Name a people with less to be proud of than Albanians, I'll wait

Name a people with less to be proud of than Albanians, I'll wait.

Attached: albos.jpg (150x335, 10.39K)

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Only retards take other people's accomplishments as their own.


Probably the country your memeflag ass comes from, being that you are to ashamed to show your own flag

>doesn't know about skanderbeg

Take your (You)



Gypsies steal all your shit and do zero work guarantee you they’re as proud of their nigger-tier schemes as the Rothschild Jews are of theirs

ta qifsha nënën në pidh o llarper

At least they get to start out with a 5/5/5 general

Based paradox poster

Seething albo diaspora defending his shithole from the us!

If you don't live in Tirana, you live on Staten Island. Am I right?

Seething Serb incapable of finishing kebab removal

Albanians have a cool flag tho

Damn, we really are common in Staten Island, huh?

Pic related faggot

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Literally every Albanian I've ever met is from Staten Island. I'd rather live next to 10 Oakwood Russians than 1 Albanian, even if his cousin does manage a Pronto.

Palestinians. Oops, they're not a people

If there was an Abazin genocide tomorrow, I wouldn't even notice.

They're a mixed bag. The ones I know are assimilated, maybe a little too assimilated given their thick nasty NY accents.

What the fuck is Staten Island? I'm from Kosova


>The Abaza family still holds to this day an élite place in Egyptian society and constitutes Egypt's largest family, with well over 15,000 members active in all aspects of society.
They dont seem to be worse than gypsies.

It's the least populous borough of New York City that's way whiter, more suburban, and more conservative than the rest of the city.

Bro your sister probably slutted it up at New Dorp and worked at a Pronto before quarantine, shut the fuck up


Still boggles my mind how Albanians afford to live in the US, they are slave dogs.

The fuck is New Dorp and Pronto

You're from Staten Island you fucking herb

I don't know why they are bullied so much

We can afford to live in the US because there are jobs here that go beyond "collecting remittances from my Western cousin."

How does it feel to be from a people who steal land by multiplying like rats? Especially you dirty kosovars. You realize the whole Balkan hates you. Us, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro. We are tired of your "great albania" bullshit and cant wait till the US falls so we can be taken off the leash and wipe you out.

Serbs are fighting to be King of the Mexicans: Europe Edition. The Balkans suck as a whole. Turks ruined you people.

Pic related.

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Well, Kosovars are reproducing under the replacement rate so you no longer have to worry about them breeding like rats.