Is South Africa ever going to get better?

SA anons what's your take on your country's future?

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Probably not
This is just a look at how the west will end up

>Is South Africa ever going to get better?
Fuc no!

I wish, but I doubt it. Simply too large of a low socio-economic-IQ population to every remove the extremely corrupt and incompetent government.

Wanna hear some ZA anons chime in

Revolution might happen maybe
That's what caused the apartheid government to collapse


It's bad sure, things like our economy, government, and fractured culture/people might never get fixed. BUT we are a lot free'er than a lot of first world nations. We can still hold "racist" opinions and say them out loud as long as we dont use our nigger equvilants, we can get guns, especially for the purposes of self defense, and even tho our police are corrupt, most aren't in the pockets of the government and they aren't British police. In fact compared to Britain, we are pretty ok.

You're free, but are you safe?

What's the future look like for you? Your future generations?

As for the blacks, dont make the lefty mistake of thinking they are one people. THEY AREN'T. Multiple tribes with various cultures and traditions. Yes there are the most niggery of nogs, but every now and then you'll find an upstanding guy, unfortunately just like every large black population the suffer from "tall poppy" syndrome and those upstanding and generally great oaks will get their ambitions and drive cut down by their own neighbors.

He who gives up liberty for safety will receive neither and get shat on. I think that's how that saying goes.

Right, but I'd still like to know the answer to those questions

As for my future, there will always be white people in SA. The blacks in charge know that the skills and drive that 90% of white people in SA have is far too valuable to lose. They'll make false promises to the public about finally giving whitey what for but that's it. Most of the old guard of blacks, the ones who grew up with and worked alongside whites to build SA before the ANC arnt happy with the current state of the nation and rest the blame solely on the ungrateful youth and gimme dat mentality they have.

Again, I honestly feel safer here than what I'd be in let's say, Britain, California, France. If you are smart and not naive/lefty brain washed then you'll be fine here. It's not mad max just yet and I think your country will hit that point before mine. At least like us you'd have the guns to defend yourself

Do you think crime and ethnic violence will go down in time?

What about the economy and agriculture in terms of future growth? Since farmers are getting attacked a bunch

>your country will hit that point before mine

My aunt spent her honeymoon in South Afrika and told us a story when they went on a tour to some vineyard it doubled as a paramilitary training ground for the race war.
Are there more small militia groups like that out in the country? I thought everyone outside of Orania and Kleinfontein was getting picked of by roaming kaffirs.
Also I only but South African wine now and it's miles better than the european stuff.

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So they are actually very afraid of turning the country into another Zimbabwe? great.

Ethnic violence= probably not, like I said many tribes that aren't whole, it use to be that a Zulu and a xhosa would not be found in the same town without killing each other. They still hate each other but are forced to get along. And dont try to hop the border, sure their as water tight as a cheese grater, but xenophobia attacks are a real thing.
Agriculture= I'm a little unsure of not educated enough in that to give a solid stab at a prediction, but what I do know is SA farmers are not stupid and basically form militias among themselves.
Economy= no we wont grow any time soon, there are a lot of policies that chase undeserving people to be put into positions of power coupled with the corruption of the government, their habbit of pocketing the money for various projects. Yea if our economy is going to improve it will be after a government reform.

Are you actually Thai?

I'm planning on going to a Muay Thai camp for a while after this corona stuff and was wondering if you had any places you'd recommend me visit

Yea there are muiltipal militia groups. They just know to keep quiet about it.

Yea the ones in power saw how that gravy train ended and they dont want to have a repeat

whats your take on American expats going to places like Capetown? Are they being foolish when they do that?

Back in college, we had a “top learner” from south africa stay as a roommate in the apartments.

Few weird things,
Why did she say our dirt tastes bad?
Is there tribal wealth or something? She travels the world now.
Does AC not exist? She would either turn it full blast cold or full blast hear.

>continent filled with niggers
what do you think
why do you think that despite the HUGE resources Africa has it's remained a wasteland of tribal, savage niggers? Because they're fucking niggers.

I'll welcome skilled and driven Americans sure, but Cape Town is a but of a shit zone. It's like an overly liberal state, I'd rather go to a more isolated/smaller place imo, again I grew up in the sticks and despise cities and city culture. If you can't do without your hustle and bustle with a side of tall buildings then ok, but if it's just the convenience your after George, mossel bay, plettenberg bay would serve you better.

What are some isolated/small places?

The AC thing= it does exist here. No idea why she operated it like that.
Dirt thing= I think she may have been autistic

that would explain alot

Again, do you want some creature comforts or dont you mind traveling to get the .
Prince Albert
Dussel Dorp
Sedgefield, use to be one but has grown a little bit too much.
Jeffrey's Bay

I don't actually plan on moving there lol, I just like looking at places on google maps

Divide them up by
>Having creature comforts
>not having creature comforts

>spending the last 3 hours fighting against the captcha even though I didn't post most of the day

South Africa is fucked for the same reason the USA is fucked. People coping and pretending it's okay to descend to third worldism because there are "still good parts" "as long as you know what you're doing" and other copewords while children and old people get gassed by random nogs and chinks buy up the country to genocide the hwites and replace them as the ruling elite.

Mossel bay
Creature comforts

Prince Albert
Jefferys bay
Travel for creature comfies