Is this dude a reliable source for news?

is this dude a reliable source for news?

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No /thread

Tim pool is a bald headed, good for nothing, gook

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Tim is about to go full on 1488!!!

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whats with the goggles


Tim is about to cash out once trump leaves office

He's a faggot twitter checkmark never-trumper

sort of? he's only reading articles and then making his slightly right leaning interjections about them. I'm still confused about a few things tho
>is he completely bald?
>what race is he?
I've never seen him not wearing a beanie

definitely not.

It's clear he thinks lying is acceptable to maintain "safety" he might be a hardcore leftist super paranoid about the world and happy to fleece the followers of their coin.

Well he's been spamming beer-virus panic for like two months straight every single day now so no.

75% white 25% gook

Better than main stream news, thats for sure. He used to be hard lefty until he went to Sweden and almost got raped. hen he went to BLM protests and almost got shot. A case study on a man who slowly force fed redpills, still suffers from mild TDS (I don't like Trump because hes not presidential!) and anti-racism propaganda (muh mixed race korean/white!) despite progressives label him as white.

you don't thread your own post newfag

Shia LaBeouf? No not really.

He was pretty good on Joe Rogan taking on that Twitter fuckface @jack. Other than that he’s just another bald sumbitch with a beanie.

No, he's just a commentator, he doesn't do any fucking journalism.

I like his vids for the most part and he's clearly a smart guy, but why does he pretend to be a centrist? Almost every video he makes is bashing lefties/democrats and pandering to the right?

He's the audiobook version of journalism. I use him for when I want to read some retarded leftist arrivals but need to focus on the road.

His too busy trying to hedge everything that he says. Like pick a side dude. Admit the dems are fucked and the left is shit.

He's a retard who's shallow, fake indignation is cringe.

>Better than the MSM
>All he does is read MSM articles

Go to bed, Tim.

General consensus seems to be no, so i ask another. who do you think is in your opinion the most reliable news source being from a mainstream network or independent journo.

More reliable than CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc. Still don't watch.

yes but also no
anything could be a reliable source of news if you squint hard enough

the only dude who doesnt stealth redact. stop shilling this guy tho

He hasn't done journalism in years.
He's a basement news anchor now.

Tim is left leaning the same way Nick Fuentes is. He wants a more fair capitalist society. Fuentes just says he's conservative and Christian. Tim says he's liberal but doesn't like the new democratic party and constantly makes videos about how they're fucking up.

he is a fag......he won't get to say in white land, fucking HAPA

so he's neet hero then

You meant reliable source for baldness

If you consider "news" reading Yas Forums & zerohedge online news.
Heck of a treflip tho
Tim has quite the hustle

He is a one man poole waffen . He low-key is going to go full on 1488. He will probably inspire a lone gunman/ wolf type terrorist.

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so is he even a real journo? like trained or is he just a random that just picked up a camera at a rally and claimed to be one?

He at least corrected himself in under a day when he fucked up. I'll tell ya straight-up, I listen to:
>Tim Pool
>Dan Bongino
>Sargon of Akkad
>Black Pigeon Speaks
>Black Pilled
>Tucker Carlson
And use Yas Forums for the rest of my news.