Was the KKK a false flag to make white Europeans that look out for their own group interests as evil?
Was the KKK a false flag to make white Europeans that look out for their own group interests as evil?
yes, the entire history of the world was a false flag to make whites look evil
No rednecks are just dumb as shit
Dunno but it was filled with Christians who are guaranteed to make white people look bad.
Post civil rights, yes, it's been a big glow rave. Before that, it was real men doing real things.
you need useful idiots to blame, for all the times normal citizens take matters into their own hands.
COINTELPRO tanked their reputation and infiltrated them totally but prior to that there were a genuine white movement.
you freed'em you feed'em. drive them niggers north! (leave that watermelon, nigger, you didn't build that)
>Was the KKK a (((false flag))) to make white Europeans that look out for their own group interests as evil?
Debatable. But it 100% is now.
>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources: chuckmaultsby.net
Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country
>The truth about the jews, the holocaust and the world wars:
>The truth about jews and slavery:
Yes. Look into who started it
>Was the KKK a false flag to make white Europeans that look out for their own group interests as evil?
No, it's was a good organization. Especially in the 1960s and 1870s. (1920s Klan was a scam). Today though most Klan groups are white trash rotary clubs not worth a damn. The only good Klan groups from my experience were ones that were invite only (hence Invisible Empire). Though those good Klan groups are nothing more than secret societies for white interests. If they do organizing then they take part in other organizations while keeping their Klan membership a secret.
just find out when the first jew weasled his way into the ranks. thats prob when it turned sour
Checked Yeah. It was our second law in the constitution. The first one was stating us as a sovereign nation, the king etc. But yes. We were based
>Democrats are the real racists
>Democrats are the KKK
Shit like this convinced me to actually do research
Started by Freemasons, like the boyscouts. Secret Brotherhood, blah blah blah look it up if youre interested. They hated Catholics, allegedly burned down Father Coughlins church.
Yes it was started by slave-owning Jews & Freemasons
KKK = 11 +11 + 11 = 33
This. Happens like 75% of the time.
First a sly comment about being "curious."
Then "can I play with your hair, user?"
Then "do you think our snakes should fight? Just kidding!"
Then he'll stare at you until he starts looking beautiful. Like a woman. Flesh flickering in the light. Shadows become the main focus.
This happens a LOT in the KKK.
>Yes it was started by slave-owning Jews & Freemasons
No, it was founded by Confederate Generals and Officers as a drinking club then turned into a militia due to carpetbagger tyranny. take your meds.
Papists are all spics, frogs and potato niggers
Project harder.
It started due to a kike pedophile whom the founders of the KKK linched.
>Especially in the 1960s and 1870s.
1870s period KKK is my favorite. Really held up a white position against those filthy Zulus.
Ask Albert Pike.
Was he a Jew? I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the KKK was subverted by kikes at this point.
>Started by Freemasons, like the boyscouts. Secret Brotherhood, blah blah blah look it up if youre interested. They hated Catholics, allegedly burned down Father Coughlins church.
They didn't hate Catholics until the 2nd Klan you fucking dunce. Even then the 2nd Klan was an outright jewish scam group anyways hence why you had splinter groups. As for Fr. Coughlin's Church, that was burned by the local protestant community in Royal Oak not the Klan iirc. Even then Fr. Coughlin wasn't at that church anyways yet iirc until the new one was built. Though I could be wrong by that. The 3rd Klan of the 1960s on the other hand dropped the anti-catholic hate and just hated Jews and Niggers.
this. now they're sperging about calling it Nazism instead of National Socialism because the first one is an anti-white slur or some bullshit.
There are only so many European people left in the world. I don’t understand this hostility towards your extended family that traveled to distant lands.
Here come the kikes
The KKK barely exists, what is it like 2K?
fuck off waspjew
>Implying Hitler was a mentally ill senile old retarded fucking cuck jew
Yeah, honestly if Gen. Forrest didn't pussy out and disband the Klan. He could have had a serious Confederate Insurgency akin to the Taliban of today going. Instead he pussied out.
Eat a dick
>Anne Frank is 9 months pregnant writing her diary about how she fears for her child being born into a world ruled by Nazis
>Negroid SS soldier bursts into her attic
>"muh dik, Jewish bitches, sheeeeiiiittt"
>"No please! I'm pregnant. Don't hurt my baby."
>"That baby gonna come out carmel colored by the time I'm through with yah."
>music from the Mad Max Fury Road trailer begins playing in the background
>"Da fuck?"
>50 men clad in white hoods carrying torches ride over the nearby hill on horseback
>"What's this cracka shit?"
>cries of "yee haw" become increasingly audible
>SS soldier's eyes widen
>"Oh fuck"
>SS soldier turns to run but the all-American Klansmen catch him with a lasso around his neck
>Anne watches in half-horror, half-amazement as the Klan drag the hapless SS soldier to a nearby tree and begin stringing him up
>once he's fully secured to the tree, the hooded men take turns whipping the SS trooper repeatedly
>they finally finish him off by taking a red hot Bowie knife to his farm parts
>"say goodnight to them nuts blackie"
>they strip and clip him and he bleeds out
>SS soldier's last words before the life force drains from his shitskinned body are "we wuz Nazis and sheeiiittt"
>Anne protectively holding her belly approaches them as the Klan as they finish their deadly work
>"Thank you kind sirs for saving me and my child."
>one of the Klansman takes his hood off
>it's Jared Taylor
>"No need for thanks ma'am. We always look out for our Huwhite women, be they Christian or Jewish”
Im gonna give you the biggest redpill Newfag.
Everything is a conspiracy.