23-year old womans facial mask


Katri, 23, is using a face mask for corona. It is not an official surgeon mask.

Actually she did it herself when she notified people are starting to wear surgeon masks when walking in shops.

She says people in Espoo shout at her, mock her and point at her. She says people are coughing at her.

Then someone with a nurse degree came and said the mask will not help because viruses enter through eyes anyways.

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Anyone got Katri's number?

>Then someone with a nurse degree came and said the mask will not help because viruses enter through eyes anyways.
Yeah thats true. Masks(that only cover the mouth/nose) keep the sick from passing on the disease. If you're healthy and wearing a mouth/nose mask its pointless. You need a full face mask that covers your eyes and creates a seal with a filter if you want actual protection.

>thinks masks only allow air one way but not the other for some reason

she looks 35 ....

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stupid ugly woman. like all finns


>Then someone with a nurse degree came and said the mask will not help because viruses enter through eyes anyways.
This is true. Coronavirus is small enough to penetrate your eye mucus. The main point of having the public wear masks out is to catch the droplets out of the wearer's mouth. Masks like this with an exhalation valve makes that mostly moot. For your own protection you need at least a proper N95-rated filter (or something with narrow enough fibers to stop the droplets coronachan rides) over your nose/mouth and goggles or a full face mask all with a proper seal which surgical style masks don't have anyway.

have sex incel brigade :o)

>hurr no protection is better than a little protection

yes because fucking without a condom is the same as fucking with one.

>thinking eye covering is not required




It’s more akin to fucking with a condom with a hole in it.

This is dumb as fuck, westerners deseve the sickness.

Props to the girl.

She should see a dermatologist.

still better than none

No bud you're wrong if someone coughs in your direction and you got no eye protection your still getting infected sorry to tell you that. Just get a real full face mask with a filter.

by goggles and a respirator its not that hard

ok retard how big are eyes compare to nose and mouth?
and last time i checked your nose and face weren't constantly drawing air into themselves

Why do you believe the media you fucking retard

Based Finns know this shit is fake.

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They're plenty big enough to catch microscopic particles of someones spit laced with a virus my dude. If you dkn't believe me put on a mask that only covers your mouth and nose and let someone sneeze at your face and let me know how that works out for you.

I don't understand the reasoning behind "if you are not protected in 99.99% of the situations then it's useless", a half mask works, a full mask is better

cope burger. bigger viral load from constantly inhaling corona air vs a couple particles in eye that get cleared away from blinking

>Then someone with a nurse degree came and said the mask will not help because viruses enter through eyes anyways.

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Another garbage thread from this autist.

I know the purpose of different ppe. Surgical masks that only cover your mouth and nose will not protect you. You need full coverage of your face. I sm in no way advocating against not wearing protection if you feel you need it. I'm advocating for the correct protection.

>if it only helps 30% then you might as well have 0% protection
>disease that is contagious before you even know you have it
>if you are healthy then you don't need to wear a mask

why can't people think critically anymore? Hang your family then yourself faggot

so people only catch corona from some cunt coughing in their face? this shit floats in the air for a period of time, and gets moved around indoors. why you think those cruise ships got rekt? dumb cunt

your acting like there are people actively trying to sneeze in peoples eyes,yes you can get in the eye but its more likely to get in through mouth and nose .

The only coping is people wearing faulty protection to make themselves feel better. When if they feel unsafe they should wear the correct protection.


Before I bailed out from my student place I had to go shopping around minorities and they take it far more seriously than the kind of twats that would mock you for wearing a mask simply because they are wearing (stolen) masks themselves
the common man is dumb, envious and petty

Have you not heard of the retards running into walmart coughing in peoples faces trying to infect others?

>nurse degree came
face masks that don't seal, don't protect. They only reduce aerosolized snot and spit from sick people. Non-N95 mask are a placebo. Wear a N95 with sealed goggles and a hoodie. Mouth nose, eyes. I wear a cloth mask over my N95 to keep it clean.

>NOOOOO DON't WEEEAAAArrrr MMMaaSSkks get sick we need them for the heath care workers

The mask also works psychologically and subconsciously. If you see people in masks all around you, you try to maintain distance, no bodily contact, don't scratch your face etc.
If no one's wearing masks, proceed as usual, all's back to normal, right?


At least someone gets it.

half the population getting a tertiary education has given us a whole lot of retarded "experts"




>Then someone with a nurse degree

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Wow its you ignored the part where i said to wear the correct protection i.e. a full face mask because you're retarded.

Why don't you address the rest of my argument instead of trying to play semantics

Oh no! I might catch a virus that gives people 80+ a slightly higher chance to die! What will I do!

or make a face mask comparable to an n95
that's what some hospitals have had to resort to

Except she has been wearing that mask for 3 years because of asthma or something. She is not wearing it for Corona.

OP is such an inept retard he can't mention any of that. Not that this thread belongs on Yas Forums in the first place.

In my state, NJ, wearing a facemask is mandatory if you plan on going anywhere other than your house or a walk around the block. Shops will stop you from entering if you don't have one. Supermarkets only let so many people into the store at once. And the aisles are 1 way so you can keep six feet distance from everyone. Now if they could only institute a "you touch it you bought it" rule.

that's precisely why some people react strongly to masks, it makes them feel self conscious and probably guilty

some old cunt coughed at me yesterday because i got close to him

Oh no! I became a speeder and gait to a bunch of old people

if masks dont work, why is it protocol for medical staff wear them when treating people with diseases and viruses?

penetrate your own eye mucus

>I became a speeder and gait to a bunch of old people
u wat

That's a poor analogy.
A surgical mask to whatever the fuck she is wearing is like a condom to a snickers bar wrapper.

So the medical staff don't spread diseases or accidently cough on you and infect you with something you didn't already have. Thats why you have to wear a mask normally when you go to the doctor if you have a cough. So you aint coughing everywhere because the mask blocked it.

I can imagine what the original pic looked like. A nurse walking and they are bowing down to here right? Fucking cringe

Everyone needs to wear one so asymptomatic (they usually develop symptoms) don't spread it because they don't know they're sick.

Doesn't need to be anything but 2 layers of cotton.

I think it was 2 nurses and a doctor.

he became the speeder and got them sick

so if someone has corona and doesn't know the masks are working

I wear my lab googles with a mask. It's not the same as a full smock with a visor, but it'll do.



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seriously. To infect you through the eyes it has to go through your Eustachian tubes and then down your throat. It's a very low probability thing, only people who are constantly exposed like healthcare workers have to worry about it.

Yes if you think your sick you should wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose. if you know you're not sick and don't want to get sick you need a full face mask to properly protect you.

I fucking hate this virtue signalling

I had the same reaction. Early adopter of surgical masks in NYC, by that I mean March or so after all elective procedures got shut down. Nigges and Jews (literally one after the other) weren't having it, pissed off. thought I had corona. Hope they died.

Still higher value than you could get m8


But that will kill the police state.

viral load retard

>he became the speeder
what did he mean by this?

Yeah its fucking stupid especially since half of them are posting tik toks and pretending like they're doing something.

Why can't people mind there business

it blows my mind. I don't know but it's not how whites behave. I think it triggers some tribalistic "different thing, must attack or destroy it" kind of function. idk.