@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/24/20
>Pres Trump/NASAAdm Bridenstine on Corona-chan Tech 4/24/20
>Pres Trump signs HR 266 PPP&HCE Act 4/24/20
>VP Pence on GeraldoInCleveland 4/24/20
>Triggered! Hosted by Don Jr! 4/24/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/24/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 4/24/20
>LabSec Scalia on FBN 4/24/20
>TransSec Chao on FoxNews 4/24/20
>TransSec Chao on Bloomberg 4/24/20
>ActDepDHSSec Cuccinelli on DavidWebbShow 4/24/20
>ActCBPCommr Morgan on WilkowMajority 4/24/20
>ActCBPCommr Morgan on FBN 4/24/20
>Trump2020StratCommsDir Lotter on HughHewittShow 4/24/20
>Trump2020CommsDir Murtaugh on OAN 4/24/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on DavidWebbShow 4/24/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:

new baker needed

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Shit's about to get spicy lads.

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Its late, and I'm watching the X-Files.

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shit they are going to replace Biden at convention


I'm surprised Twitter is allowing this.

>trust le plan
I'll save the future my own way thank you

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There's more evidence against Biden than there was against Kavanaugh, Cain, Moore and Uncle Thomas.

Attached: Screenshot_20200425-022242_Chrome.jpg (1080x2280, 643.89K)

With wat?


>Donald Trump's presidency is less than half over
>Democrats and Neocons are already mindbroken

Attached: Floch_Smug.png (330x515, 111.85K)

Include the one where he is a retard
>thread has reached its limit

convention isn't until mid-August, can Biden really last another 4 months?

that boy needs therapy

Which way, western man? The brown shackles or the extraterrestrial future?

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With who? I find these theories to be hilarious. It's too late to cut Joe loose.

Cursed image

Never forget what they stole from you.

Attached: 1576144152024.jpg (625x920, 357.74K)

Dude, Fish Tank Cleaner Murder Ballad
>she mixed soda with fish tank cleaner
>he was a mechanical engineer
>he wanted a divorce.
They need to execute this bitch

Attached: Screenshot_20200425-025159_Chrome.jpg (1080x2280, 896K)

There's software to analyze voices that forensics claim is accurate

>With wat?
Hilldawg and Mrs Obama.

No they won't. Biden remaining a candidate is their only remaining shield from Ukraine stuff. They know he won't win.

let nigs drink bleach

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>There's more evidence against Biden than there was against Kavanaugh, Cain, Moore and Uncle Thomas.

And CNN is literally ignoring the story. Incredible.

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Clip surfaces of Biden accuser Tara Reade's mother phoning into 'Larry King Live' in 1993 alluding to claim

you were saying?

Attached: Visual Agnosia simulation.jpg (750x755, 72.53K)

But if trump ramps up the charges against biden that will put the spot light on him and his gaffes

I think you mean indelible


Trump threatens to block aid for U.S. post office if it does not raise prices for Amazon

No. They just know they can get away with a lot more now that the browns are starting to outnumber us.

All this reckless behavior is just because they can mostly get away with it. The Obongo presidency had a scandal rivaling Watergate every other month and it didn't matter. They were testing what they could do.

They're upset, sure, but it isn't like they have to pretend to care about the country anymore.

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Trump is fucked in the head, put down the pipe

>letting people leave their houses, which the government confined them to under dubious authority for dubious reasons, is LITERALLY FASCISM

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It's not like Larry King worked for CNN forever. Who do they think he is, Piers Morgan?

Gotta have suppen to do
Murders in NYC surge for second week in a row as coronavirus lockdown continues

>sooper ninfrendo
*sip* now that was a good system

Attached: 1572117053969.jpg (1366x824, 148.21K)

>Defeatist shit
>Reddit spacing

Swung a bird house at him
Charged with domestic violence
Kill this bitch today.

Attached: Screenshot_20200425-025612_Chrome.jpg (1080x2280, 910.13K)

So what would paying posted rates really do to amazon ?

at least its not
>go outside by yourself
>bobby appears out of nowhere to fine you while pakis rape people in the background

Larry King works for RT now and believe it or not, there are people on Twitter going the Russia angle.

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They'll just say it's Russian bots

Internal UV light, you say?

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gonna share this funny lil anecdote: one warm summer night, i was watching "Humbug" and at one point there's a quick cut to another scene, marked by the "whurrrburrrllghrhrhr" sound Screamin' Jay Hawkins makes in the song "Frenzy" which is used for the music bed. wasn't expecting to hear it and had headphones.

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Muh strawman

*sips* it's no Sega Genesis, but it's still a good time as long as you have some frens to play with and a couch to sit on

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the sellers would suffer, you know Bozo will pass the bill to the sellers.
rid the sellers open brick and mortar


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It isn't defeatist, it's obvious.

Rich accusing me of being plebbit considering this is just /r/thedonald on a different website.

i am getting sick and tired of this trash thread. so many good threads are being lost because of this series of neckbeard autism.
YOU STUPID FAT WORTHLESS DO-TARDS!!!! lay off the q user pls its a terrible coping drug.

Attached: jews promote the migapede movement.jpg (1024x779, 86.27K)

Amazon's retail side is only barely profitable. They'd have to increase the cost of a Prime membership and cut back on how many things were eligible for free shipping without Prime.


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Go back.

so stop showing up and posting in here, you stupid nigger

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i am getting sick and tired of this trash thread. so many good threads are being lost because of this series of neckbeard autism.
YOU STUPID FAT WORTHLESS DO-TARDS!!!! lay off the q user pls its a terrible coping drug.

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nobody has to go outside
if you're scared of getting the virus, don't leave your house

Canada will always be terrible.
Also. JUSTin looks more french with his facial hair.

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Trump needs to block the pajeets from sv

This would really put the hurt on them

this thread was built by and for worthless neckbeards from r/donald. like seriously don't you have anything better to do than to just "own da libz"??? instead of you know calling out crapitalism for its lies, lgbt degeneracy and funding of mass migration? capitalist Jews to be exact.

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i'm betting a grand that nigger has at LEAST 3 mental illnesses

That's the most insane part, the former Vice President of the United States and current Democrat nominee for president was outed as a rapist by the victim's own mother on their alltime most famous show 25 years ago, and they will not even acknowledge the story. A literal bombshell news story that their "news" station is at the center of, and they are trying to bury it for ideological reasons. Their credibility isn't circling the drain, it's already festering in the sewers.

its just the one other mexican besides the based tiddy loving mexican

It's just the usual demoralization posters, I was the one in the wrong for giving it a (You), he just baited be too hard because I like Solzhenitsyn

Don't they know these are from the CNN archives?

as long as you fuckers stop showing up in other threads outside of your containment thread.

Attached: fuck off magapedes miga.png (1202x664, 400.76K)

And when Trump coasts to victory in November, you’ll do nothing.

People have really lost it, this is so great!

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bolshevism is literally judaism

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Trump will play this as ads during the dnc along with hunters China connections

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So many buzzwords.

>Should of
Written by a retard

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lol you're the least convincing kike i've ever seen in these threads

>pizza-faced leftist LARPs as what he thinks a stormcuck sounds like
Top lel

that's fascism, stupid monkey

She's explicitly calling it a fascist movement, you 65 IQ sub-Saharan African nigger. It isn't a strawman at all. It's literally what she fucking said.

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