This is the kind of creatures living on the falklands

>this is the kind of creatures living on the falklands

oh my god...i cant believe we went to a fucking war to colonize pic related i have never felt so stupid lmao

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im talking of las malvinas in case you never heard of her

mother of god..

She looks like longterm wife material and yet all the falklanders are sending their whale women to drown in the ocean and replacing them with asian thots.

>she reminds me of an american therefore wahh wah eww eww nobody NEEDS to have a bit of extra padding in a fucking subsistence fishing village they should look like anorexic models

Built for BBC

shut up you degenerate monkey or we'll claim the rest of argentina too

Trust me it's not worth it. Argies are more annoying than those yellow minions

>this is the kind of creatures living in the bottom of the sea near the Falklands

oh my god...i can believe they went to a fucking war to sink pic related they have never felt so stupid lmao

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Dude you are smaller than our smaller province and as soon as you leave your land to come invade us your wife and daughter will take the BBC as we speak, replacing you lmao, bye white anglo brit, you are over and the future generations wont die for israel like once you did, they will probably give us the falklands anyway its in your nature to be a replaced KEK

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brits are good at shoving indians off of the land and argentinians do have a lot of indian blood

why did you copy peru flag ? lol

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here we see the argentine's asian roots doing a lot of "talking" for him with some easily recognisable anti-white memes

Built for 7.62×51mm

God bless Boris. He is carrying out the destruction of the (((Anglo eternal)))

What ages people this badly? I'm a huwhite man and I don't look like I got hit with the ancient stick yet despite being near her in age.

to be fair, there's nothing there to do but be retarded.


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asian roots ? as far as im concerned my ancestors were italian turkish spanish and native yet i look white, where is the anti-white meme ? brits are getting replaced faster than any other european nation, thats a fact

Are you suggesting there are no large women in all of Argentina?

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That woman with the brown daughter was a child sex toy I can see it in her eyes.

first world procesed food and radiation

our women have small frames and short stature i dont remember seeing one that fat and ugly maybe once or twice max in my lifetime

>black or african american 4.4%

lol the only black people here are mudslim senegalese steeet vendors but they are not even 1% we dont have a single black sponsored athlete maybe if they are talking about native population instead...yes but not niggers

ok coomer

Just nuke Argentina. Nobody likes those fucks. We'll gladly assist whoever decides to do it.

I'm English, my father served on the ship that sank the Belgrano lmao

>im english
>lives in canada

not only your father is not proud of you for leaving your country in case you are not larping, your sister is probably burning the coal in the uk and you went to the most pathetic and cucked place you could go after the Ukuck we lost 300 men in belgrano ship but man, your motherland is losing way more kids being raped and mauled by ahmed and malik in your daddy land

pure white breeding sow
100% english stock with wide hips to carry many purebred anglo saxon children

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Fuck yes, this meme needs to make a comeback. It was always gold and produced astronomical levels of asshurt.

its not that we are white lol, its that we dont have niggers or muslims replacing us unlike in every anglo country filled with indians niggers or muslims, every smart indian that somewhat managed to get a degree is moving to australia or uk

Why are you looking for tinder dates that are 1913 kilometers (over 1100 mutt distance units) away from you?

Have another payload, argie

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I'd go to fucking town on that nasty piggy. Her sweaty body would sound like a plunger in a clogged septic tank. Stink like one too.

i wanted to know how falkland people looks like, tinder passport is free now, im having fun talking to foreign women and watching ugly mutts

36?!?!?!?! GTFO. Holy fuck