> Pro-White = Pro-Europe
> Pro-Europe = Pro-Christian
> Pro-Christian = Anti-Degeneracy
> Anti-Degeneracy = No-Faggots
Any questions?
Pro-White = Pro-Europe
Use this for your op next time
Use shitty cartoons when your opponent makes such an argument
christ most probably sucked dick tho
nothing wrong with that
Why would god make the world so fucked up
Nice try, Schlomo
Because he does not exist
>pro Europe = pro Christian
False. And tolerance for degeneracy is a side effect of Christianity anyway
Goddamn the Jews are so fucking scared lately, I feel bad for them. Apparently we're just supposed to believe Yas Forums has been organically injected with an influx of bored atheists who've dedicated themselves to new OC creation and shitposting.
but paganism was cool with big homo and paganism is white, not semitic bullshit from mudman land
Christisnity is anti-white propaganda made by the kikes.
>Pro Europe = Pro Christian
>The religion that caused more needless wars and fighting between European ethnicities and numerous pointless desert wars.
Oh Abraham and the tribe of Israel are responsible for Europe? Wow I didn't know that Chaim
Ok shill Hitler was literally raised in a monastery
>paganism was cool with big homo
#1 no it wasnt
#2 germanics drowned fags face first in bogs
#3greeks literally banned and forbade homos from polite society and certain parts of cities.
Because the universe just sprang into existing with no prime cause. Yeah o okay brainlette.
So is the new JIDF strategy this "Christianity goes against your values" thing? You guys are making the mistake of gas-lighting this so hard people are going to actually ask questions about it and realize how full of shit you are.
>Hitler was raised in a monastery
What? No he wasn't, he lived in a room with others provided by the church because of the depression at one point in his life but that's not even true.
> Pro-Europe = Pro-Christian
Yeah that’s why all the Christian no foreskin fruitcakes left for the US.
quit with the lies, mutt. everyone knows that homosex is white and only a kike would try to dupe you into putting up with women's bullshit.
To think what you think requires almost unbelievable amounts of will full stupidity.
Good one Goldstein! You got him!
Fucking Based
Thank you for the image user!
>Instantly rushes to the "everyone not my religion is atheist/pagan"
>His brain has calcified to the point where anything other than desert manual OS is incomprehensible
Exactly, ChristCucks are so fucking stupid
What cum-sniffing brainlet made this shitty jpg?
Beautiful images like this is why I keep coming back to Yas Forums. Much love user!
I don't know, but it glows
These people aren't real dude. All these slide threads about Anti-Chrsitian shit emphasize the same bullshit points constantly and none of them have time to give intelligent rebuttals to anything. For example.
>to the "everyone not my religion is atheist/pagan"
Didn't even remotely say that at all, can you read?
>His brain has calcified to the point where anything other than desert manual OS is incomprehensible
I really gotta ask, why should I believe there are people who exist that are so adamant to disprove Christianity yet nobody cares to even mention why Islam and Judaism are bullshit? There's no way to justify this devotion to hammering the same point across multiple threads unless you were mental or being paid to do this. Or a bot.
Would a good father cage up his son and have total control over him? That kind of life would be even more miserable than the one we have now
Jesus is God, if your religion allowed reading the New Testament you idiots could actually write intelligent shitposts.
Because most of us Anons live in a majority ChristCuck society, not a Jewish or Islamic society. You Jew lovers are so fucking stupid.
It's a fact that on average, atheist know more about christianity than christians do.
It does not have to be true, these are Jew worshippers after all, facts are wasted on them.
> Pro-Europe = Pro-Christian
Seriously can you guys talk to your boss about your strategy? You need a more logical and intellectual focus if you're actually going to do this. People who are Christian have read the Bible, and constantly mentioning Jesus is a Jew is just going to prompt people like me to jump in and explain why he isn't. I get why establishing this is important, but it isn't going to work on Yas Forums. I'm pretty sure these threads have converted more people than turned them away. Every single "durr Christcuck" post I've seen this week reads like a 13 year old wrote it.
>Apparently we're just supposed to believe Yas Forums has been organically injected with an influx of bored atheists who've dedicated themselves to new OC creation and shitposting.
If that wasn't meant to look like a "reee fedora tipper" post then it sure did
>Why does nobody say the other Abrahamic religions are bad
Yes, you're right they are fake. They're all bullshit, and into the fire it all needs to go. All of it, the whole Abrahamic religion and their books. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. By bullet or by fire. Welcome to the next level of redpilling when, after realizing what's happening on the material plane, you can now truly take part in the esoteric and metaphysics aspect of the redpill. Start with Savitri Devi, Serrano, and Evola.
>Christianity is white goy. Give praise to the King of the Jews!
you are in fact a cringy faggot, and if there is a hell, your god would put you in there for posting this faggotry. please kill yourself. thanks
- everyone
I'm going to bail cause I'm not getting paid to be here, but we understand the value of portraying Christianity like it's Jewish to you people. It's a shame this literally doesn't work at all against people who know Jesus was the king of the anti-semites. I'm beginning to think this might be a high IQ Christianity red pill campaign rather than low IQ JIDF gaslighting.
You iz 13 and sheeeeeiiiiiiittttttt. Jezuz was a fellow Kang and shhheeeeeiiiiitttttt.
Sounds good