We hear this all the time and are even taught it in schools. But how come Europa and especially Germany is not a shithole after it was put in ruins during WW2? It was totally wrecked while Africa was BUILT and improved during colonialism. Am I missing something or is just another one of those doublespeak and doublethink we are served by our state and media?
Africa is a shithole because of colonialism
Shut up nordcuck
what was it before then? we've just given them more thinks to destory and throw on the ground.
Fuck off you retard. You don't belong
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
Matthew 25:40-45
Fuck off 9gag virgin loser
Haiti has been a black ethnostate for 200+ years and they eat mud for dinner. Seems to be a nigger problem, the low-IQ thing.
shut up and let them in
if you want the go to answer that liberals use to answer this question: 'it's because of the huge sums of money given to germany during the marshall plan'
Africa is a shithole because it's full of africans you dumb faggot.
>Zimbabwe Gives Land Back to White Farmers After Wrecking Economy
I honestly cannot comprehend how almost an entire continent (with the exception of a few northernmost regions at certain points in history) is so far behind all other nations in terms of development. What were they doing over there for the past hundred thousand years or so? I don’t get it.
GOD put the negro in Africa because he knew how stupid they really were.
He provided Africa with lush green plants, tropical weather, lots of fresh water, beaches, wild animals everywhere, and filled the ground with gold, silver, oil, natural gas, precious gems.
And they still starve.
niggers are subhuman monkeys. thats the answer
>'it's because of the huge sums of money given to germany during the marshall plan'
Yeah, except Africa has gotten many times more aid money than europa ever got. I don't have the sources now, but I think it's something like 5 times more
Its the people that make a nation.
it's a shithole because of niggers
Whites created a metropolitan nation called Rhodesia in only a few decades. When it was handed over and renamed Zimbabwe, it promptly crashed and the money was worth less than toilet paper.
>>Zimbabwe Gives Land Back to White Farmers After Wrecking Economy
Haha, this always makes my smile muscle twitch
800 Billion dollars in aid for Africa over the decades, and it still is Africa now.
Yeah right colonialism brought them salvation and they rejected it and left it in ruins. Now, years later we're here funding their dirtcrawling population growth. As i see i now it's inhumane to support those country any longer they shit the bed, now lay in it
yeah the whites came in and took all that shit hehe dumb nigs
that was over a much longer period of time though and was used for basics rather than infrstructure
>yeah the whites came in and took all that shit hehe dumb nigs
Whites paid good prices, the negros just bought liquor, got drunk and blew the cash on prostitutes.
Africa is the way it is because of the (((people))) who keep sending mass quantities of food there. If they cut all aid to Africa those countries would have to develop their own agriculture to support themselves. but it won't happen because some (((people))) benefit from having a large population of retards around who will migrate to Europe to replace their enemies.
>He provided Africa with lush green plants, tropical weather, lots of fresh water, beaches, wild animals everywhere, and filled the ground with gold, silver, oil, natural gas, precious gems.
And here we are struggling to hold this shitty tiny land in the fucking desert while those fucking imbecile monkeys have a whole kontinent to themselves. Life is not fair.
Okay, what about america then? They turned a continent of prairies into the most successful country in 50 year without aid money
Or perhaps niggers are just lazy. The northern african arabs consider blacks subhumans of low intelligence.
God told you jews to scatter all over the world, not form an artificial nation. You refused his order and you now suffer.
You need to look up Ryan Faulk and The Alternative Hypothesis
Thanks I will check it out.
I also started watching the following series after an user made a thread about it last night. I can recommend it
Different subspecies. Whole continent of idiots. We try to make them act white and fuck them up even further.
They actually explain Africa in terms of pic_related.