Nigger hate thread fuck jannies edtion
Nigger hate thread fuck jannies edtion
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Op stop hating blacks and get a life loser
Has anyone noticed how niggers always cross the street extremely slowly?? I was first notified of this behaviour by my grandfather. Is this just a thing in the United States or are big chimpin's doing this everywhere?
Doing God's work OP. Fuck niggers and fuck jannies
Testing trying to dump nigger jokes but think I’m banned for abuse whatever that means
All that kfc is weighing them down
no you're alright dude
Don’t be racist bro it makes me sad :(
It says I am banned from posting pics. I have never seen that in my life on here
Jannies pls let us enjoy the fleeting moments of happiness in our lives before i inevitably kill myself
Don't care about niggers bro it makes me sad :((
don't be a faggot it makes me sad.
someone post something, i need to coom
I guess I have to describe it since I’m banned from posting images suddenly. The first one is a nigger couple talking to each other behind the glass in prison and it says
The next one is a guy in front of a black church with a shirt that says this shirt can say nigger because it’s black
And the last one is comparing pit bulls to niggers and the pit bulls move into a golden lab neighborhood and ruin it
Jannies have really been seething lately. I wonder why
I love dogs but fuck pitbulls
For you.
I got kicked off yesterday. Message said I was a bot.
Thx friend
Poor guy must have run into Leo frank
Probably new and full of commies
Yeah this one old fucking pit roams my neighborhood and darts out of the woods at me when I run. Of course it’s a literal faggot that owns him.
Niggers are the great plague of our age.
Got any more
Can we develop this technology and exterminate all the niggers globally?
It would be more fun killing them 1 by 1
We could take out all the niggers in the USA with smart drone swarms then use any niggers that try to break into the USA as sport kills.
And the sport should be named nigg figthing like bull figthing were white males kill niggers in a arena
Or there should be a nigger season like deer season were there would be hunters walking around bad neighbor hood's with weopons killing niggers
The drone strike is more realistic.
She's right, you know.