What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Media lies smearing all of his ideas
Bleach kills germs on hands it can kill germs in lungs too
So obviously you should bleach your lungs right? Fucking MIGgers
Let's face the truth. Until this epidemic, he was coasting on the economic upward trajectory that began under Obama. He really didn't do much besides "Le triggering le Libs epic style" on twitter.
Nothing. Now go inject yourself with disinfectant you fucking furry.
12D something something antivax.something
>prolonged a recession
>tried to fuck everyone over with a tax mandate
>bailed out weak corporations that should have went under
>funded a lab in Wuhan that developed this virus
Shareblue and MediaMatters discord shill trannies
Also reddit
So basically all of recent US presidents and current candidates are garbage? Nice going
Shhh you can't say true things on this board...
have sex lmao
>economic upward trajectory that began under Obama.
Conveniently omitting Obama's "magic wand" comment.
Drumpf is so bad like omg. Is that even a question?
the mods havent ip range banned you shills yet
when the jews fired steve bannon, the last link to the working class and patriotism was severed and replaced by globalist scum
Why would Trump have shareblue and mediamatters write his sarcastic medical remarks?
He just realized that he lives in a country where 99.9% of population are big retareded babies, where half of them will do it whatever he ask doctors(a question not a suggestion) and the other half blame him for everything he says.
At least , he could fire them if they were their employees, but he can’t and have to manage these idiots ots.
Literally ashamed that I share oxygen with these morons.
post more anti trump
>it will work this time
It’s OK to be white and this drink bleach nonsense have proven to make that 80% of people are mentally unsalvageable. I recently realise that I don’t regret detaching myself from people over these years. A lot of us here are just literally 100x smarter than the average person. They don’t know how to mentally organise information. Our main issue is thinking these people are even close to as smart as us. Some of us have spent 10 hours a day for 15 years on the computers learning to sort information. A lot of the people we argue with can’t even read or have been molested or come from traumatic nigger families. We’re literally arguing with people intellectually inferior to us. So if anyone’s reading this that feels fed up of clown world, just remember you did the right thing by detaching. These people are insane
Nice disinfo
Most of the trump supporters on this board are from thedonald and they know who they are.
Yas Forums is IQ 80 so Trump with his IQ of 90 seemed comparatively very good brain so retards supported a retard
>Let's face the truth
straight from the script
imaging being such a fucking loser that you get paid to type this bullshit
Look, I've always been a Republican too but Trump messed up "bigly" as he would have said. Frankly we Republicans are supposed to be the rational ones who don't let their emotions mess with their thoughts. I love Trump too but if you really think about it rationally you will realize he made a mistake
>imaging being such a fucking loser that you get paid to type this bullshit
Did that sting to write?
No. Trump fired Bannon because he no longer needed him to understand his support base. Trump could go back to what Fox News programmed him to do 1) tax cuts for the rich 2) support Israel's geopolitical agenda
That's what (((Murdoch))) made Fox News. Trust me I'm Australian, he's one of our Jews that moved over there because Aussies are immune to Zionist shilling, but Americans aren't
how's that 100 miles of fence going?
dink the bleach drumpfcucks
Press conferences
kek I made this meme before the election even happened. I fucking knew he was a crypto-kike after his first speech to AIPAC 6 months before the vote.
bannon was a zionist too, he just had the radical idea that the US couldn't support israel if it didn't also support itself, which most of trump's cabinet thought sounded like adolf hitler speaking from the grave
You truly believe you’re smarter than the era defining billionaire real estate magnate Donald trump? Do you really believe that in your heart of hearts
go be retarded somewhere else jew
Some of us know he’s a crypto-kike but understand that doesn’t make him stupid and doesn’t mean he said to drink bleach
nice pasta
here are some comped breadsticks
>You were CONNED, shoulda voted for Hilldawg!!1
Go swan dive off the roof of your shill farm.
Better than no fence. Still not a wall, unfortunately.
What's going to be hilarious is when studies reveal that flavored vape products actually kill coronavirus in the lungs. It will happen. Cap this.
Sheldon Adelson started funding him
>It’s OK to be white ... nonsense
So it's not OK to be white? Kys, sandnigger
Bannon was not a Zionist in the sense that Trump is. For example, Bannon originally didn't want to touch Iran. It was others in Trumps cabinet that wanted to tear it up. I wouldn't compare Bannon to Zionists in DC
He inherited 400 million from his father, that has been proven. Had he just put it in a stock index he would a lot wealthier than he is now, he didn't beat the market average. Do you even know why no American bank will give Trump a loan since 1990's? Why all his loans come from Germany, Russia and Saudi Arabia? It seems to me your IQ is actually 80 or you're underaged.
>era defining
In what way? The bankruptcy trials? The apprentice? Fast food ads?
Bannon was smart enough to know that Iran has nukes I guess. Oh well, we have Soros bioweapons in case of that eventuality
Unironically Trump is just surrounded by retarded bible thumping Neocon Republicans, that is what went wrong.
If Trump legitimately just led how he wanted to lead, the US would probably have Universal Healthcare as well as a far stricter clamping down on immigration and a massive nation building program in the style of the late 19th century and 1930s-60s. This is shit he all talked about in 2016 before being elected and surrounded by Republicans.
"But but Republicans want to cut immigration"
Lol no they don't, Trump is literally deporting less people than Obama. Agribusiness is highly reliant on illegal labor so Republicans will make noise, but never actually do it, same with Abortion, if they banned abortion, say goodbye to like 40% of single issue Republican voters.
Trump isn' t even cryptokike tho he is literally just clown
I assume he meant the public's reaction to it.