Anyone else feel like society is on the absolute verge of collapsing? I feel it in the air...

Anyone else feel like society is on the absolute verge of collapsing? I feel it in the air, like the camels legs are finally about to buckle and the entire charade is going to come falling down like a ton of bricks. Is it happening bros?

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End of this month. Comet. Etc.

im feeling sleepy

Any good YouTube videos about the coming collapse or any apocalyptic themes? That shit is life fuel for me

Whats our plan of action for the coming civil war? Or is it every man for hisself

I doubt there will be an actual civil war In the US

On the verge? Yes. Will it happen? No.

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I've been praying for it. It's about damn time this ends. I give this all another 5 years.

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I could talk more, but it's really late.

look at the upside, you'll be more employable if you survive the collapse of society

Do any of you simple-minded fucks think people are going to grab the guns out of their safes, march into the streets, and captains of the city blocks will hand out red and blue jerseys to people so that they're all going to line up minute-men style and start engaging line warfare with each other?
Empires of this size die slowly, drunken staggering steps down the stairs of history.

>Empires of this size die slowly, drunken staggering steps down the stairs of history.

They die slowly at first but eventually the floodgates open. I dont think its in that phase yet but the staggering has been going on for a while.

Monetary gains every where, employees needed, need bigger buildings, yeah it’s hopeless just like you are u pathetic dweeb

If this is a dead ringer replica of Rome, the USA proper has under 100 years left before dissolution, with the likelihood of a Western or Eastern Union inheriting "the glory" for another 800 years after political capitulation.
Staggering started in 1960something when the currency was destroyed and the power to fix it out of the public's hands.
>muh happening muh race war
I think Yas Forums might deserve that reputation as one of the least intelligent boards.

Killing anything that walks

Count the masks.

Yes they will or u die

Be careful what you wish for, user

And God Bless

>At first it happens slowly, then all at once
I think this quote is applicable here and I think we're in the first phase already

This is going to be another hit to the economy that will be "recovered" from, but there will be areas that never recover completely. Like with 2011 and 2008.

What a time to be alive

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please happen

you are wrong. it won't start for several years though, around 2025.

Are you worried about the buckshot or the EMP? I'm really hoping for EMP. Buckshot is a cheap way to go.

Every pre-transhumanist development is meaningless and boring shit consisting of hairless apes chimping out over pointless shit. At some point people realize that the laws of physics severely limit what we can achieve as a species and we will eventually exist in proper and realistic virtual realities because there is nothing out there for us. That's the only "happening" that will matter; the point when you can do whatever you want, virtually.

>100 years left
Definitely not. World is way faster now. We can transport information instantly, we can deploy troops insanely fast, etc. Companies have no rainy days funds and live on the razor's edge of profitability. Shareholders can lose half their holdings in just a week

it already happened.

We're still in the recovery from 2008 because of Obama's shitty band-aid fix, it's gonna be way worse

Time to die

we will rebuild. we will be the new rebilderburgers.

It feels nice to see someone who agrees with me for once, cheers mate

copy that. been saying for the last couple weeks in my offline life, that it all feels barely held together by string, cheap duct tape, and chinese knock-off superglue.

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