What do i with my life. I've been on Yas Forums since 2007. I graduated high school in 2013 and have barely done much since then. My long time friends have either been working at markets and department stores comfortably for years or finished their 4 year degrees not to long ago. No one ever wants to hire me and im in college now, but it was mainly to get people off my ass so i could say im doing something. Dont really know if what i picked is lucrative or not. I dont know if i could ever see myself in an office setting or doing blue collar things since im stupid and untrained. You guys are generally smart, is there any hope for me at this point or should i just prepare to go through with suicide?
What do i with my life. I've been on Yas Forums since 2007...
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Nigger you are fucking 25 get a grip kek
Do the exact opposite of what the poster below me says
I didn't have a single coherent thought in my head until i was 25, literally hadn't even started thinking about anything yet, just running around sticking dick in things and fighting. Relax a little, suicide is not the solution at such a tender age.
Don’t overthink life fren. You are young things will get better. It sucks for everyone now and don’t worry about money or “carrers” money comes and goes. Focus in your health try to learn new things or not. Just relax brah it will be OKAY
Rip OP
Oh wow, look at you. You're having the exact same existential crisis we all are. How new and unique.
The world is changing at such a rapid pace that no one can predict what it will look like in a year, or even a few months. Kim could die tomorrow and NK could nuke Guam, the supply chains could break apart and we could all starve, Q could be more than boomer crack and we could all watch Hillary Clinton get necked on live TV. The world has never been more uncertain than it is today. Do what you want and fuck anyone trying to tell you what to do. Living a "normal" life is for the normal world, which no longer exists. You won't find happiness in trying to placate other people.
>t. a shittier version of (You)
College is a scam. Statistically it will not increase your long term outcome. Go to trade school or get a fuckin job.
Sorry user thought you had some worth you show some self awareness
>here since 2006
>i'm now 37
>things didn't get better, just different
Abandon all hope already.
This. Go travel overseas and find a job. You made things hard for yourself like all of us did but we're lucky in a way because it gave us a chance to see what's important so we didn't wind up like wannabe boomers.
How? If i was an incel still honest to god i think i would have checked out a year or two ago. Even after getting laid, exercising consistently, and going to school for almost a year, i still feel so lost and like i cant see a future where i can be by myself and own my own shit.
I do take care of myself but i have no ownership, no titles, no credits, no degrees, never worked, pretty much unemployable. At first it was fun for the first 2-3 years but now its miserable. For those of you who make money how hard was the path to do that? Getting to the point where you could be self sufficient and have women respect you
Alright user, I will give you all the advice I can. This will come in parts so bear with me.
>is there any hope for me at this point or should i just prepare to go through with suicide?
Of course there is hope for you user. There is always hope. No, don’t go through with suicide. Your life has value, whether you see it and believe it or not.
>You guys are generally smart
Yas Forums as a whole is generally completely retarded and out to sabotage pretty much everyone, so take any and all advice you're given here extremely carefully.
>What do i with my life.
Well, there are some immediate lifestyle changes you can make which will help you feel better. Stop fapping, smoking, doing drugs, drinking, and binge eating sugar and carbs if you do any of those things. Find some vegetables that you like eating a lot of and keep at it. Get regular sunlight and physical exercise.
Start every morning by making your bed and doing some stretches; this teaches you some discipline, gets your day started with a task completed (and some order imposed in your world), and eases your body into the day. A lot of people say “start picking up heavy things, bro”, and that would certainly help, but I’m not a gymbro presently (cheers Corona) so I’ll leave that to them. What I do know is that picking up heavy things isn’t a silver bullet.
Anyway, by doing these things, you are starting to change the biochemistry inside you and your mindset, and these are important things as they grease the wheels of solving the problem of the rest of your life.
Corona virus quarantine will definitely uptick the suicide rate.
Women are going crazy from the ostracism. Once the fallout damage of the economic solitary confinement is post-calculated, we'll find out the cure cause more loss of life than the disease.
Don't commit suicide until coronavirus passes and you spend a month getting some sun outside with others on a beach day.
>You guys are generally smart
A curse.
you were successfully deactivated. go back to your chips, soda and fapping. go back to sleep. life is pol, pol is life.
>since 05
Things will get better if you want to make them better.
T. Angry alcoholic and fucked everything that moved for about 20yrs. Going about a year sober now,Healthier,money in the bank,bills paid on time,better relationships with friends and family,etc.
You are trying to hard
Chinese finger trap
Ive been into the health scene for a few years now. If i didnt i would have totally deteriorated. I feel comfortable with myself in most basic areas but the overwhelming guilt/shame of being a career and financial failure really eats away at me since it seems like something everyone can do but me
Well what did you pick in where you don't know if it is lucrative or not
>No one ever wants to hire me
Nobody ever wants to hire anyone. Getting jobs is a difficult and frustrating thing. One thing that has helped me (and I’ve seen it help others) on that front is to look at from the perspective of potential employers, not as a -person-, but as a -solution/service-; how you would solve said employer’s problems. My employer has an obsession with the phrase “adding value” and it’s a useful mindset in this. Also, work backwards. Look at what kind of roles & purpose you would like to be doing, then work backwards as to:
-What you have now that contributes to that;
-What you absolutely need to add to yourself for it;
-What would be ‘icing on the cake’.
I recommend getting yourself some books on putting together a good CV/Resume. “How to win friends and influence people” is a good book on the subject (it’s not really about making friends, it’s about communication and interpersonal relationships).
You asked “How?” which is actually a good question. I suppose, realise that you never have the puzzle fully figured out. This life shit is a constant ongoing journey and every time you get to one destination, you then start moving to another. Instead of looking at your life like you’re trying to solve a problem, look at it as trying to optimise yourself and focus on continual improvement: you’re never going to be perfect or get everything perfectly right, but you can focus on being better next year than you were the last.
The thing is, what you’re grappling with is not unique. I think most young men, certainly in the Western world, feel the same – even if they don’t necessarily show it. has a valid point in that you won’t find happiness trying to other people. You *stand a good chance* of finding happiness in setting yourself aspirations & targets and smashing them.
OK. Can you tell us a bit more about yourself, user? We need data. What subjects are you taking in college? Do you have absolutely 0 previous work history, or do you have SOME?
Based and wholesome advice
You can always change your life. Always. Here's what you need to do:
Zero, consider why you can't accomplish goals. What actually stops you? Self-doubt? Fear of the unknown? Fear of failure? You need to figure out what it is. Once you do, stare it straight in the eyes and kill it. Never look back.
First, get your body in shape. Being in good physical condition works wonders for motivation. It is the most raw form of self-improvement. Start simple. Go on runs and bike rides for cardio. Do weight training with objects laying around your house, if you're too lazy/cheap to use proper equipment.
Second, upgrade your wardrobe. Dressing nice leads to people treating you better. When people treat you nicer, you'll feel more accepted and more confident in yourself. Get a few decent dress shirts, some slacks, and proper shoes (not tennis shoes). Go to Goodwill if new items are too much right now.
Third, get trained. Go find a trade school and learn a transferable skill. It's probably going to be cheaper than your current school, and you're guaranteed to have work. Plumbing and electrical work will always be needed in modern society. Don't want an office setting? A trade will keep you out of the office. You could even start your own business.
You can do it, OP. If you think no one believes in you, just remember: I do. I always will.
"If a man does not have an ideal and try to live up to it, then he becomes a mean, base and sordid creature, no matter how successful."
- Theodore Roosevelt
How get sober
Been getting black out drunk for the past 33 days kek
By "things didn't get better, just different" i meant i became better from an outside perspective: stopped drugs, stopped smoking, i have a sustainable job, i'm out of debt and so on. But all of this didn't fill my existential void i guess, deep inside i became more and more desperate years after years, i still try to play by the rules and i do what needs to be done.
agree, main reason i didn't enjoy some time of my neet 20s was overthinking my situation and letting the other peoples' desperate struggle for money and meaning get to me. when i finally listened to my inner voice telling me that other people are mainly just following stupid rules of society without ever reflecting on their own life and what they need to be happy it got really awesome! working out, trying to eat healthy food and pursuing fulfilling activities (whatever it may be for you) should be the only thing to worry about. Doesn't mean to get all super duper strict and arrogant about your lifestyle but i'm looking at really unhealthy, unhappy people with so called "careers" every day and thank god i dodged that bullet!
Is there areason you can’t both be on Yas Forums and succeed? You just literally just have to start trying pretty hard at something and be willing to change your mind about work shit when somebody work-redpills you. Worked ok for me.
This seems like a major mountain to climb. Some people say its ez just go one step at a time and then you drop a gameplan which i see taking 4-5 years minimum and its just a gamble. My great grandparents immigrated here in the 1910s to escape ww1 and became very rich which was passed down to the rest of us over time. Most of my friends are mexican or asian and they are doing fine. It feels like the new system punishes white americans and props up immigrants and non whites so they all do better. Ive never worked, dont drink, dont do drugs, no disabilities that i know of, exercise and eat healthy, dont fap to porn. Yet a morbidly obese friend of mine who smokes weed every and drinks after work can easily get hired. Or a dyslexic guy from the philippines has the drive to finish his nursing degree and be employed with that.
Im in a bizarre spot where, i dont hate my person or my face or body, but i actively hate my mind and how its put me down and given me so much stress and anxieties to the point where i cant choose a career or be employed. Sometimes at night when i cant sleep, i go outside and punch a brick wall and fuck up my hand for a few days. Which then makes me worse at browsing or playing games. First i was more passive and receptive but now i really just want to violently kill myself more and more each day
Yes, I agree, the new system feels like it's trying to punish and take away from us to prop up everyone else, as some sort of perverted sense of justice (more likely vengeance). What you need to do - what we ALL need to do - is tell that new system to fuck off. Don't let it bully you.
If you're in college, you might have access to societies and events clubs, right? Join some of those; I recommend one relevant to your hobbies and interests, one relevant to your chosen field, and one which is a more general kind of community one. They'll run events and its good to get involved. You might even end up trying to get onto a leadership position with them and that looks great on the resume. Plus it builds your professional network. My Dad always says "It's not what you know, it's who you know", and that's very true. Don't forget that WHO you know isn't always about nepotism, it can be about getting advice and recommendations.
Something else to consider is, try finding a Mentor. This should ideally be somebody within your extended professional network, which in your case might be the senior colleagues who work with your family. This involves writing to them and asking them to advise and support you with specific questions about getting into and being a success within your chosen field. (make sure you do a bit of research on the person before hand).
Oh! And, try a "Lessons Identified" approach. If you think you fucked up something - an exam, if you embarassed yourself at a party, if an interview didn't go too well - make a note of it and analyse WHY it happened, what you did, why you think what you did contributed to or caused failure, and what you will do differently next time.
No you misunderstand me. I love this place because were all like minded. I just never thought as a kid id be doing the same thing im doing but as an adult. I have no purpose and if it wasnt for the one handful of pussy i get a few times a year, Yas Forums, a supportive family and long time friends i wouldnt be here. You ever feel like your company and time is just unwanted no matter where you go? Thats what i felt after every failed interview ive been to. Id be fine stacking boxes in a warehouse for 9 hours because at least i would be needed and a part of making sure people get their goods delivered to them and getting paid for it. But there is something that holds me back from getting that simple piece of comfort
I think overall you need to sit down with a notepad and think about what you value, what you want out of life, and where you want to get to. Then assess how possible it would be in the best case, most likely case, and worst case. Draw the thread back from there to where you are now, which will show you what else you need to do with your educational and career choices. (Cont. below...)
So I have some book recommendations for you. Obviously this requires spending money (money you might not HAVE), though if you're in college your library may have these or be able to order them in via an interlibrary lone system:
"Why you? 101 Interview Questions You'll Never Fear Again" by James Reed
"Brilliant Interview - What employers want to hear and how to say it" by Ros Jay
"You're hired! How to write a brilliant CV" by Corinne Mills
"The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene
And, as I mentioned before, "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie
There's nothing to say that once you've picked one career route, you're stuck with it for life. More and more now people are retraining and changing career down the line (often without needing to retrain). I started my career within the video game industry, actually, and now I work in Aerospace.
There are two things which are going to define work and industry in the 21st century:
-Increasing automation (for which technical skills like manufacturing, fabrication, programming and CAD/CAM, would be useful)
-Increasing dependence on the stakeholder and relationship management skills that can't be automated (for which soft skills like negotiation, analysis, communication and teamworking will be absolute musts).
Covering both, to the best of your ability, will help make you a better 'solution' to the job market's demands.
OP, I already made , but let me add on something else based on what you're saying here.
Punching a wall...fuck, I get that. I did that too. That was five years ago.
My problem was lack of ability to correctly process emotion. A critical realization I made and had to tell myself:
>It is not always your fault.
Drill that into your head. Say it out loud for 10 minutes. Write that on a Post-It, and paste it somewhere you'll see it. You need to drill that message beyond your conscious mind and into your subconscious.
Here's a technique to build ability to process feelings:
For any negative situation you encounter, answer the following four questions:
> What about it makes you feel mad?
> What about it makes you feel sad?
> What about it makes you feel bad?
> What about it makes you feel glad?
Seek answers to each of those four questions. If you can't come up with one immediately, keep trying. I've found it to be highly effective.
they are the only ones that called trumps win, and to this day people cope about some 3 million vote margin in california lmao
Well my school has some clubs sure. Science, christianity, lgbt, robotics, reading, muslim, chicano, africans, women for something...and a whole bunch of shit i dont care about. If not you, someone else will call me a faggot but i think i have a basic bitch mind. I dont even know what my hobbies/interests are besides having fun, which is something an instagram roastie would say. My parents never put me in any sports or programs but got me a gamecube. Then in high school i fell down the porn trap and boom. My teen years were spent gaming and edging for hours every other day to obscene anal porn. So im underdeveloped as a person and dont know what i like. I picked a telecommunications and media studies program. Right now we have to make a 20 minute documentary for the semester. When the counselors were describing it it sounded appealing but now i dont know. Then i see the career threads here sometimes and people say anything thats not blue collar welding or automative is a waste of time.
Thing with that is ive barely ever touched any tools. And then ill always have to be a grimy greasy fatass looking into peoples toilets or at risk for electrocuting myself or fuck up my joints and back. But then i can claim a degree, make money, be respected, and gain 4chans approval all in one go. But theres so much work needed to get to that point...
Dude I know this is Yas Forums but get out of the "muh failures cuz minorities" that shit doesnt helps jack shit.
Second you gotta have compassion for yourself. No matter how much you fucked up or hate yourself, you seriously gotta let go of that chip on your shoulder. Its causing you to focus on other people and putting yourself down, in which neither case helps.
Remember the time you were a kid, hell look at old baby pictures of yourself. You think that kid deserves to be put down or talked shit to like you do to yourself? You think his future deserves to be taken away? Forgive yourself for your mistakes first before you can move forward.
Theres an old episode of the brady bunch where one of the kids makes fun of someone and the mom later talks to him and says dont laugh at people like that, one day you might be a loser to. It was funny when i saw it years ago but i think about it a lot now. Young me would call current me a fag, kick me in the balls and run away. Even if i physically fix myself i have no control over the mental side of things even after trying deep breathing, meditations, nature, silence, reading excerpts from experts. Im always internally at war with myself and wish it would all go away. So that kid me you mentioned could be at rest