Sleep well my sweet summer child

Sleep well my sweet summer child

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Burn in Hell, spoiled gook brat.

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Will they retire the haircut?

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thread theme

It's only Hong Kong Satellite TV reporting it. Unconfirmed by all other sources.

i'll never forget when they first made him dictator and dragged him away from whatever european country he was getting his education in, he always looked like he was there against his will and had a north korean officers gun pressed against his back, looked like his greatest dream was to play some starcraft 2 back in europe. rip sweet prince

Given this pic I recommend open heart surgery stat

Kim would have been a NEET champion. Maybe in the next life. Thanks for the aesthetics.


he ded?

>Fucking vampire Ginsburg lived longer than Kim.

World is truly cruel.

Who was the one who edited his wikipedia?

he's so fat here lol

They must of poisoned him or something.The people who always follow him around always looked starving and sad.

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Zoomers can't fully appreciate Kim, he was the last of a past that contained Wonders of the World, rulers who seemed larger than life in far away exotic lands or hellscapes. One thing I've been conscious of since January is how suddenly Americans' minds have absorbed the massive reality of China, after two decades having the Middle East be the programmanle enemy on TV. I'd say 80% of Americans before this year never gave China a serious thought ever. Whereas nearly every American knew about Kim and privately enjoyed his company from afar. Kim was understood by us, China is a vast depression of dystopia, Xi is an unknowable cypher. Literally in three months MSM rebooted the hivemind here. Technology is used by elites to vacuum all mystery from the world, thereby hindering imagination and dreams.

rip you fat fucking faggot,
may every dick you suck be black.

so, what will the policies of his replacement be?

get america to kill all of your political opponents and then modernize?

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>One thing I've been conscious of since January is how suddenly Americans' minds have absorbed the massive reality of China, after two decades having the Middle East be the programmanle enemy on TV
i've noticed this too, its very depressing. most people don't care why or how, they just want permission to hack away

first they shipped the manufacturing to china. then china started building a middle class. now chinese tech is rivaling american and in some cases exceeding it. now the soros virus runs rampant, now they must pay holocaust 2 reparations, now we have always been at war with communist china

yeah poison not the 200 lbs of lard

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Imagine how long he could have lived if he didn’t eat like a fat ass. Imagine all the years wasted where he could have been fucking teenage Korean pussy while having an entire serf nation worship you like a God.

Fat boy wanted his cake and ate it too much.

He should burn in hell for that haircut alone.
State Funeral LIVE

Rest well my sweet prince

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Israeli detected


That's right. now bend over..

I'm not excluding that possibility.

Gay israeli detected

its an isreal man

is there rule34 of his corpse getting gangbanged yet
asking for an enemy

Goodnight sweet prince

This is a non-racist board, please stop using racial slurs.

MODS! Clean up this racist filth!


I mean I'd take some leaks of his sisters nudes now that shes ruling

So fat he needs 5 microphones

Americans are fascinated by nigger cum, it's bizarre as fuck lol.

You really are an NPC if you believe this. Chicom filth has been in the minds of American culture for years. It moves on to politics.

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Anyone who praises him is a fucking idiot and knows nothing about North Korea and how fucked up it is.
>"B- but muh videos of Pyongyang"
>t. easily fed propaganda

Yes MODS this guy is RIGHT. Please this board is a non-binary racial spacecraft. Get him out NOOOOOW

F rip big guy

lol they are showing Premier League highlights right now

So much for the "North Koreans hate whites" thesis.

The truth is that North Korea actually is Best Korea. Best women, best leaders, best politics.

Goodnight sweet prince - I shall forever watch you ride your white stallion in the snow


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Why do you neolibs pretend that you give a fuck about the random norks Kim killed?

Fuck you loser
Kim is a Yas Forumsak
We stand with our own.
Also hes still alive, just in rough shape.


I'm telling you faggots, North Korean women are the fucking best in bed. Submissive and seductive. Nothing like those wanna-be femdom South Korean bitches.

Koreans have always been honorary whites. North Koreans are more like honorary gods.

Whiter than you, Mohammed.

I really do miss him, Yas Forums. I idolized him. He was a perfect American, but never even had the chance to step foot on our soil. I hope his people mourn him, as I am, and send love to the Kim regime. May Juche forever be the foundation for the guiding principles of our future.

>t. NK government propagandist

My poor, sweet summer leaf friend, how little you know about real politics.

Kim Jongun is dead. We've got official reports on Weibo from the niece of the Chinese Foreign Minister.

This is a day of mourning for Yas Forums. Just wait for the news to become official and to hit the mainstream. You heard it here first.

>t. another NK government propagandist
Can you gooks stop shitting up our board?

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Fuck off - you know nothing of ethnic politics. Koreans are the whites of Asia and are a benefit to our race.

Even Hitler knew that.

I hope he is fucking paralysed with just enough brain function to realize he is trapped in his own body.

god i hope she become the next supreme leader

>the niece of a nobody diplomat from a nobody news source.
Nah I refuse to believe it. Kim is alive and will always be here.
If hes not.
There will never be another NorK flag post on Yas Forums and that is a situation I do not adhere to.

U jelly that he fucked, smoked, drank, and pigged his way out this bitch nigga.