Guys, i don't feel so well

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wassup moshe

Damn, he sure showed Drumpf

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Every time you stupid fucking Jews make another thread like this, you're earning more Trump voters who will do it just to oppose you.

we laugh at the joke, but there's a lot of people out there paying to be bleached

Attached: Screenshot_20200425-012207.png (2048x1726, 648.13K)

Attached: d4d.png (727x791, 52.13K)

This would be the most epic setup of all time if he was really doing this.

Glad you liked my idea kike.

Keep talking smart. We'll give you a military dictatorship.

Very bluepilled

sticking bottles up your ass to stick it to trump. peak TDS

stop making fun of jews. your president's entire cabinet is full of jews dumbass.

Attached: zion don and his jewish cabinet of billionaire kike elites.jpg (1104x9958, 3.04M)

the cope levels from MIGA have become astronomical at this point

how is he a jew? he just doesn't like trump and his stupid supporters. stop being so anti semitic. trumps relatives are jewish dumb mutt. i know these are anti semitic phrases the natsoc users of Yas Forums use so you try to copy them off so you dont try to sound like a newfag which you are. give up on democracy. we already did.

Attached: back to r the_donald plebbitor reddit scum.jpg (717x880, 88.49K)

blackpilled. you migapede. god why is your kin so ignorant.

Attached: fuck off magapedes miga.png (1202x664, 400.76K)

>leftists and Jews literally shoving bottles up their asses to make anti Trump memes

They became the butt of their own joke.

Attached: Naamloos-2.jpg (600x600, 34.54K)

ikr q user is one hell of a drug.

Attached: trump boomer trump supporter migapede copypasta image.jpg (609x486, 45.75K)

trump supports jews retard.

Attached: r donald ptg invader migapede.jpg (640x360, 49.55K)

MIGA can't process authentic information anymore. Don't even try.

>trump supports jews retard
The Chabad Zionist kikes.
Not every kike wants to live in that desert shithole. Leftists Kikes tend to want to stay in America and blow dudes in Pride from the comfort of San Fagsicko.

There are 2 kinds of kikes. Religious right wing Chabad Pharisee kikes, and leftists communist Sadducee kikes. There is nothing new under the sun.

shut the fuck up and drink your bleach

shut the fuck up and drink your bleach

They all support zionis, israel, and the spread of degeneracy to the goyim. I see your support of Trump has caused you to try an cope. It's twisting your mind because you're so attached to garbage you refuse to admit is garbage.

We did it reddit.

yes, now you need to push all in till you see that pesky little chinese virus die

Attached: 1587740177880.png (954x702, 982.52K)

>They all support zionis, israel, and the spread of degeneracy to the goyim.
All Jews stick together
>I see your support of Trump has caused you to try an cope. It's twisting your mind because you're so attached to garbage you refuse to admit is garbage.
I'm not a Trump supporter you uneducated nigger brain. I am just more intelligent than you. Not every kike wears a beanie and goes to temple on Saturday. In order to overcome your enemy you must know your enemy. You smoothe brain white nigger. Try reading a book you fucking stooge. The Rothschild Kikes raised up Hitler to punish the diaspora that wanted to stay in Europe so the persecution would force them to flee to Palestine. And the same thing seems to be happening now. The Rothschild Kikes are tanking USA and raising up China. Next step is likely herding the diaspora over to Israel with another one of their stooges and bringing in China to destroy their host again like they did to Germany with the USA.

Try to keep up you double digit IQ moron.

In Korea, Japan, China, and other Asian countries skin-lightening is very popular...then these women (and men) have children, who will not be nearly as light as their bleached mothers.
just be who you are ffs

Attached: Asia skin whitening lightening.jpg (650x432, 110K)

He says he didn’t mean it and it was to own the libs or some horseshit

This thread is going in my "dilation nation compilation"
Fucking useless discord trannyspammers

Attached: TheLeftStillCantMeme.jpg (2172x3862, 1.08M)

Some liberal faggot actually jammed a bleach bottle up his ass,.took a picture of it, and posted it to the internet in an attempt to own drumpf and they think it works. Keep it up