>"im not saying dinosaurs didnt exist. they DID exist but the lived alongside man and they died in the flood."
"im not saying dinosaurs didnt exist. they DID exist but the lived alongside man and they died in the flood."
You're joking, but I know people who really believe this. They are not happy people.
nick is such a cringey guy personally. Like kayne west and star wars and fast food and not working out oh no no no no no no
>let's mock people who are wrong rather than look at the true purpose of their verbiage
he wants us to THINK he doesn't want us to agree. that makes him a far more moral person than any pushy eye-rolling liberal.
I argue that they are much happier than you. nobody has true beliefs, just inclinations. these people don't trust geologists and that's fine because as a geologist they are the ones pushing us to make science more palatable.
Christkikes actually believe this in one form or another.. daily reminder that there is ONLY ONE path for Whites (Europeans) and that is through an Agnostic National Socialist Revolution
Fucking retard religion
Every dinosaur and mouse put on a boat. Noah's kids fucking to repopulate the planet.
The were not killed in the flood . . . god sucked at killing dinosaurs
>I argue that they are much happier than you
They go to their job and almost get fired for yelling at coworkers about Jesus every day. They go to their church and hate it because 'they're not muh real christians, only me and my approved internet friends are real christians!'. They can't enjoy anything because it's either not religious or not their approved brand of religious. It's not a question of questioning scientists, it's a question of being insufferable to everyone and everything.
I like Nick's take here.
Srs. There are people who care about dinosaurs and monkeys and shit when their daughter will be plowed by tyrone
Great thread, bro. Worthwhile discussion. Won't stop me from saging it, however.
Let's not forget these wise words from (((jesus))) meant for the White goyim to follow
>Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.
>Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.
>Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them,
Imagine believing in this demonic death and slave cult
It’s actually true tho.
Christkikes are the ones bringing in niggers from Ethiopia who are "Christians" and marrying off their white daughters to a "follower of Christ" faggot.
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
Did the Earth form before the Sun like the bible states?! Yes or no
giganigga boner, every single time.
Don't talk like a nigger
LMAO. You had your turn in 2016 mr nazi larper. You and your kind walked right into a setup in Charlottesville and you failed to see it.
seethe more and eat shit
>Oh I believe in race realism but I don't believe in evolution because I am a low IQ inbred.
>I will backstab my race just so I can get a free ticket for my Jewish God
See this gentlemen, this is why it should be legal to beat the shit out of Christcucks, even if it will result in death.
Yeah? Well i'm saying they actually didn't exist, fuck optics, there's no proof.
>Had your chance
Lmao. Bitch understand one thing about us Revolutionary National Socialists.
War until victory. We don't "have one chance". We only have to take your life once.
Now put your moms dirty underwear back over your pimpled face and wait for the train carts to pick you up for camp.
This logic is beyond retarded. I hate being in this country. The only thing the commies did that was right, is torture you dumbfucks.
>by eric dubay
literal nobody
I have no idea and that doesn’t interest me much.
He's looking more and more like a pedophile.
There you have it. These subhumans are a danger to our future. They contribute nothing to our people (if they even are "our" people).
All of you people need to understand. Just because you're born doesn't mean you deserve to live.
Imagine believing such a thoroughly protestant interpretation of Genesis.
You don't think it be like it is, but it do.
He legit listens to a crossdressing race mixing flat earther. Christcucks are beyond retarded.
literally who
>No arguments
Again, your logic is stupid. Yet you think believing in dinosaurs is stupid, but you believe in some Jewish fairytale. Like I have said, it would have been a great thing if the Romans or Commies have killed you fucks off.
That’s correct.
Only ignorant brainwashed retards believe in the THEORY of Evolution.
Again pick retard, Race realism or your Jewish mythology., delusional Jew worshipper
There you have it. Remember that christkikes burned alive thousands of people for saying that the Earth was not the center of the universe.
If that wasn't enough well these subhuman kike infested animals then killed half of Europe because they couldn't decide which interpretation of a jewish fable was real
>One of the most destructive conflicts in human history,[14] it resulted in eight million fatalities not only from military engagements but also from violence, famine, and plague. Casualties were overwhelmingly and disproportionately inhabitants of the Holy Roman Empire, most of the rest being battle deaths from various foreign armies.[11] The deadly clashes ravaged Europe; 20 percent of the total population of Germany died during the conflict and there were losses up to 50 percent in a corridor between Pomerania and the Black Forest.
imagine believing huge monsters used to roam the earth because some labcoat told you they did
“Kettlebottom” do any of you faggots know what a kettle bottom is? It’s a fucking tree fossil, some trees are being found in coal mines 2k feet underground. I’m not saying there was a Noah’s ark, but at some point almost all of the earth was flooded, and enough sediment was transported to bury trees 2 thousand feet under it. These fossilized trees are found in areas no where near volcanoes. Flood is the only logical explanation.
Imagine not knowing man hunted dinosaurs to extinction.
Imagine believing a literal jew is your saviour.
Jesus Christ. Nazi larpers are fucking pathetic
Instead of seeing Nick as a possible ally and triangulating with him they just attack
No wonder they always lose or end up as jew tools
>Says the retard that believes that there were 30 feet tall giants roaming Earth.
>You must worship muh Jew God, you nazis. We Christians are based and smart, you coo coo brains.
The more you fucks speak, the more I am convinced that humanity in general deserves extinction. Really, you fucks are stupid.
No you stupid meatball . This is Cherokee , Muskogee , Squamish , kanchee territory . We are getting our population back and will kick all you dumb Italian and other “whites” out of here back to Europe . We’ll keep the other races as they had to deal with your bs too and will use them to rule the earth. Revenge on the lwhite” man will be so sweet .
give me proof that dinosaurs exist
why did it take until the 1850s to find a dinosaur bone