Why is capitalism a good system I see no advantages

Why is capitalism a good system I see no advantages

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Capitalism gives incentive to make processes more efficient in hopes of gaining more profit. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.

It has made the US and most of Europe the most wealthy and technologically advanced places in the world.

Capitalism inflicts poverty upon people who are negative value burdens to that society using a perfect voting system that cannot be broken by any individual or even corporation.

Government can break it, but they choose not to because the arrangement is their own beating heart.

Without this single feature, nations cannot rise to the first world.

Poor people must have their luxuries reduced to zero. Their writhing in agony isn't some kind of failure of the unit, it's the masterstroke.

I think in a socialist system workers would attempt to make things more efficient to lower work load

Capitalism IS. Marx described why it emerges by itself you oaf

people who are talented can do stuff and it sorta helps others i guess

That would still exist is socialism

>to lower work load
why not just join the Party and get into a position where your work is just to tell the plebs what to do?

I agree capitalism had it's run but I think it's morphed into something evil

But they didn't do that the soviet system was famous of having nothing factories where the people just manually did menial tasks to pass time. There was zero drive to making the processes more efficient.

commies always have that smile. the smile of someone who hates themselves and lives with intense feelings of personal deficiency. it's always there. right beneath the surface. you could trigger a guy like kropotkin in less than 10 seconds.



The reason socialism fails is because democracy fails, see:

Capitalism most closely resembles the natural state of affairs that causes men to pull the proverbial wagon of nation. The Achilles heel of Capitalism is it destroys itself after consolidating all the money into the hands of a few people. It's a mirror of the engine of the universe itself. The pereto principle:

>it's morphed into something evil
That's called Corporatism.

Capitalism is only a good system when pic related

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Attempts to make good point links to Prager u video

>The Achilles heel of Capitalism is it destroys itself after consolidating all the money into the hands of a few people.
It basically becomes a monarchy ran by the greediest and most cunning. It seems the first generation of an industry is always pushed by people who are most qualified, but the second or third will be taken over by people who know nothing of it but know how to climb the ladder. People who also have no ties to anything except for money.

Capitalism and communism are 2 sides of the same coin. Both value production above anything transcendent necessary to nourish the otherwise nihilistic human state of being. Liberalism, then capitalism, then socialism and communism are simply steps towards the end of the cyclical nature of time. Humans slowly, progressively abandon god and tradition. Prodictivist Christianity and devotional religion are mere echoes of ancient living law. We are in the end times. Enjoy.

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Capitalism can't work when there isn't any minorities to exploit

I think production for the sake of the people is better than production simply for profit

It can work just fine without minorities. It's just that blind greed bankers and elites would lose 15% of their profits if they weren't constantly undercutting wages. Ever wonder why nationalism is so hated? Or why racism is so taboo? Those things cut into elites profits.

Nationalism and racism are hated because they're wrong and not because they would bankrupt the elites

I’d argue that due to increasing global population demand for capitalism and new technologies will remain high, socialism breeds stagnation and lack of innovation due to lack of competitiveness and should be a marker of how a country is acknowledging it has no more room for growth.

>Nationalism and racism are hated because they're wrong
Yeah they're wrong because suddenly billionaire investors are losing a large share of their profits because they can't outsource your job to someone a third as qualified but half as expensive. If communism didn't benefit investors in some way you wouldn't be allowed to talk about it as openly as you can.

I disagree with this because things like open source software these were created with no profit motive at all

capitalism requires you to be good at something and not be a neet user.

2020 will be the year of Linux desktop.

If they had no profit motive then corporations wouldn't be dumping tons of funding into them.

How does communism benifit investors in literally anyway

Investing in things of real value instead of speculative value?

Ever notice how every single communist takeover is always subverted into an oligarchy? Just take one look at China and how much it's doing for every single retail industry. They sell you on a utopia but you're just playing into their hands. Investors love Communists.

exile yourself to non-capitalist country or stfu.

It isn't a good, it's just better than the rest

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I think helping the working class where I live is more important

capitalism is a mountain of manure compared to a well-oiled, well-managed and functional distribution-based communist system.

t. studied economics for the past 2 years.

Well there was the one that was doing really well until it pissed off the Rothschilds.
>Helping the working class
Meanwhile in China they have to install suicide nets around their factories to prevent workers from killing themselves

Capitalism will always just make the rich richer and the poor poorer

Suicide is a problem in all of Asia not just in china it has nothing to do with socialism

As opposed to real-world Communism where the oligarchy rules everything and everyone else is dirt poor.

any humanist system “for the people” is doomed. capitalist, communist, or anything in between. all that awaits before the collapse is death and purposeless living.

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I'm sure the greater than 24 hour workdays at $10k average yearly salary and absolutely 0 chance for entrepreneurship has nothing to do with it.