you are my enemy, therefore I hope you get raped you fucking spiritual jew. go vote for another shabbos goy, cunt
Democracy is a jewish meme. All democracy means is a country run by jews.
fucking subhuman idiot kike
you can't make it any more obvious to me that you are in fact a jew
fuck off and do a flip from your synagogue roof you cunt. buy a gopro and live stream it
Even Chumpsky shakes his head sadlyl when the left call for violence against the right in America; "We all know how that will turn out".
You are a left-wing person pretending to be a nationalist.
I don't "support" Trump. I'd rate him a 5 out of 10. Maybe a 6.
Why, the one time whites show any kind of vague racial homogeneity, are you trying to split them up again? The fact that whites have slowly been voting more and more as a block in the same way that non-whites do is fantastic. I encourage it. But you seem to want to stop it.
Stupid asshole, whites hate one another. The ultimate white nationalist, Hitler, tried to exterminate the Slavs and got his ass kicked by Slavs, Anglos, and mongrel Americans, then blew his brains out due to shame.