>13 bleach threads
>no bat soup threads
it's the same people who are constant trolls here. They don't even care the topic they just come to shit on their perceived "enemy"
>13 bleach threads
>no bat soup threads
it's the same people who are constant trolls here. They don't even care the topic they just come to shit on their perceived "enemy"
Other urls found in this thread:
Chink niggers are using whatever means possible to distract from their atrocities.
Honestly you people laugh at bleach hoarders, but you really don't have enough bleach yourselves. The average person uses 1 bottle per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 bottles a week. Over 100 a month. Bleach bottles will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
How do we get shills and sjws to leave this site
That is what Yas Forums is. Shit posting, political/race baiting and pseudo intellectual crap.
y not both
the counter arguement to this is you guys shit up other boards, look at Yas Forums for example, complete shitfest of left vs right
>don't fight back wh*tey !
>just accept your own genocide !
kys, silly
Yas Forums is rightful Yas Forums clay chapotranny.
If anyone actually wanted to fight back in any meaningful way it wouldn't be on here. Get a grip.
nah it's an election year in burgerland, so we can expect a lot of Shareblue activity again
thats a nice picture of a lovely smart girl
Keep posting Trump and keep winning. They won't ever stop during his presidency.
>How do we get shills and sjws to leave this site
WTF are you talking about newfag?
All people are welcome here, we should engage in healthy discussion and debate.
Where can I find more like this lovely girl playing with dog?
>no bat soup
...for you!
>Ban porn
>Remove meme flags
The BLACKED spam always dries up too when they're throwing all their resources behind one of these astroturf campaigns.
>remove memeflags
Fuck the madman refuses to delete his post and is fighting it out:
fuck the fuck off, TwatterTwat
Nigger you're sick
I don't use twitter, but I can't blame the people that just lurk to see retards seethe, or to report niggers for saying nigga.
Not even joking, many many many people have been banned of that garbage website for saying shit like that
I want to ask why you would even bother making a thread about something so obvious, but even I'm irked by how braindead this lateset shill campaign is, which I realize is also an obvious statement.
Trump says three words and the reaction is total media Armageddon. Fuck it, have a bump.
I think it's a paid group. They have a very limited selection of material and then spam it hard for a week. Doesn't come across as an organic tranny raid.
Range ban on Israel and China but really just nuke Israel
>they just come to shit on their perceived "enemy"
Nice victim complex you complete faggot
>hurrr why are people shitposting about something that literally happened yesterday instead of posting the same dumb shit from 4 months ago
>can't just be shitposters having a laugh it must be shills from tumblr trying to brainwash me with propaganda
Just another sunset cruise in the ocean of piss:)
Dont get too upset...shills inevitably lost steam or funding & go back to just being faggots
I think you misspelled
>frontlines of the culture war, Memeflaggot
did the mods do anything to the bleach threads?