Does anyone have a footage of the Tiananmen square massacre that can't be found on regular google or any other explorer?
Tiananmen Square footage
Didn't happen. Stop bringing it up.
Chink detected
Just substitute any other Soros color revolution and you'll get close enough for government work.
What massacre? Ever video I've seen he waves the bag at the flag and eventually someone walks him of the road. Guy probably got "disappeared" for it later.
What do you mean by what massacre? Search it up and you will find out
Where are Taiwanian bros when you need them the most???
go back to your shithole
Please tell me what happend or apply some massacre footage Taiwanian bro
See for some on-the-ground footage.
I get what you mean; you want secret footage, footage not able to be put on YouTube? It should exist, but you gotta remember that the CCP made a strong effort to destroy film afterwards. Only a few groups got footage out.
It's been posted.Do photos count as footage?
If photos count there's a fair amount. In pic related the same lamp posts can be seen as here
No American would every write this. You are a Chinese gook and it’s obvious.
you should check up the biggest massacres of the US government on it's citizens in miner towns, when the last one was, if it was last century
how many bombs they have dropped on their own on US soil
how many die daily
or what is waiting for you around the corner
I get so much somatic empathy when I see this.
>Please tell me what happend
According to the CCP, hundreds died and thousands were wounded, so even by their claims it was a massacre. People clearly were killed, it's just in dispute over how many.
a quick reminder: death to china!
no just random piles of trash and some handful photos of a handful wounded protesters
>Please tell me what happend
liberal chinks wanted to gay op china and got crushed
>hundreds died and thousands were wounded
among them hundreds of unarmed soldiers murdered by the "moderate rebel" chinks that just wanted freedom
so fuck this pulling the heartstrings
liberals deserved everything
There is little footage as journalists and photographers were arrested.
China started the coverup before the event had even finished.
Please post more footage, if you have of course
Wow!!!!! Hello Chink!
There isn't any footage because it wasn't shown.