How should China pay for what they've done?
How should China pay for what they've done?
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Repay faggot aids and swine flu first, whiteboi
It's impossible to realistically punish them for a virus. The most the US will do is probably sanction their medical supplies.
Go fuck yourself ausfreak
We are going to give all their kids F's on their tests for the rest of the year.
aids came from blacks tho
野郎!!! 葉的支那的奴隷
India is sueing the chinks over the damage corona has done to their economy and would unironically nuke them if they refuse to pay up, especially since by the end of this pretty much every country will want to nuke China, at best they're gonna be a pariah state
Living in China
Sanctions from the US, the EU, and allies.
there is only one way for China to repay the world for their bat soup blunder.
ship 300 million niggers from Africa to China. from now on, no more niggers invading EU and USA. China has to do its part to absorb the nigger population. also, all nigger refugees will be given the homes and wives of Native chinks, in order to prevent systemic racism. then, after 100 years, China will be 51% nigger. finally, this new African Replacement program will be administered by Jews, because Jews have proven they are the most capable of eradicating native populations.
mandatory FREE egg rolls with every takeout order
Let's say that America drops half of its nuclear arsenal on China with intent to reduce the population to a few hundred million and make it amenable to regime change. What would be the long-run consequences? Would climate change accelerate?
If America dropped half it's nuclear arsenal, everyone on Earth would die.
>>Be sent Bill for entire cost of US Debt to China
>>Travel restrictions put in place for at least 20 years
>> cut off all trade to China for 20 years
>> Expel all sleeper agents
I've seen a fairly serious proposal for broad air dispersal of the ultra-nasty industrial concentrate form of Round Up on their major farming regions.
We could run a few B2's out of South Korea or Okinawa for a month and they'd starve their way back into the bronze age.
Free bat soup for whole world, very delicious premium food
>butthurt curryniggers spamming China threads
Nwo did it they need to pay
Fuck off pajeet.
Lots and lots of money
Trillions and trillions of dollars
And then
Get rid of CCP