How does Yas Forums feel about this new "emotional labor concept? If you are unfamiliar...

How does Yas Forums feel about this new "emotional labor concept? If you are unfamiliar, it's basically just emotionless women coming mask full-off admitting that they view the simple act of being nice or doing favors for people as laborious
I'm pretty sure it's human nature to enjoy being a decent person

Attached: emotional labor.png (1080x1080, 21.69K)

They're obviously psychopaths

Meme thing women will exaggerate to make themselves feel less lazy and worthless

>emotional labor a term invented by people who have never done actual labor.

i can't imagine having someone so shitty in my life. must be an urban thing.

'emotional labor' doesn't mean anything outside of a labor context. the service industry is the only reason to use this term at all

Putting up with someone they dont like is emotional labor.
Imagine having to deal with people and call it labor.

a symptom of lazy people with an over inflated sense of self importance.
>waah i do so much “emotional labor” to keep others happy, it’s so much work that i do for others
so don’t, nobody cares
>waah nobody likes me because i’m generally disagreeable and am unwilling to put effort into forging and maintaining relationships

Attached: emotional labour.jpg (749x943, 57.6K)

But isn't it a bit concerning that just being nice for others is laborious at all? I'm a lazy fuck and I go out of my way to do what these people call "emotional labor"

I like to pay my emotional labourers fair emotional wages direct deposited into their emotional bank accounts.

I like to pay my menial workers with menial wages deposited into their menial bank accounts

That’s actually the only reason I want a woman around. An emotional support pet. I’m better at cooking, I’m better at cleaning, I’m stronger, I’m faster, and I’m smarter. I don’t need much from a lawfully wedded spouse other than sex, emotional support, and slave labor. They just have to shave their legs, not be fat, put a smile on, and make sure I’m doing ok so I can bring home the bacon. You are just an object, and that’s ok.

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I think a lot about how metoo has #empowered female psychopaths. It was easy enough to ruin a man's life before, but now? the tools they have are incredible

>doesnt want to pay the price to live in SOCIETY
she’ll learn sooner than later

Even if that is your objective for a relationship you should still reciprocate some of the emotional support

Your absolutely correct, I would be a degenerate to do otherwise.

This is some American Psycho stuff. I get drained by intersections with nu-humans, but it's for other reasons (mostly lots of drama and excessive noise).


Fucking autocomplete.

defining our lives through the prism of capitalism chapter 256: monetizing our emotions

Cool, just making sure


Cruel to be kind, these people dont allow themselves some time to vent about niggers and kikes online, so being kind and valuing positive interactions with others around them is impossible.

I honestly don't take issue with niggers and jews

They're free to stop doing it and leave civilization

If you don't want to be billed for emotional labor just start exclusively dating sex robots.


Emotional labor is real and men do the bulk of it.

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Emotional workers of the world unite!